New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low
Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.
This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.
By way of contrast, 69% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the military, which tops the list.
The current 14% confidence rating for Congress is down from 19% last year and is the lowest in Gallup’s history, surpassing the 18% confidence in Congress measured in 1991, 1993 and 1994.
… 14%? That’s seven gallons of 2% milk, and 14 gallons of 1% milk! Sounds like they miss Newt Gingrich, eh? Dirty Harry Reid and Pelosi & Meatballs = no confidence with America 2007! –
“Never estimate the power of the right side.”
Aw–nobody likes them. boo-hoo!
Looks like we’ll all be cleaning house
in the next election.
They made promises they didn’t keep and
America has seen through their veil of
deceit and lies.
And they talk about the President’s poor
Sure, he’s made a lot of mistakes this time
around, but they’re making more.
And a lot of his mistakes have to do with them!
Why does this not surprise me?
– Steve
Guess what, most Americans hate their Federal government. Now, if that dislike will just carry thru the ’08 elections with the largest incumbent loss in history, politicians might take heed. If the sme old bunch get reelected, they will never care about a poll again.(until the 2nd American Revolution)
Republicans got voted out of office in 2006 because they failed to live up to what their electorate sent them to Washington to do. Hopefully the next group of Republicans running will have the integrity to do what’s right and not emulate Democrats.
Darth, haha yes that is what has happend. No confidence in them even by their side of the political fence.
Lynn, hahaha boo hoo love it.
They are always negative about everything and I think too that after awhile people just get to the point they have had enough.
Steve your right, not a surprise, just fun to have some fun with it. heh heh
Tom bet your right too.
Bob, that is it, people are tired of voting for rino’s when they are getting more and more like Dems. The GOP and RNC better be listening and aware and give us conservatives.