Has anyone else heard the Trent donka lott is going to help the dinks get the bogus “fairness doctrine” passed?
I’m for bringing the Iraqis to America to swing these treasonous pigs because America hasn’t the guts to hold anyone accountable for anything anymore.
Associated Press – June 28, 2007 6:23 PM ET
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) – Despite a rise in desertions from the Army, military figures show that the military does almost nothing to find those who flee and rarely prosecutes those it gets its hands on. http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=6725458
Rule of law in America is becoming a worldwide joke. The donks and rinos tried to show us that just a few days ago. I hope we voters have the guts to put a boot up their ass or I fear anarchy will be the tour de force very soon!
The majority of the blue states of ‘Estados Unidos’ senators voted for $HAMNE$TY but these three treasonous gringos are from RED STATES! Where’s the Palmetto State’s $enator $ellout Graham at in this picture? WE THE PEOPLE, the conservative talk show heroes, and YOU bloggers-in-chief are the patriots of the 21st century! GOD bless all of you!
We ought to have a Hall of Shame for all those treasonous wimps who sold us out when we needed their help.
If we elect the wrong people in this next election, all Hell is going to break loose.
Did you see what they are trying over in the UK now that Tony Blair has stepped down? Do we want that here?
We need someone who will strike the fear of God in them.
They try one car bomb, one terrorist attack, there goes Mecca (or better yet, how about that whole damn area?)
I don’t think any of the front runners for the dummycrap position could even fathom what to do if we were attacked again. And some of the Republicans, too. It’s the toughest decision they’ll ever have to make and if they make the wrong one? Lord protect us.
They look like they just found out their names
were in the DC Madams little blak book…Take
note we put that look there…The next move is to
keep it there
Classic picture! These “esteemed” members of the Upper House just got their reminder that they are there to SERVE, not SPITE, the American public.
This immigration bill support by Spector is probably the reason Bush backed him in the recent primary over a real conservative who likely would have been anti-immigration bill. Our politicians do not well serve us without that good, hard, swift kick in the ass.
I just heard on Fox News, according to Homeland Security Michael Cherkoff, that we the people screwed up because the United States can NOT handle the border and all of these Illegals.
This guy is an Oxymoron who talks in riddles. We the United States can’t handle something, that is the most outragious statement I have heard fromt his administration in … well since the last time Bush opened his mouth.
Good thing he is appointed because he can’t be voted out.
As Tom pointed out Spectre very narrowly defeated a real died in the wool Conservative, thanks to Bush, Pat Toomey, who is at this moment waiting in the wings to pounce on this peace of Rino fecal matter.
Hopfully the people of Pennsylvania won’t be buffaloed this time.
Vermont Woodchuck they are going to be very sorry. I just hope people do not change their mind. I won’t, there is no way I am voting for any rino, I don’t care what office they are running for.
Mark I sure hope so, if we all really pur our foot down, maybe just maybe the non rino’s will run in other States too and we can vote for good guys for a change.
“Sheesh, another stain on the rug, has Clinton been back here?”…..heh heh good one.hahahaha God help us if he comes back again.
Has anyone else heard the Trent donka lott is going to help the dinks get the bogus “fairness doctrine” passed?
I’m for bringing the Iraqis to America to swing these treasonous pigs because America hasn’t the guts to hold anyone accountable for anything anymore.
Associated Press – June 28, 2007 6:23 PM ET
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) – Despite a rise in desertions from the Army, military figures show that the military does almost nothing to find those who flee and rarely prosecutes those it gets its hands on.
Rule of law in America is becoming a worldwide joke. The donks and rinos tried to show us that just a few days ago. I hope we voters have the guts to put a boot up their ass or I fear anarchy will be the tour de force very soon!
The majority of the blue states of ‘Estados Unidos’ senators voted for $HAMNE$TY but these three treasonous gringos are from RED STATES! Where’s the Palmetto State’s $enator $ellout Graham at in this picture? WE THE PEOPLE, the conservative talk show heroes, and YOU bloggers-in-chief are the patriots of the 21st century! GOD bless all of you!
We ought to have a Hall of Shame for all those treasonous wimps who sold us out when we needed their help.
If we elect the wrong people in this next election, all Hell is going to break loose.
Did you see what they are trying over in the UK now that Tony Blair has stepped down? Do we want that here?
We need someone who will strike the fear of God in them.
They try one car bomb, one terrorist attack, there goes Mecca (or better yet, how about that whole damn area?)
I don’t think any of the front runners for the dummycrap position could even fathom what to do if we were attacked again. And some of the Republicans, too. It’s the toughest decision they’ll ever have to make and if they make the wrong one? Lord protect us.
This gang will be needing a 55 gal. drum of Tuck’s hemorrhoid salve after voters finish with them in Nov.
They look like they just found out their names
were in the DC Madams little blak book…Take
note we put that look there…The next move is to
keep it there
Classic picture! These “esteemed” members of the Upper House just got their reminder that they are there to SERVE, not SPITE, the American public.
This immigration bill support by Spector is probably the reason Bush backed him in the recent primary over a real conservative who likely would have been anti-immigration bill. Our politicians do not well serve us without that good, hard, swift kick in the ass.
My caption-
One Day our brains will come in.
I just heard on Fox News, according to Homeland Security Michael Cherkoff, that we the people screwed up because the United States can NOT handle the border and all of these Illegals.
This guy is an Oxymoron who talks in riddles. We the United States can’t handle something, that is the most outragious statement I have heard fromt his administration in … well since the last time Bush opened his mouth.
Good thing he is appointed because he can’t be voted out.
As Tom pointed out Spectre very narrowly defeated a real died in the wool Conservative, thanks to Bush, Pat Toomey, who is at this moment waiting in the wings to pounce on this peace of Rino fecal matter.
Hopfully the people of Pennsylvania won’t be buffaloed this time.
Ok Caption… Sheesh, another stain on the rug, has Clinton been back here ?
Dan thank you for the link.
Our entire group of elected leaders except for a very small handful need to be kicked out, clean house and start over.
Darth, God bless you!!!!!!!!
Vermont Woodchuck they are going to be very sorry. I just hope people do not change their mind. I won’t, there is no way I am voting for any rino, I don’t care what office they are running for.
Tincan Sailor, Hahahahaa that may be not too far from the truth.
Tom, “SERVE, not SPITE, the American public”….good one and true too.
Lynn……”One Day our brains will come in”……
LOL I love it Lynn.
Mark I sure hope so, if we all really pur our foot down, maybe just maybe the non rino’s will run in other States too and we can vote for good guys for a change.
“Sheesh, another stain on the rug, has Clinton been back here?”…..heh heh good one.hahahaha God help us if he comes back again.