Tancredo Sends Head of Lettuce to Chertoff
It’s not every day a presidential hopeful sends Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff a head of lettuce, but that’s what Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado, is doing Wednesday to show his disagreement with Chertoff’s recent comments on how failure of passing immigration reform might affect the agricultural industry.
Tancredo says he disagrees with recent comments Chertoff made that suggested if the immigration bill fails, the agricultural industry will suffer.
To prove his point he is sending Chertoff a head of lettuce, a fruit basket, and a card saying, “much, much more where this comes from.”
“The administration has taken hyperbole to a whole new level this time,” Tancredo said in a statement. “They are now trying to convince the public that without amnesty, the American people are going to starve?”
“The agriculture industry and the free market has managed to keep producing through floods, droughts, and $3.00 per gallon gas,” Tancredo added, “I doubt very seriously that a nominal increase in labor costs is going to be the end of lettuce as we know it.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I love it! Awesome move by Congressman Tancredo! Tancredo has a humorous way of making his points
Yes, he does.
Again, I think those who have the power are pushing their views on us and we don’t like it.
I just saw Neil Cavuto interviewing Ted Nugent.
Ted Rocks. He’s got the right ideas–let the border guard and the national guard do their job and keep those “Illegals” out!
Secure our home.
You wouldn’t leave your front and back doors unlocked while you weren’t home, would you?
No. So why are we leaving the doors unlocked for this invasion?
Electrify the fence and arm the guards with machine guns.
Lay down land mines one mile wide by 3,000 miles long! Pull our troops out of North Korea and Germany and England and put them on our borderless US borders. Use nukes against Kim Jong Mentally Ill in North Korea if he misbehaves. The same for Russia, Syria and Iran,
or invade Mexico and make it our 51st state!
– Operation Salty Worm 2007
Lettuce Us Build The Wall
Tancredo would make a perfect Homeland Security Chief in a Thompson/Hunter Administration.
Tancredo! Just the name thrills me, to say nothing of the man’s courage. Long may he live. By the way, my Colorado back yard garden has much beautiful lettuce with no help from legal or illegal Mexicans. Tom needs Wild Thing as his veep and then this old man could die happy.
BobF – You are thinking like me!! And John Bolton as Sec of State.
That’s my kind of Victory Garden!
Isn’t the claim that agricultural prices will go up an admission that illegals are being abused by their employers? “We need amnesty so we can continue to exploit them.” What kind of an excuse is that?
These feckless Senators who keep saying we need all these Ag workers, must be living in the 1800’s. Haven’t these brainless wonders ever heard of the industrial revolution ?
We don’t need these workers.(period)
What they are not saying which is probably more to the point is, since Roe v. wade, we have lost 40 Million Americans, and that is not only a travesty but maybe one reason all these Senators are pushing so hard for this bogus legislation.
Thank God it went down in flames.
Lynn, AMEN.
That is neat about Ted Nugent, I like him too.
Darth…….”Operation Salty Worm 2007″……I love it!
Bob I agree!!!!
Horace…….you are so sweet. giggle. I could never be a politician, I had to stay silent all those years in showbiz so I could keep working, and now it is just too much fun to blast the enemey within and speak out. heh heh
((hug)) thank you though my friend.
Tom Amen no more compassionate ‘conservative” crap. I am a take no prisoners conservative and I want someone like that in our White House.
Trish I like that…..victory garden, good one Trish!!!
Mark that was a horrible travesty I agree. I wish we could put an end to Roe vs. Wade.