Revive the bill
Comments by Republican senators on Thursday suggested that they were feeling the heat from conservative critics of the bill, who object to provisions offering legal status.
The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: “Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.”
At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in “younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill.”
Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, welcomed the president’s support for more spending on border security, but said, “There’s no reason why we should be forced to tie amnesty to it.”
Representative Duncan Hunter of California, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, scorned such linkage. “The idea that we will have border security only if it’s paid for by illegal immigrants is unacceptable,” Mr. Hunter said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Ah, Trent, you know don’t you that the founders never envisioned that Congress would “RUN” the country. Did you know that Looney Lottie?? HUH? Did you just forget that? Naw, you know it, you just don’t care.
This is very disturbing that he thinks something has to be done about talk radio. Talk radio as it stands now consists of people exercising their rights to free speech. The hosts and callers are all speaking out on issues of the day. Hmmmm People are paying attention. Can’t have that according to Trent Lott. He sounds like Hillary Clinton and Hugo Chavez. I remember the speech she gave about “stealing profits” for big gov’t programs. Is Trent Lott going to take talk radio from us? Coiffured Invertabrate from the Great State of Mississippi….is not qualified to shine Rush’s shoes.
I called Sen. Lott’s DC office, I told the women that answered that I was one of the “little people”. Then went on to tell her to please give a message to Trent. I was polite to her but she knew I was not a fan of her boss nor the amnesty bill.
One other thought, Lott is also showing his elitist attitude and just how he views the very people who put him in his lofty seat. He sees the people as just someone to be led around by the nose. The level of gall and total disregard for the voting public is astonishing. Aside from the security and sovereignty of our nation, the political calculus is of this shamnesty dumbfounding. These morons are legislating themselves (Republicans) into permanent minority status and destroy the great American economy in the process.
Talk radio is running America???? Screw you Trent Lott. I say One nation, under God and listening to Rush and Laura with liberty and Arturo Fuente cigars for all.
This tells me one thing – our voice needs to be even louder – to offset the spineless republicans.
Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)
Chief of Staff
Office: 202 224-6253
Trent Lott Fax # 1-202-224-2262
Amnesty hotline number
U.S. Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121
U.S. House switchboard: (202) 225-3121
White House comments: (202) 456-1111
Find your House Rep.: http://www.house.gov/writerep
Find your US Senators: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Sen. Martinez 202) 224-3041
Sen. Nelson (202) 224-5274
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (202) 224-2541
Trent Lott (R-MS) (202) 224-6253
Jon Kyl (R-AZ) (202) 224-4521
Richard Burr (R-NC) (202) 224-3154
Sam Brownback (R-KS) (202) 224-6521
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) (202) 224-3521
Norm Coleman (R-MN) (202) 224-5641
Kay Hutchison (R-TX) (202) 224-5922
Johnny Isakson (R-GA) (202) 224-3643
John Sununu (R-NH) (202) 224-2841
John Warner (R-VA) (202) 224-2023
When Jesus was being crucified on the cross, the Romans cast LOTTS for his robe. Trent, you’d be the one – like Juda$ – to sell US out too! – Crap$…YOU lose!
If Lott can snivel at Al Sharpton’s feet, he can snivel at talk radio’s feet. If he was not such a doublespeaking turncoat and if he really supported his constituents and America, Lott would find talk radio would be on his side.
I am emailing my senators and other members of Congress. I hope they are overwhelmed by the volume of mail to get it thru their Kevlar skulls that a real majority of Americans are against this amnest bill.
Lott:’Talk radio is running America.We have to deal with that problem’
Lott:’Talk radio is running America.We have to deal with that problem’
I belive I hear a loud sucking sound coming
out of Texas…
Darth, … He also said , “John, from here I can see your house”… Oooo Bad joke.
But Lott is just as prissy and arrogant as Lindsey
Now Lott is complaining about talk radio ? Thats a switch, Talk Radio has been carrying his water for the past 6 years, he should be careful not to bite the hand that keeps his butt out of trouble.
Trent complaining about talk radio, that’s rich!!! What he’s really saying is he prefers the secrecy of the closed door and the backroom deals that he and the rest of his corrupt cabal engage in. Tyrants rule that way. The truth is the electorate no longer relies on ‘talk radio’ or the media for the truth, preferring to do their own investigating and reporting. As Mark has noted talk radio has supported Trent and the GOP with the exception of that pariah of the truth, leftist Air America. More than 33 years of feeding at the public trough doesn’t satisfy the unmitigated greed and scorn this Senator has for the American people.
I wish talk radio was running the country. There is absolutly no way they could ruin this country more than the gutless donks and the backstabbing rinos have.
I think we now know how the citizens in democratic republics felt when they were watching the demise of their countries and I’m sure they were just as sick of the pompus jackasses they elected to be the voice of the majority.
Its disgusting to think that the morons in D.C. think the majority are the “ILLEGALS” that aren’t even allowed (but still do anyway) to vote in this country!!!
Does anyone else see the end of the United Sates of America? And remember, the “Super Highway from mexico to canada hasn’t even been built yet.
Dan that is true about the highway, but all the same the mexican trucks are starting to roll onto our highways without restrictions.
It should be interesting when a Mexican trucker is stopped by a ‘Statie’ for a load or saftey violation, then we shall see how much Law Enforcement is allowed to do. And what if the ‘Mexican big-rig’ is carrying a trailor full of Illegals, does the State Trooper issue Z-visa’s on the spot.
This can only lead to more and more chaos and division.
Darth, yes Trent Lott is a Judas for sure.
Tom I hope so too. I hope they have to get bigger desks to hold all the mail and faxes and more phones to handle the many phone calls too.
Tincan yes very loud one.
Jack….”What he’s really saying is he prefers the secrecy of the closed door and the backroom deals that he and the rest of his corrupt cabal engage in.”……he sure is saying that.
Dan that’s true, they are making the illegals have more pull more majority then the entire rest of the citizens of the USA.
Illegals now= we the people to these specific so called leaders of our country.
we the people = second rate citizens
But we are speaking out in every way we can and I pray it works.
Mark that is something I had not thought of, your right. This is going to show us a lot when they have to stop one of their trucks coming through. I wonder how many officers are already being told how to favor those driving the trucks. augh