30 Jun

Yippee It’s Saturday ~ What A Week It Has Been!

LOL I saw this and just had to share it with you. Have a fun Saturday everyone.

Mark Krauss says:

uh, where’d you get my picture? dang! spies everywhere!

Steve Gaston says:

Yeah, I tried this, but my Great Pyrenees dog keep getting in any sitting on my lap.

TomR says:

It has been a week to celebrate. The defeat of the immigration fiasco and the Fairness Doctrine are really major and surprising victories. We can self congratulate because our letters, emails and phone calls really did work. Democracy at it’s best. USA, USA!!
And a bonus was the SCOTUS throwing out race based quotas in schools.

yankeemom says:

That is the quintessential blogger.
(thank god no one has ever taken a pic of me posting in the morning!)

Wild Thing says:

Mark Krauss, LMAO oh yessss spys are everywhere. heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Steve, hahahahahahahaha so funny. I can just see that too.

Wild Thing says:

Tom it sure has been a time to celebrate.
And I agree that is great about the SCOTUS throwing out race based quotas in schools.

Wild Thing says:

I agree of me too Yankeemom…… heh heh

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Chrissie – What’s with this two-year old
baby picture of Hollyweirdo Michael Moore?

Wild Thing says:

Just having a visual image of that is scary. hahaha