President Bush Commutes Libby’s sentence
Fox News
“..My decision to commute his prison sentence leaves in place a harsh punishment for Mr. Libby. The reputation he gained through his years of public service and professional work in the legal community is forever damaged. His wife and young children have also suffered immensely. He will remain on probation. The significant fines imposed by the judge will remain in effect. The consequences of his felony conviction on his former life as a lawyer, public servant, and private citizen will be long-lasting….”
Wild Thing’s comment…………
I am very glad about this, I would have liked him to be completely pardoned but………..I would assume that this was discussed with Libby beforehand. Perhaps Libby wanted the opportunity to clear his name rather than accept a full pardon now.
The Dems are throwing a fit. hahaha
Meanwhile, those boarder patrol agents Compean and Ramos are still rotting in prison.
Want to see all of Clinton’s pardons????
CLICK HERE to see the list and what their crimes were.
To me it is obvious what Bush is doing, but where is the pardon for the Border Agents, and the Deputy Sheriff’s who went to jail for doing their job … The job of up holding the existing law.
That ‘Slip and Fall’ Federal Prosecutor ‘Fitzfong’ should be indicted, for misrepresenting and conspiracy, also most ot the Senate democrats who insisted on this Monkey trial in the first place.
So now Bush has thrown his base a bone, it is a tad too late Mr. President, we are the biggots of your party that you tried to silence. Suddenly, you need us again…this time you can go take a hike or maybe ride that dorky Mountan Bike, maybe the squirrels will follow like blind sheep, but we won’t.
Remember the 70’s tv commercial, “When you have LIBBY’S LIBBY’S LIBBY’S on the label label label?
– “Mabel…another Carling Black Label?” I miss those days of mini-mini skirts and go go boots, and when feminazi babes expressed their womanhood by… burning their bras!!! – Hurt Me 1967!
Can we get an Amen from the ‘Amen Chorus’ Darth.
Yeah, burn them bras,…
Libby could be considered a Bush croney. The law enforcement officers are real citizens doing real jobs and getting caught up by an overzealous Federal prosecutor. The prosecutor, Johnny Sutton is a Bush croney. You are not getting any mileage until you pardon the citizens Mr Bush.
Mark, I agree AMEN my dear friend. A bone is just what it is and way too late at that.
Darth……….LMAO I sure do. I showed your comment to Nick(angry old salt) too and he agrees. hahahhaa
Tom yep I agree. NOw that my eyes are open I think Bush put Chertoff where he is knowing Chertoff is the way he is. I NEVER liked Chertoff and was angry at him with Katrina too.
Heck I am just so angry at both of them.
Good old Halfway Dubya. Never quite up to the whole task. How did he ever manage to conceive children?
Rhod, I like that Half-way Dubya, 50% Bush and 50% Old Milwaukee.
So far, this is the right decision–but why do the dummycraps called it cronyism, when the Clintons pardoned Mark Rich? Scooter only got his facts wrong, so they considered it perjury. Can you remember what you did 4 years ago on a certain date at a certain time? I know I can’t.
Plus Scooter isn’t the leak. He was made into the fall guy by the dummycraps who will stop at nothing to get rid of Bush’s entire cabinet and wave their stinky butt smelling fingers in the air and tell us how bad Bush is because he couldn’t keep his cabinet together.
Pardon Scooter for good. He’s a good man.
He’s a decent man.
Good one!!!
Lynn, I agree Scooter is a good man.
I will never forget how the Clinton’s pardoned that group of terrorists, I think it was on during the Clinton’s last week or so in the White House too.