………socialism, globalism, communisim…….Treason.

Just this………… they ALL said the following and for many of them it meant nothing…………………….
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I about to enter. So help me God.”
From Bob Lonsberry
And here is his BIO
It’s not even about illegal aliens anymore. It’s about the relationship between the government and the people.
It’s about who wears the pants in the family.
And right now, the president and a whole bunch of others are confused about that. See, they think they’re in charge. They think it’s their country.
They think they’re going to tell us what to do.
Well, they’ve got another think coming. This time they’ve got a fight on their hands.
The background is illegal immigration and the years of treasonously incompetent government which have allowed it to turn into the biggest threat to our country and its future. It takes some doing for an issue to rival militant Islam as a danger to the United States, but illegal immigration does.
And that is completely the fault of the federal government. Stretching back to the late 1980s, and accelerating to light speed under George W. Bush and the Republican Congress, government negligence turned a blind eye to border security and the flood of illegal aliens into the country. Instead of dealing with the problem, the government facilitated it. Instead of being rounded up and deported, illegal aliens were guaranteed an ever-larger pool of government services.
The United States became Mexico’s welfare and medical system and the federal government did absolutely nothing to protect the interests or territorial integrity of the nation. As cultural dilution and antagonism became rampant, the government was uncaring and impotent. It was national suicide by governmental neglect.
American wages were suppressed, American taxes were raided, American communities were endangered, American values were suppressed, American culture was spat upon. Entire communities were lost to illegal newcomers who were invaders, not immigrants. A centuries-old American model of immigration was thrown out for a divisive new pattern which has already effectively lost the United States sovereignty over portions of its own territory.
We face cultural and financial bankruptcy because the president and Congress failed to uphold their oaths of office. They have ignored the rule of law by refusing to enforce the written law. We have a border, we have immigration laws, and the federal government has ignored them both.
And only after years of complaint and rising public upset did the government begin to do anything. But even then it was mostly manipulation for political gain. It has been a scripted dance in which the people have demanded and the politicians have manipulated and in the end they get our dollars and our votes and we get the back of their hand. And the illegal immigration problem festers into malignancy while they twiddle their thumbs.
Now there is a bill.
Now, they tell us, is the time to act. And their bill is the only thing that can be acted upon. Negotiated in secret, amended in secret, demanded in public. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. It’s time to pull the wool over our eyes and they’re impatient, afraid that delay will lead to scrutiny and defeat.
In the name of helping us, they are about to kill us.
And a tiny group of senators, in league with the president, have agreed to ramrod this through. And to defuse the nation’s roaring disapproval they are taking a tone of authority and power their offices do not provide them.
The president who is sure one more of his stammering speeches will convince the nation to change its mind. The Democrat senator who is essentially calling the American people racists. The Republican senator who is going to “do something” about talk radio, the only place political correctness and government intimidation have not yet completely choked out the voice of the people. All are miffed that the people have not rolled over and obediently accepted the superior enlightenment of the Washington fat cats.
And that’s what brings us to today’s fight. Not just to stop an immigration bill that is poison to our national interests, but to knock down the politicians whose arrogance has presumed they could cram down the throats of average Americans a piece of legislation that every measurement of public sentiment shows they don’t want.
They said “Yes,” we said “No,” now they have raised their voices and furrowed their brows and pointed their fingers and said “Yes” again. It’s as if they are the masters and we are the servants and they have reminded us to know our place.
Well, the fact is we do know our place.
We are at the top of the political food chain. We are the people the Preamble is talking about. We are the United States of America – they aren’t. It is supposed to be government for, of and by the people, not imposed on the people.
The job of every member of Congress is to represent the wishes of the people of his state or district. Period. It is not to impose a will, or coerce an opinion, it is to do what the people want.
And the people don’t want this immigration bill.
Not by a damn sight.
And the president and Congress who do not honor that wish have don’t need a lesson just in immigration policy, they need a lesson in American democracy.
And they are about to get it.
Secure the border. Make it impenetrable. Shut off the influx of illegal aliens. Begin cleaning up the mess in our schools, jails, hospitals and streets caused by illegal aliens. Actively seek and deport illegal aliens and their families, particularly those involved with welfare and crime. Change the 14th Amendment to get rid of anchor babies. Passionately promote a national program of culture and language education and assimilation.
Then, after a couple of years, talk about legalization and pathways.
But secure the border first and foremost.
And actively take down every candidate and party that pushes forward this asinine immigration bill.
If we swore to this sacred oath when we initially enlisted into the U.S. armed forces, and again to the SAME words when we re-enlisted for four or six more years of service, then why are our senior commissioned officers and government officials any different when it comes to serving our country and DEFENDING our country against all enemies – foreign and domestic? ROME is burning…can’t you smell the smoke, see the chaos and feel the tensions?
My father, the Marine DI made us learn that saying.
But it’s never to be taken lightly.
It’s not a joke.
But I somehow feel those we have elected think that it is.
They think we have NO enemies–that after the big game, we’ll just all go get pizza and ice cream. Everybody wins.
That attitude doesn’t work.
We’re giving the enemy driving lessons for crying out loud.
I don’t want someone dictating what career my kids can have or that I have to share my little income with someone who doesn’t work because the government tells me I have to. I work hard for my income and I only want to share it with my hubby and kids.
Our congress and senate are full of traitors–they all ought to be lined up and shot by firing squad. Isn’t that the discipline for treason?
We have become the servants and they are the masters.
I wonder if the reason the Unions support illegal immigration is to increase their membership? Not with illegals but with American Citizens in the lower paying jobs who may unionize to protect their jobs from illegals willing to work for half pay.
Haven taken that oath several times myself the difference between the military and the rest of those sworn in is that the military is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Rules and laws that enforce the tenets of the sworn oath and personal conduct if the subject fails to honor those obligations. Each member of the military is obligated to keep each other in line to maintain discipline, honor and integrity, the rules permit fines, incarceration and death for infractions. The military serves the people and are accountable for their actions, the Congress of the United States is the arbiter of the UCMJ and the military comes under their jurisdiction, i.e. they set the rules and enforce them on the military yet they absolve themselves of the same rules of service. The role of Congress is to represent the people and the will of the people, to answer to those who have placed them in a position of trust. We have lost accountability with a rogue Congress. Bernie Sanders and his followers are in control. Next time you talk to your friends and relatives about those favored politicians, whether they vote or not, ask the question. Who voted for you? Because sure as hell some don’t vote and by default the left wins due to apathy.
Lynn, your last line says it all.
This is a very well written piece, straight to the point. Too many of our elected “leaders” have become little dictators with little fiefdoms and grandiose agendas. Some of these politicians have been in their “temporary” office longer than most people have a career. They own that office and they are going to do what they want, irregardless of what is right or what the general public wants. These politicians answer primarily to their special interests.
America seems poised on the edge of a major dilemma. Either maintain it’s sovereignty or become a socialist marketplace serving at the pleasure of globalist business brokers gaining unbelievable wealth and buying the government to serve them. George bush was not given $220 million in ten days by vast numbers of average Americans. As soon as he announced his run for the presidency he was bought by big business. The Bush family is exactly what we have to be aware of, elitists serving elitists.
We only have our vote, which seems paltry in comparison to the large blocks of special interest votes bought on the cheap by the power brokers. Now if they can legitimize a real quick 20 million block vote with their Immigration “Reform” bill, the financial socialists will have in essence won.
Darth…..”ROME is burning…can’t you smell the smoke, see the chaos and feel the tensions?”………..excellent how you put it.
Lynn, yes it means so much and is a very serious oath. Thanks for your input on this.
Bob, might be, this whole mess never had to happen.
Jack very true, I heard on the radio today that 2/3rd’s of the population do not vote. That more people voted for the winner of a TV show called American Idol then voted in our political elections. I was shocked.
Tom your right..”We only have our vote, which seems paltry in comparison to the large blocks of special interest votes bought on the cheap by the power brokers.”……I hate this.