McCain Criticizes Romney’s Abortion Record
Fox News
Republican John McCain’s campaign criticized rival Mitt Romney’s abortion record anew Wednesday, circulating a video showing the then-Massachusetts governor reiterating his vow to uphold the state’s abortion-rights laws.
“I have indicated that as governor, I am absolutely committed to my promise to maintain the status quo with regards to laws relating to abortion and choice, and so far I’ve been able to successfully do that,” Romney says, answering a question at a May 27, 2005, news conference the day he vetoed the state’s stem cell legislation.
He adds: “My personal, philosophical views about this issue are not something that I think would do anything other than distract from what I think is a more critical agenda” that includes jobs, education and health care.
As a GOP governor of a liberal state, Romney repeatedly vowed not to change state abortion laws. He supported abortion rights as recently as two-and-a-half years ago, even though he insists he has always personally opposed the practice.
………popcorn anyone? heh heh
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I just thought this was funny. I don’t care for these guys so this whole thing had me laughing.
Dueling RINOs Alert
Dueling RINOs Alert
Why is abortion even one of the issues?
It was voted on and made legal.
Shut up about it.
There are cases where an abortion HAS to be done–I had a baby die at 6 weeks along in a pregnancy and I nearly bled to death.
The only time I’m against it is when it’s used as a method of birth control. The pill is much less expensive and easier to use!
But if there are medical complications to the mother or the child to be, it might be best to perform an abortion.
And again, women should have the right to choose. It’s her body, not some politicians body.
So let’s get off the abortion issue and into issues that really matter.
Abortion is a call that is made between loved ones when the mother’s life is in jeopardy, but I’ll NEVER forget that over 48 million babies have been murdered since 1973…48 million and counting! Last year Kentucky Derby race horse champ Barbaro got more sympathy with his broken leg than Terri Ann Schiavo did when she was starved to death… by her supposed loved one!
God bless US all – everyone!
I want candidates to tell me what their positions are, not how naughty the other candidates are. Campaigning has turned so dirty that a lot of Americans just say to hell with it. An honorable candidate does not have to attack his rivals, he only needs to offer his views to the electorate.
Well stated tom, I’m fed up with it. What Philip Sheridan said about the American Indian is applicable to the American politician of today. Since it’s reciprocal they don’t warrant any respect.
Lynn that is the thing, they are dueling with each other and not telling us where they stand and sticking to it. I want them to speak up on the various things, then stick by what they said they would do and we will decide who we agree with.
Darth, McCain’s numbers are way down and his finances as well so he is taking on anyone he can.
I agree with you about abortion. Most, not al, but most of the abortions have been ONLY for birth control and not to even save the mothers life. I knew a girl that cut my hair and one day she told me she had 7 abortions over the years. AS a form of birth control. I never went back to her and told her I would not be paying for her form of birth control.
I also feel McCain is grabbing for straws attacking like he is doing when he should be giving his own answers about what he would do about things then stick to it.
Tom I agree, and I am the same way about other things too. I don’t like advertising that has to attack the competative product. Just tell me how great the product is and I will make the decision.
McCain is running scared and it shows in how he has to take the lowest road of all.