Here is my suggestion for a "donation"to the Hamas

Hamas: We’ll obtain emergency U.S. aid
After seizing American weapons in Gaza, ‘hopes’ more arms provided to West Bank
JAFFA, Israel – The Hamas terror group will obtain emergency aid the U.S. announced it will provide to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah organization.
“Like the American weapons in Gaza we told you will come to Hamas, also the weapons and aid the Americans are giving to Abu Mazen (Abbas) as part of their conspiracy against us in the West Bank will find its way to the Palestinian resistance and Hamas,” said Abu Abdullah, a senior operational member in Gaza of Hamas’ Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas’ so-called “military wing.”
The terror leader, speaking from the Gaza Strip, said Hamas was “swimming” in American weapons it seized last week when it gained control of Fatah bases, including Fatah’s major Ansar complex – where American-provided weapons were delivered and stored – and Abbas’ presidential guard complex.
Abu Abdullah today was responding directly to an announcement yesterday by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice the U.S. will resume “full assistance to the Palestinian government,” lifting an economic and political embargo against the Palestinian government enacted after Hamas came to power in March 2006.
Rice said she will ask Congress to rework a previous $86 million aid package to Abbas that was lowered following concerns by some lawmakers that some of the money would end up financing terrorism. Congress in April only approved about $59 million of the aid package and stipulated the money cannot be used to purchase weapons. Rice intends to request Congress now grant the full $86 million.
Rice also said the U.S. would contribute an additional $40 million to the United Nations to help Palestinians, particularly in the Gaza Strip, which is now controlled by Hamas.
According to Palestinian and Israeli diplomatic sources, the bulk of the $86 million is slated to be used to fund Force 17, which serve as de facto police units in the West Bank and previously patrolled the Hamas-seized Gaza Strip.
Many members of Force 17 are also openly members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, which took responsibility together with Islamic Jihad for every suicide bombing in Israel the last two years.
Hamas’ Al Aqsa Television last week broadcast footage of Hamas gunmen brandishing American assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, rocket launchers and ammunition the U.S. reportedly provided to Fatah over the past few months. Hamas fighters also showed what they said were 10 American-provided armored personnel carriers the terror group said it seized from U.S.-backed Fatah security compounds it took over Tuesday.
Abu Abdullah last week commented, “We informed you many times we would obtain all American arms brought to Gaza.”
“We have no worries about running out of weapons or ammunition thanks to your American government,” said Abdullah.
Besides obtaining American weapons, terrorist groups, including Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committees, claim they seized large quantities of CIA security files stored at major Fatah compounds. Terror leaders claimed the files contain, among other information, details of CIA networks in the Middle East.
“The CIA files we seized, which include documents, CDs, taped conversations and videos, are more important than all the American weapons we obtained the last two days as we took over the traitor Fatah’s positions,” said Muhammad Abdel-El, spokesman for the Hamas-allied Popular Resistance Committees terror group.
The Committees has been accused of carrying out anti-U.S. attacks, including a 2003 bombing of an American convoy in Gaza that killed three U.S. contractors.
Hamas’ Abu Abdullah said, “Now our job is to study these files, which are already showing that they are crucial for our fight against the Zionists and anyone who collaborates with them, including the Americans.”
Wild Thing’s comment…………
Good grief, STOP FUNDING Terrorists!
Now whose crazy idea was this?
Why are we doing this?
It boggles my mind that we would fund these crazy
factions and then look surprised when they bite the hand that feeds them.
It’s like we don’t learn from our mistakes.
The Bush Administration has lost it. Like Democrats in the past, the Bush bunch figure we can buy friends. As long as the crazies kill each other, all is well. But a lot of our aid will be used against the Israelis.
Oh Goodie, Goodie!! Now they will like us and consider us their close friends. They’ll stop all of attacks on Israel and welcome us with open arms. No more burning effigies of President Bush and no more desecration of the American Flag. Another ally on the War on Terror. Finally, peace in our time…Yea, Right.
Sheesh!!! I’m so disgusted. The rush is on to see if the United States can supply more monetary aid to the ragheads than Arabia, Russia, China and Iran. The Palleswinians need more arms and explosives and the United Nations can’t just got it alone. Hey Jorge!!!! send the money directly to Iran, it will get to Palestine faster.
We should drop leaflets encouraging both sides to stand strong and keep up the good work at killing each other. Oh, and build a giant cage around them so none of them can escape.
Lynn, I wonder who the heck is giving input to Bush that this is OK to do. Or is it his own little idea in how to self destruct and America along with it.
Tom yes that is the thing, they will turn right around, kill Israelis and then us too.
Bob, hahahaha now wouldn’t that be something.
This is so insane, so totally insane to do this.
Jack…….”Hey Jorge!!!! send the money directly to Iran, it will get to Palestine faster.”…… ( I am going to whisper here because he might hear this idea and do it.) hahahhaahhahhaa OMG I am only laughing because what the heck else is going to happen.
razOr I would love to see the Hamas and Fatah kill each other off.
My cousin, drstrangeloveb52isok, wants to know who gets the 72 virgins? Fatah Islamo terrorist wacko #1 or Hamas Islamo terrorist wacko #1?
– Bodily fluids and water purity issues of the day and ‘H2o’ beds are optional!
Darth, hahahaha well tell your cousin heh heh….thanks for the laugh.