Wild Thing’s comment………..
It’s not amnesty. It’s a massive Presidential Pardon. Bush wants to pardon 20 million illegal aliens which include gang members, felons, child molesters, fraud perpetrators, drug runners, smugglers, and the jihadists who have sneaked across the border etc…..but won’t pardon a handful of border patrol agents and law enforcement officials or Libby.
It is amazing to me that Bush has managed to infuriate the only people in this country who still supported him, conservatives. Talk about a tin ear!
Bush has failed to uphold the laws of the land that he swore an oath to uphold. It’s carpe diem time inside the beltway. It’s the Subversive UnAmerican Latino organization lobbyists that have more “clout” with our President than ‘We The People’ do. I never thought I’d see this happen. NONE of us did!! Not this evil bill nor how it is all encompassing.
Where have you gone ELLIS ISLAND? From legally processing 30 million European immigrants in the 1800’s and 1900’s… to a chaotic 21st Century 12 – 20 million illegal alien invasion on our beloved homeland? Our President and his administration, along with the treasonous pimps and prostitutes in the House & Senate have failed U.S. bigtime!
Lewis Scooter Libby was trying to cover up a leak that could have cost the lives of American agents. Illegal aliens didn’t risk any lives but their own.
– Michael from The U.S. Desk at TheNewsRoom.com
This is unbelievably crazy!!!!
How can we just let 12 to 20 million people who have broken the law walk free?
Why are we letting this happen?
Has everyone forgotten the laws?
Or does no one care about Americans anymore?
I’m tired of babysitting these illegal whiny butts.
According to Michelle Malkin, the FBI has on hold, get this, 330,000 background checks for Legal citizenship applications.
The Justice department has backlogged 600,000 deportee cases, stuck in the mud.
Are these Nitwits in Washington ‘stuck on stupid’ or what.
The people who have applied for citizenship and followed the law, i.e., done it the right way, get stuck in legal red tape and sent to the back of the line.
But with a new law, and the stroke of a pen, all this will go away. If you have a problem just redefine it and viola, no problem anymore.
Obviously, the FBI can not handle the 330,000 back ground checks, where does the President get the idea that they can complete background checks in 24 hours on 12-20 million Illegals, in the astounding time frame of 24 hours. These background checks go back to 2005, and they are still not completed. Now they are telling us they can do in 24 hours, on approximately 45 times that number, which they could not do in two years.
So this is one of two things, first they will become super competant overnight and hire 100,000 new agents to do the paperwork, or two, this is the biggest LIE, since Truman called the Korean War a police action.
When they have to make deals behind closed doors so the public don’t find out, how the country is being traded away, and how a Racists group like ‘LaRaza’ has veto power over amendments, I got to believe this is a huge Lie, of such proportion that it will change the face and scope of this country forever.
This bill must be stopped no if’s and’s or but’s about it. Because it will be the globalization of what used to be the United States of America. Sovereignty will be a word defined by Webster: As what the United States used to be before George Bush was elected president.
What I am really pissed about, is I voted for this socialists twice and supported his campaign, donated to his campaign. went to rallies for his campaign and even tusseled with Kerry supporters because I thought I was helping to defeat socialism, when in reality it didn’t make any difference who I supported, they were both socialists.
Damn, this is really disheartening.
And according to Dick Morris’ latest book – OUTRAGE – there’s over 460,000 illegals that are awaiting deportation – if they can be found, and there’s ONLY 2,000 security personnel to accomplish this! Independent Party here I come!!
I feel very helpless. I have fulfilled my duties as a loyal honest American. Yet, I feel like America is being run and given away by crooks. Some of these crooks are people I supported because they claimed to think like me.
What I don’t understand is why and what are their reasons for destroying the America I love and fought for, the America that became the greatest experiment in personal freedom in history. I understand selfishness and greed. I somewhat understand socialism, or so I thought. These politicians seem to be going beyond that. It is almost like blind self-destruction. We are following Europes fatal error of giving up national soveriegnty in favor of collective feel good socialism.
I can expect this from some of our democrats, but President Bush never presented himself as anything but a Conservative. His father proved to be a socialist, George W had a history of supporting illegal immigrants, but he presented himself as a true Conservative when he asked for our votes. He has proven instead to be the true wishy-washy professional with a personal agenda that takes priority over what he promised his supporters.
Maybe if he had been flying F 105s over Hanoi instead of spending his Air National Guard duty working on senatorial campaigns in another state, he might have a better grasp on what America really means.
My hope is that we can get a true Conservative in the White House in ’08. Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson, John Bolton. Just as important are the Congressional races. We need the government back in American hands, not in the hands of socialist crooks.
Michael, who was the agent Libby disclosed ? And how can that be, when he was not charged with that, he was charged with having a faulty memory or lying to Special Prosecutor Fitzfong, a near relative of Nifong of the Duke rape case. That was the big investigation that Schmuckie Schumer was going to sink the Bush adminstration, all Schmuckie got for all his trouble was a spoiled Knish.
Wake up Moron. You are as dumb as the rest of the leftist-pinko socialists.
Michael, you’re not serious, are you? Could have cost the lives of agents? Get real. The woman was an annalist. She worked in a building and nothing else. She was what is known in the military as a REMF: Rear Echelon Mother F__ker. Besides, it’s already proven Libby had nothing to do with revealing her name.
Does this ring true?
“So back to Bush and his crew. American blacks don’t vote Republican? The “Divide and Conquer” chapter provides a solution: bring in 10 or 20 million Hispanics and suddenly blacks are no longer the biggest racial minority. When those Hispanics arrive, praise their “strong family values” and get as many as possible into jobs that displace blacks. (As a side benefit, get those macho men into the military because Uncle Sam needs more forraje de canon —for wars such as Iraq—than native-stock mothers are willing to offer up.) Bush & Co. can hope that the Nuevos Americanos become Republicans—surely these proud working folk will shun Democrats as the party of lower-down blacks.” – by James P. Pinkerton
Our politicians live in a phantasmagoric world in which nobody has any substance. It’s high time we ground them.
First of all, there is NO draft so how is the current crop of illegals going to fill the ranks. Second, they don’t want to assimilate, ergo they will not volunteer for the Armed Forces. So much for the canon fodder theory.
Who says 15 million Illegals (ball park and growing) will take jobs away from only Blacks, if they are working under min. wage they will certainly take jobs away from whites too. This is what the Unions are beginning to realize … duh… took them long enough
Darth, they have failed us and failed America. I just pray it will turn around, it just has to.
Michael…… you are full of it. Go sit down and read the truth for a change and stop with the BS propaganda.
Lynn that is it, they don’t want to admit there are laws about this.
Mark, thank you so much for the information. That is shocking that they are that far behind. And they say they can do these illegals in 24 hours. NO way.
All these closed door meetings, all the lies, so many lies and they want us to just say OK and accept it. This is nuts to say the least, totally insane.
It is breaking my heart.
Darth me too, I have had it.
Tom……”My hope is that we can get a true Conservative in the White House in ’08. Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson, John Bolton. Just as important are the Congressional races. We need the government back in American hands, not in the hands of socialist crooks.”
I agree, it is like they drew the line in the sand and it is them ( with the illegals) and all of us conservatives.
No Apology, if you come back here to read the replies, read what Mark said to you because he is absolutely right.
WT – Don’t let the Demlibloonies get to you. They still roll around in mud pits and listen to Steppenwolf’s ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ while popping their Good ‘N Fruity qualudes! – Hippies don’t smell…they wreak!!!