WASHINGTON (CNN)–Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff defended his agency’s progress on border security this morning against attacks from Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter.
On CNN’s Late Edition, Chertoff said, “fencing has a symbolic value, and it has usefulness in some parts of the border. And we’re going to use it where it is effective. But the idea that you are going to solve the problem simply by building a fence is undercut by the fact that yesterday we discovered a tunnel. So the idea that fencing alone is a solution I think is overly simplistic.”
In an appearance two weeks ago on Late Edition, Congressman Hunter (R – California) took on Chertoff, saying, “If you’re going to have more border enforcement, why do you cut the border fence in half and leave New Mexico and Texas wide open for people to come in?” Hunter added, “Mr. Chertoff is charged with securing the border. And the one thing he’s not doing — he’s appearing on lots of talk shows, he is not securing the border.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Chertoff’s whining is more representative of a 5 year old that a leader. He needs to RESIGN! Nobody would be climbing over the double fence with a border patrol road in between and electronic fence monitors. Bush, Chertoff, Martinez, and Graham are acting like spoiled brats because they didn’t get their way on the amnesty bill. Whining and throwing tantrums in public.
Chertoff is vengeful against the pro security forces in America and his spiteful attitude disqualifies him for the position he now holds. His removal is a matter of national security and he needs to be replaced immediately. This isn’t about politics any more, Chertoff is actively working against the national security interests of America in the middle of a war.
They don’t want a physical fence because it works. If they build a physical fence, as opposed to a “virtual” fence , it would drastically cut the flow of illegals and drugs . I think we all know why they don’t want to cut the influx of illegals and drugs. The open borders types HATE a good fence.
A real fence is always working, 24×365. It cannot be compromise by authorities. It cannot be switched off. It must be dealt with by those who seek to come to this country. It will slow down border crossers to where the BP has a better than 50-50 chance to catch them.
And we can’t have that now, can we? Gotta get that lettuce picked on the cheap.
‘Fencing’ worked for the East Germans in the Cold War, and for the Chinese dynastys as well. Symbolic? Let’s remove the ‘fencing’ from our maximum security prisons, from the White House grounds, and from our U.S. military installations, eh? Also, let’s tell our local communities that our K-9 attack dog kennel fencing will also be removed…for futile symbolic reasons ? – Miguel Yerk Off 2001-2007
Fence Phobia ala Chertoff
Would you only put a fence around half your yard?
Why in the heck did Bush appoint him in the first place?
I’m tired of all the sitting on the fence and nothing getting done.
Build the damn thing, electrify it and tell Calderon what he can do with himself.
Deport the illegals (too bad all you idiots who won’t hire Americans who ask too much pay for the job.)
We’re so sick and tired of seeing our kids lose out on jobs because you can’t seem to hire someone who is actually meant to work here.
Fencing works allright, it is the will to use it. The backbone to use it. Cherk-off says they will use it, where it is most effective, … Ah where exactly is that… Cherk, where there is little Illegal traffic ? Of course they know it works and that is why they don’t want to use it nor do they plan to use it. They have no intention of putting up that fence.
They have about two miles of it run in almost a year of work, so what are they doing with the money allocated for this fence.
Bush’s big push for the Immigration Reform bill was to add 4 Billion to border security, where is that money, why not use it for the fence and show us they are serious about securing our border.
No this is nothing but a big sham, they didn’t get what they wanted and we are going to get no fence and no border security.
A big plus to have pushed the bill would have been to parole Ramos and Compien but no it has never been about security, it is all about the SSP and the North American Union.
Bush choices are typically are Council on Foreign Relation or Trilateral Commision members. Michael Chertoff was assistant Attorney General to Rudolph Giuliani, then the U.S. attorney for Manhattan from 1983 -86 then Chertoff was appointed by President George H. W. Bush in 1990 as United States Attorney for the state of New York. Chertoff was asked to stay in his position when the Clinton administration took office in 1993, he was the only United States Attorney not fired by the Clintons, Chertoff was special counsel for the Senate Whitewater Committee studying allegations against the Clintons, he left office in 1994. GW picked him in 2005 when Bernard Kerik was found to be flawed merchandise. Is Chertoff the Usefull Idiot for the last three presidencies? By all rights Chertoff is further to the right than his president, it puzzles me why he insists on an electronic fence, Robert McNamara tried that too, it cost a lot of US lives. There is no substitute for a physical fence that is patrolled. Let’s get some concertina and razor wire down there, two rows separated by a minefield, mount it on insulatedi posts and charge it with high voltage (110 kV or above and self cleaning). Think about this: If you or I as civilians conspire to undermine the country to hand it over to foreign agents it’s called treason, if Bush, Chertoff and all of Congress want to do the same thing it’s called an Immigration Bill.
Chertoff was one of the holdovers from the Clinton Administration. Like Pineta, Cheroff has been a disaster. Who knows what was running thru Bush’s goofy mind keeping these guys. Pineta made sure moslems were not picked out for search in airport lines and Certoff has made sure that illegals have a wide open border to get into America.
Bush has done a few admirable things -tax reductions and Star Wars(ballistic missle defense) research. But overall, Bush has been a disaster for conservative ideology. Chertoff could be the poster child for that disaster.
Didn’t this loser star in the X-Rated soft porn 80’s production – Flesh Gordon? If so, he was Dr. Jerk Off then and now? Oh those were my former heathan days when VCR sales boomed and the movie recordings lasted until the next day!
Darth who played in Porn movies ? You mean Cherkoff and Clinton, now that would make sense.
Darth, let’s buy that Chinese wall and bring it here. heh heh
Lynn………”Would you only put a fence around half your yard?”…..LOL good one and the answer is no.
I like that example Lynn.
Mark I agree that is exaclty what is holding it up all the stuff about the SSP and the North American Union.
Jack….”Think about this: If you or I as civilians conspire to undermine the country to hand it over to foreign agents it’s called treason, if Bush, Chertoff and all of Congress want to do the same thing it’s called an Immigration Bill.”…………….
That is exactly it!!!!!
Tom, I agree, Bush has been a total disaster for the Conservative ideology. God help us.
Darth and Mark……Hahahahha I have no idea.