Rushdie Suicide Bomber Attack Threat
sky news
A Pakistani minister says Muslims would be right to carry out suicide attacks over author Salman Rushdie’s knighthood.
Religious Affairs Minister Mohammed Ijaz ul Haq told the country’s parliament: “The West is accusing Muslims of extremism and terrorism.”
“If someone exploded a bomb on his body he would be right to do so unless the British government apologises and withdraws the ‘Sir’ title.”
In Multan, effigies of the writer and the monarch have been burned by about 100 students carrying banners and chanting “Kill Him! Kill Him!”
Lawmakers in Islamabad have passed a resolution calling for the honour – given in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List – to be withdrawn.
Britain’s fist Muslim peer, Labour’s Lord Ahmed, said he was “appalled by the decision”.
“I am appalled that someone like Salman Rushdie, who has been very provocative and insulting to Muslims and Christians, has been knighted,” he told Sky News.
There are many other good British writers, such as JK Rowling, who makes a huge contribution to British society, who could have been knighted.
“It seems like a deliberately provocative action.”
The knighthood was also greeted with fury in Iran, which accused the UK of “anti-Islamism” by honouring the “detested” author.
Sir Selman caused outrage in the Islamic world with his book The Satanic Verses, in which he was accused of blaspheming the prophet Mohammed.
He was forced into hiding when an order to kill him – a fatwa – was issued and has only just returned to public life.
The fatwa was issued by the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989.
Iranian government officials declared in 1998 that it would not support the order, but some say it is irrevocable.
Wild Thing’s comment…………
I see they are too cowardly to threaten the person responsible for knighting Rushdie. Good on her for doing it
“The West is accusing Muslims of extremism and terrorism.”
… And we’re going to kill innocent victims to prove them wrong!
Officials say the knighthood is an insult to the religious sentiments of Muslims.
Oh good grief what isn’t!
If the Queen is indeed sending a message, good for her!
I like Salmon Rushdie. I’m glad he wrote his book.
Too bad the muslims didn’t like it because it was TRUE.
Nice to see a good guy get something good for once.
Wow oh wow, lucky Knight. That’s what is called ‘drop-dead’ gorgous.
The look on his face is priceless, like he really hit the jackpot.
What a nice looking pair, … er … couple.
Good for the Queen, good for Salman. I wonder if Borders, Barnes & Noble and the rest of the book companies are still censuring the sale of The Satanic Verses like they did when it first came out. The truth about the Mohammedans is upsetting them, maybe they’ll wig out an kill a few more of themselves.
Will Rushdie go into hiding again?
With the author’s name on the Birthday Honours List this year, British muslims are renewing their “jihad” on on author Salman Rushdie:A Pakistani minister says Muslims would be right to carry out suicide attacks over author Salman Rushdie’s knighthood….
Good for Sir Salman. Let’s hope he doesn’t go into hiding again.
BTW, if anyone wants to see more of his beautiful wife, her name is Padma Lakshmi, and she is the host of Bravo TV’s “Top Chef” on Wednesday nights at 10 E&P….
If something were an insult to the “religious sentiments” of Christians, how would the media react, do you suppose? And how many Christians would advocate this kind of lunacy?
But it’s those horrid Christians who are described as a threat…
Lynn, I agree, he deserves it. I hope they don’t do anyting horrible to the Queen for this, but she is doing the right thing.
Mark, giggle, yes she is really beautiful. Like I hear guys say…..he did good. heh heh
I am so happy for him. He did a good thing with his book, he told the truth and his life has been hell for a long time.
Jack that was so huge then the book stores did that. I am not sure if they changed since or not.
caltechgirl, HI good to see you.
Thank you so much for the information. I had never heard of her before. That is great, thank you so much and thank you for the link too.
Trish, good point. None of us would do what the Muslims have done.
Isn’t that Padma from Top Chef?
Hi Stacy, yes, Caltech girl said that and I never knew that before.
His wife is gorgeous and I am so glad he is married to someone that has been standing by him through all of this.