Kill the Bill — Again
The fate of the bipartisan immigration deal now rests with a handful of senators who say that they are against it, but are inclined to vote to let the Senate take it up again. Do not be fooled. Any senator who votes to bring this legislation back to the Senate floor tomorrow is supporting it, and any contrary vote he casts later will be a scam designed to fool gullible voters.
The bill is unpopular, but powerful forces — businesses, journalists, officials in both parties, and racial pressure groups — are determined to push it through. They do not mind if a few senators vote against the bill for the cameras while greasing the track for it when it counts.
Senators who claim to oppose the bill say that they want a new debate on it so that they can improve it. But the broad outlines of this bill are set in stone. It provides amnesty for the 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants already here and invites an ongoing stream of “temporary” low-skilled workers. In exchange, proponents of tighter borders get the restrictions in current law, plus an empty promise that this time they will be enforced.
The amendment process has been carefully choreographed so that these basic features of the deal will not be changed. Amnesty now, enforcement later: That is what the senators are going to be voting on, and it is not going to change. Anyone who objects to that formula needs to kill this bill and start over.
For senators who are professing to wait to see what the final bill looks like before taking a position, the wait is over. The final bill will represent the will of its drafters and defy the expressed will of their constituents. The only way to prevent that inevitable finale, is to bring the curtain down now.
Over the weekend, Senator Ted Kennedy made a prediction about his bill that pointedly shared the political blame for it: “I believe we will pass the bill, and I think we have good support among the Republican party.”
Wild Thing’s comment………..
“King Harry” is keeping the amendments secret from the Senate AND THE PEOPLE! Then the friggen idiot will denigrate those who complain for not knowing what’s in the bill!!!!!!!!!!!
Harry Reid has sent the following letter to Republican Senators who earlier today expressed their objection to the return of the immigration bill to the Senate floor:
Dear Senators Cornyn, Vitter, Dole, Sessions and DeMint: CLICK HERE to read his letter
This is a very big deal, because it means that several senators on the fence, who had felt that their amendments were the make-or-break factor in the bill, won’t know whether their amendments are in the ones approved by McConnell.
It is despicable what they are doing. There won’t be 50 United States in 20 years, under our current Constitution. The next generation will curse the last, for cavalierly throwing away our 225 year legacy, all for momentary personal greed and power lust.
La Raza members freely admits that Mexicans are colonizing America, and they know there’s no one in the Bush administration who has any intention of stopping it.
This law is already dead.
I don’t know why they keep insisting on
pushing it down our throats.
My ancestors didn’t get any “amnesty.”
They got here, had to clear and work the land, build their own homes, raise their own crops and animals and fight off the wolves and other wild things and occasionally an Indian or two.
Doesn’t anyone remember what our ancestors fought so hard for from the French and Indian Wars, the Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War?
Our rights as a Nation!
We are AMERICANS, not Mexicans, not Canadians–AMERICANS–and we’d best remember that next time we go to the polls.
Let’s vote for those who will keep our wonderful lady safe and secure. Let’s vote to keep us AMERICANS!!!!!!!
I sent some Bush Pesos, copied off Lindasog”s blog to the RNC this morning. It is a little thing, but I feel good for doing it. If this damn bill passes it is either the end of the United States republic or the beginning of the second Revolution. Bush will go down in history as a dumbassed traitor.
If this bill passes, I bet there is a rush to legitimize as many illegals as possible in time for the ’08 elections. Like the clintons did with 10,000 or more at a time in stadiums around the country.
Whatever happens with this bill, I think there are several Stupid Party senators that will find out their senate seat is no longer a lifetime deal. I hope trent Lott and Lindsay Graham find their stay in DC ends after their next campaign. And if any of those whose have promised to vote against this bill change their minds. I will imagine they will be villified by their electorate.
TomR, thanks for the idea of the Bush Paso’s. I got a letter from the RNC yesterday begging for money and I’m going to follow your lead and send them Bush Paso’s.
So much can be said for the new open Congress, both sides are engaging in behind the doors deals to ram this down our throats. It’s nothing more than tyranny.
Lynn, I agree, I am voting for only those that want to keep America secure, not for any of these traitors to our country.
Tom that is a great idea. Bob sent me a link to the image today and I remember seeing at Linda’s blog too.
What a great idea!
Jack, the behind closed door thing really gets to me.