Iraqi Air Force makes milestone landing at combat outpost
BAGHDAD — The Iraqi Air Force landed a milestone mark towards independence Wednesday by flying an Iraqi government official to a combat outpost in east Baghdad.
A UH-1 Huey, flown by members of the Iraqi Air Force Military Transition Team flew Iraqi Minister of Defense Ali Allawi to Combat Outpost “Old Mod,” marking the first time an Iraqi aircraft has landed there.
The UH-1 Huey consisted of one Iraqi pilot, one American pilot and one American gunner, said U.S. Army Sgt. Class Eric D. Radecki, the operations noncommissioned officer-in-charge for the 1st Brigade, 11th Iraqi Army Division’s MiTT, which is comprised of members of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division.
“Prior to this you’d see a lot of higher ranking Iraqis flying on American birds,” Radecki said. “Now that they’re flying on Iraqi aircraft, it’s one more step to doing things on their own, without our support.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good and the more they do things themselves the better it is going to be. Our soldiers have worked very hard training them.
Nick…WT’s helmet on her combat sketch to the right should have a Queen of Hearts card on it?
She is the Bob Hope of 2007 in reference to giving comfort and morale to our troops in Operation Enduring Freedom & Iraqi Freedom!
– Where have you gone Ann Margaret and Raquel Welch 1967 ? OOOOOOOOOOH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH !
Now if the anti-war politicians will just give our guys and the Iraqis the time needed to finish the job.
More good news the media deems unfit to cover. Thanks WT.
You all have my permission to retire the suicide watch on Harry Reid, just leave him 5 gallons of regular and a book of matches.
Darth, giggle, thank you.
Tom,if that could just happen like you said, it would help so much. I sometimes wonder if the pressure from the left toward our troops might make them get injured too, you know like having to hurry and take unplanned risks when they are too concerned about doing all of this too fast.
Jack, LMAO I love it I tell you!!!!!