……..Or we can call them low-life slimeballs that sneak into a country, break numerous laws, and then drop babies that they can then hold up as human shields, to avoid the consequences of the laws they broke?

Caption from WT:
“We demand you open the border so Al Queda can come in disguised as farm workers!”
Why are they demanding rights they don’t have?
You break our laws, you take the punishment.
If we broke their laws, we’d have to take their punishment, correct?
Why do they think we’ll just roll over and play dead?
It’s hard to think and feel humanely when they don’t do that themselves.
Looks like that is Austin Texas, a dingbat moonbat paradise. Also looks like school kids being indoctrinated. Don’t know if they are pulic or private school kids.
Any damn moslem that comes into America and demonstrates for or against anything should be deported immediately. Saves us from having to kill them when the big attack comes.
This immigration bill is proof positive that the president is NOT doing all he can to secure America against its enemies.
Since 9-11 the FBI has done a magnificent job, however, they need only to miss once and that will bring the walls down in Washington.
The estimated 12 Million Illegals, the government has no idea who they are or where they are. This kind of security policing has got to be Law Enforcements greatest nightmare.
The flying Imams is another case of bad policing, now the ACLU, of course, is suing the passengers for turning in the Imams, and violating there rights, when does it become a matter of importance to any of these ungifted bureaucrats that the American People are citizens first and also have rights that are being violated on a daily basis.
We are being inundated with Illegals we don’t want or NEED yet it is supposedly for our own good. If that is the case how come 70 % of Americans don’t believe that. These politicians are sneaky all right but they are not very smart.
I am hoping for the biggest upset next election that there are so many new faces in congress it will take a month for everyone to be introduced.
Suddenly, these politicians are realizing that we are the boss, and their jobs are on the line and by changing their vote now is a bit too late. Because as far as I am concerned , ” They are all fired”.
Lynn, your right, I don’t have it anymore but someone sent me the laws of getting in to Mexico not only to visit but to live there. They have really tuff laws. We are the ones that have weakness and then they complain abuot us???? Something is really wrong with all of this.
Tom, when I saw the photos I was surprised to see so many Muslims in them. I wonder how much the followers of Islam are signing up these illegals…………..very scary stuff.
“I am hoping for the biggest upset next election that there are so many new faces in congress it will take a month for everyone to be introduced.”…
Oh wow Mark I would LOVE for that to happen!!!!!!!