A college education for illegal aliens
Washington Times
It’s no secret that the Senate immigration bill rewards 12-20 million illegal aliens with immediate amnesty. What is less well known is that the bill also allows illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition rates at public universities, discriminating against U.S. citizens from out of state and law-abiding foreign students.
These provisions are buried deep in the Senate bill. They are part of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act section.
(please…..see my link in my comment further down about the Dream Act)
The DREAM Act is a nightmare. It repeals a 1996 federal law that prohibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens, unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens. On top of that, the DREAM Act offers a fast track to U.S. citizenship for illegal aliens who attend college.
On its own, the DREAM Act never stood a chance of passing — even in the Senate. Every scientific opinion poll on the subject has shown over 70 percent opposition to giving in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens.
Not surprisingly, the DREAM Act languished in committee for five years — until the opportunity arose to hitch it to the Senate’s “comprehensive” immigration bill of 2006. Now, Sen. Edward Kennedy and his allies have added it to this year’s amnesty bill, too. They know that the only way to slip such bad legislation past the American people is to bury it in a comprehensive bill.
Wild Thing’s comment…………
The D.R.E.A.M. Act is a bill that was introduced in Congress on August 1, 2003, by Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah.
The one thing American taxpayer money DOESN’T seem to go to is HELPING AMERICANS. Missions to TERRORISTS in Hamas, Fatah, etc. etc. etc. We are being treated as worker bees to provide the honey for whomever our elitist politicians wish to pander to. It’s beyond disgusting … And this kind of nonsense must stop.
They have changed the standards of getting a college education…in that they believe it is a “right” instead of a “privilege”. The minute that happened…..it all went to hell in a handbasket. Minorities get first choice and priority status…..regardless of whether they really want it or not.
Is there ANYTHING in this bill that doesn’t mess with Americans?? I do not understand how those who are sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution can use it as toilet paper.
This is an article from last year that I never saw before today.
States Grapple With In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigrants
Good post WT, this bill and the dream act go hand in hand with the SPP or the Mex-America-Canada union where there are no borders and we emulate the European Union. One thing is right now the Canadian dollar is worth about 50 cents the peso is way down in comparison to the dollar.
Where does this leave our economy when all this underhanded crap goes through ? We will be supporting Mexico and Canada our economy will be in the toilet. We will wind up supporting a couple of dozen Third world countries in our own continent.
Once this Union is formed, it won’t just be US, Canada, and Mexico all of South American will want to come in and they will be allowed to under this bogus legislation.
The language in the Comprehensive Immigration bill has all the trappings for this plan and is a precursor of what is to come.
It is not just tuition for Illegals it is the whole 9 yards and a first down for everybody except The American Citizen. The US citizen will get stuck with the tab of course, until our economy goes the way of the Mexican economy.
There will not be a constitution there will be a general constitution for the UNION and we will be left out of it.
This is the greatest threat our country has faced in its 232 year history, and our president and all of congress are leading the way to our own destruction.
Mark I agree with what you said, every word, and you are so right…….
“This is the greatest threat our country has faced in its 232 year history, and our president and all of congress are leading the way to our own destruction.”
I have never been this afraid for our country, never, nothing like this.
You nailed it Mark. Since NAFTA all the good jobs are offshore, that leaves public jobs and welfare, and that is not a self sustaining economy. But that’s OK all we have to do is call on Toad Kennedy and raise the minimum wage to make it right.
A very quiet addition to NAFTA is in the works. It is CAFTA, which basically extends the NAFTA socialist fiasco to all the rest of Central America. I have been in every country in Central America except Belize. There is nothing there for us. They may have natural resources, but I don’t know if it is anything we don’t already have. For sure though these countries do have large populations of illiterate breeding peasants, who are always potential revolutionaries. The ruling class are always crooks.
Gallows. All I’m sayin’.
12,000,000 illegal aliens + 12,000,000 illegal Mexicans + 1,000,000 illegal Islamomaniac terrorists = 25,000,000 unregistered ‘American’ voters for the DNC! Si si senor and bonita senoritas in the blue states of Estados Unidos?
“What the HELL is going on out there?” – Coach Vince Lombardi, 1967 Green Bay Packers
Jack your right. oh I hate HAFTA so much.
Tom they sure are, you just described the why and how of what happens in those countries and it is so true.
razOr and you said a lot! Thanks!!
Darth…..oh wow Vince Lombardi, he was such a favorite of mine. He was awesome as a coach and inspiring as a motivational speaker to his team.