In Baqouba, 60 klicks northeast of Baghdad, American heroes valiantly begin the surge with Operation ‘Arrowhead Ripper’ isolating terrorists outside the city limits.10,000 soldiers, attack helicopters and armoured fighting vehicles began the offensive against al Qaeda. Today, at least 41 al Qaida terrorists were killed and several bomb and weapon caches destroyed.

In Baqouba, the start of the night air assault

US soldiers moving down a neighborhood street in Baquba, during Operation Arrowhead Ripper. At least 41 insurgents have been killed in the past two days by US-led troops in an assault on Al-Qaeda networks in the restive province of Diyala, northeast of Baghdad

In Baqouba, Sunni ‘militants’ pose for Reuters
Wild Thing’s comment……..
To our awesome troops we humbly thank you. To Reuters, nudge here for you, maybe if you had a gun along with your camera you could take out a few of the insurgents when they pose for you. I know I would be tempted to shoot them if I was a Reuters photographer. OOHRAH!
That’s 41 Islamomaniacs KIA X 72 virgins = 2,952
virgins poontanging in casbah heaven’s harem?
– Not tonight Alli Babba and your 40 thieves for we have a headache?
What chaps me is payola, the safest place for me in Vietnam was behind the Shell oil truck on QL1 to Hanoi, I never saw one Shell outlet destroyed nor one dent in that Shell truck that operated with impunity everywhere it went in I Corps, where everyone else encountered mines,sapper attacks, ambushes and sniping. The same impunity is shown by Reuters and the BBC journalists who glorify the butchering bastards with staged photos and glowing reviews of their prowess. That wouldn’t happen if they weren’t paying off the enemy or embedded with them. Dante said it best: The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. May God bless and look out for our troops.
Darth……”Not tonight Alli Babba and your 40 thieves for we have a headache? “…………LMAO that is so funny.
Jack perfect quote and I was wondering how on earth they can get so close to the enemy to photograph them. It has to be what you said…..paying them off. That is the only thing it could be. GRRRRRRRRR
Hey Jack, in Vietnam I found a Brown and Root/RMK facility to be the safest haven. Rumor had it they paid the VC big $$ for protection.
I am glad to see this surge is allowing our troops to be on the offensive. Our military is not trained or geared to be a police force. It is an offensive machine and functions best on the move. The moslem terrorists cannot do anything but flee or die when US troops are doing their thing. Offense is what will defeat the terrorists.
Tom, yes, I’d totally forgotten about Brown & Root, they did enjoy preferential status, there was a Lear- Siegler warehouse that was sapped right next to a Brown and Root compound, those Lear people were high tech support on the helicopter side. I sure saw a lot of Esso stations burned and bombed in every villiage that had one. I avoid Shell stations to this day. Their paying off the enemy was no better than being the enemy even if it they are owned by the Royal Dutch.
I don’t think I’d have ANY problem shooting those insurgents. I don’t understand how the Reuters photographers can take their pics knowing those same guys will kill one of our guys if he gets half the chance. I’d kill them if it’d keep one of our men alive, and I would sleep like a baby after it. I’m sure of it. All I have to do is think he could be the guy shooting at my son. Then it’s no problem at all.