Mexican president says vote ‘a grave error’
chron.com …for complete article
Mexico City
President Felipe Calderon of Mexico reacted sourly to news of the Senate’s rejection of the proposed immigration law overhaul, calling the senators’ action “a grave error.”
“It’s a grave mistake first because it’s a problem that’s not being confronted, and with this evasive action the U.S. Senate is making it worse,” Calderon told reporters in Mexico City during a joint news conference with President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, who is finishing a two-day visit to the Mexican capital.
“Secondly, because to close the door on legal immigration, the only thing the Senate does is open the door to illegal immigration” the Mexican president said, according to an account published by the newspaper Reforma on its Web page.
Calderon repeated his “repudiation and rejection” of plans to build a wall along much of the U.S.-Mexico border.
More than a tenth of Mexico’s 103 million people are estimated to live in the United States, many of them illegally. Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans, and others from Central America, continue to cross the border every year illegally in search of work.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The “door to illegal immigration” was already wide open. Now that we’ve been able to prevent Kennedy and Bush from taking it off the hinges, maybe we can push it shut. Straighten out your own damned country, jerk. The president of Mexico has made a “grave error” in dumping his problems on the U.S.
Rush Limbaugh on Illegal Immigration
Shut up, Felipe–why don’t you change your corrupt government and let the Mexicans start their own
companies without taxing them to death?
Why don’t you find a way to keep your own to home?
Your government obviously has serious, serious flaws in it and you, being the President, need to fix them IMMEDIATELY if not sooner.
You have NO ROOM to talk.
We paid you for that part of America so you can’t have it back, you Indian giver.
So shut the (bleep) up and get working on your own problems with your country. Stop sending it to another place to deal with.
You’re like the bad neighbor who lets his kids run wild in the neighborhood at all hours, disrupting everyone and causing chaos.
This was a damn fine vote and you know it.
So you know where you can go, senor felipe.
Patriot Laura Ingraham said it all yesterday when she told Alan Colmes on Hannity & Colmes that we can hit home plate in Yankee Stadium with a Tomahawk cruise missile on one hand, and can’t secure our borders with the other hand, and five years AFTER 9-11-01!
Mexico lost big on this immigration bill defeat. As Lynn states, Mexico needs to fix it’s own mess. Now if we will just secure the border and start fining employers who hire illegals. Let Mexico wring itself out with a few revolutions.
darth – Laura Ingraham rocks!
Calderon’s comments parallel Bushes about LEGAL immigration, they must be swapping notes with each other, along with the spit.
Because the Bogus bill was all about ILLEGAL immigration, the breaking into our home. Which nobody seems to care about.
There has always been a classs system in Mexico, as far as I know Calderon is a Castillion while the Peons are part Indian and whatever else is in the mix.
The more Illegals he pushes north, the better it is for his government. The less they have to pay in services to support them in his own country. Plus the money sent back to Mexico from all the Illegals in OUR country is a double benefit for the Mexican Government.
Too bad Filipeee the good guys won this one.
We have the laws already on the books. All we need now is government officials with the kahonas to enforce them.
Lynn.”So you know where you can go, senor felipe.”……giggle I agree!!!!
Darth, Laura Ingraham is awesome. I agree they have had since 9-11 to secure our borders and they don’t want to.
I have my routine listening that I do every day.
Tom I agree.
Mexico has a lot of nerve even thinking it is our job. I would be embarrassed to be a Mexican living in Mexico and knowing that my own country would not step up to the plate and fix what is what with my country. I certainly would not be blaming any other country for my problems.
Mark, LMAO what a great way to put it. heh heh
“Calderon’s comments parallel Bushes about LEGAL immigration, they must be swapping notes with each other, along with the spit.”
Bob exactly and for the life of me why they lie as though we don’t have those laws is mind boggeling.
But they will know now how we feel and strongly feel too so they better start to follow our laws including our those of leaders that want to ignore our laws.
You take 3 or 4 Major Construction cxompanies
and build the first 700 miles of fence and you
do it 24×7 till the first 700 are done.Then
put the National Guard down there and that puts
a cork in it…If you don’t you might as well
piss in the wind…Once this done you build the rest of the fence and you can play with the paper work and temp work permits but if you don’t
lock down the border you know what happens when
you piss in the wind…
Tincan Sailor, I wish they would do what you are saying.
We screwed their little tea party up with phone
calls and e-mails…Hold their feet to the fire
and don’t cut the SOB’s any slack GIT-R-DONE…