Keep Prison Open
Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-52nd District) says Khalid Sheikh Mohammad could be coming to a military base near you. “Those places include the Brig at Miramar, places that have been disseminated by the democratic leadership. They include places like the Brig at Pendleton.” he said Friday.
Hunter points to a list he says was created by Congressional Democrats in Washington.
It lists our two local brigs as potential sites to house some of the nearly 400 detainees. Hunter does not want to see that happen.
But others, like Richard Quinonez, disagree. He lives near Miramar but is not concerned.
“They’ve gotten away with a lot of stuff at Guantanamo Bay that the public has been shocked to hear about, so maybe instead of keeping that type of thing at a distance,” Quinonez suggested, bringing them here could be an improvement.
Critics think the prison violates the principals of democracy and hurts our country’s world image.
“It is basically inflaming Muslims and others around the world against us. It makes our soldiers less safe,” said Michael Ratner, President of the Centre for Constitutional Rights.
But Hunter stands by his pledge to try to keep those prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
“We should keep them isolated from the criminal population in this country,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Duncan Hunter will never cave in to the media and liberal politically correct crowd.
Duncan Hunter on GITMO
Duncan is a good man.
I don’t know why he isn’t higher in the polls.
I guess the PC crowd doesn’t want to hear the truth.
We have forgotten what good men are like.
We elect ding dongs who are only in it for the salary and NOT for the American people.
Gitmo HAS to stay open!
That’s what it was built for.
Just because they “think” they’re being tortured. They’re not.
The liberal media only WANTS us to think that.
It’s actually the liberal media who want to run this nation. Tell us what to do.
Bull crap!
This is a free country. Leave Gitmo open! Don’t move those terrorists here! Some liberal pantywaste judge will let them go! Do we really want them amongst us? Let’s not be stupid here.
Quinonez sounds like a very stupid person, and Ratner is your typical socialist Liberal.
I wish Duncan Hunter was the front runner. Fred Thompson will probably get a lot of the support Hunter would normally have. I really wish the three RINOs(McCain, Rudy and Mitt) would get over into the Democrat primary where they belong and leave our primary to the Conservatives.
Go Duncan Go!!!
Michael Ratner is a dedicated Communist, the entire Ratner family, including FOX News host Ellen Ratner are dedicated Commies associated with Kucinich and the CPC.
McCain of all people should know what terrorist people are capable of.
Lynn, I like Duncan Hunter a lot. I just don’t understand why he isn’t at the top either.
There are so many that like him, maybe the media is pushing the others too I just don’t know.
Tom I agree that is where they belong. They are much more a dem then a republican and I certainly will not vote for McCain, Rudy or Mitt.
Jack thank you so much and thank you for the links.