Bush says as Congress fails to pass immigration bill, problem grows worse
Fox News Miami
WASHINGTON (AP) — Left for dead a week ago, legislation to strengthen border security while bestowing legal status on millions of illegal immigrants is showing signs of life. President Bush said on Friday it’s time for Congress to act.
“Each day our nation fails to act, the problem only grows worse,” the president said at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast. “I will continue to work closely with members of both parties, to get past our differences, and pass a bill I can sign this year.”
Bush, at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast, said, “We must meet our moral obligation to treat newcomers with decency and show compassion to the vulnerable and exploited, because we’re called to answer both the demands of justice and the call for mercy. Most Americans agree on these principles,” the president said. “And now it’s time for our elected leaders in Congress to act.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
OMG…… Bush says illegals are the “vulnerable and exploited”!
Add to that his outright LIE about how many people are FOR this travesty. I heard on Rush Limbaugh this morning that ONLY 20% of the people ….want this thing. Bush talks and acts like it is in reverse and that it is 80% that want it. I HATE lies and I know the Dems lie but when I hear it from our side it makes me sick to my stomach!!!!
Bush, at the prayer breakfast, said, “We must meet our moral obligation to treat newcomers with decency and show compassion…
What is it this man doesn’t understand about illegal aliens? They aren’t newcomers. They are thief’s in the night who steal into our homes…America is our HOMEland. They break laws by using falsified SS Numbers to obtain work or commit identity theft to obtain services. They entered on a lie and they stay on a lie.
Then after they do that… they get drunk and drive and kill innocent people and the cops can’t do to much about it, they can’t even ask if they are illegal afterall that would be an invasion of their privacy.
And the list goes on and on. But our President says they are the vulnerable ones, we are not even allowed to defend ourselves.
It should be called Comprehensive Immigration
Travesty bill.
I just wish the D.C. crud would put down the smoke screen and be honest with us.
This is nothing more than their way of fixing social security, period. Allowing, potentially 40 million new tax payers to support the baby boomers is the reason these cockroaches are swarming all over this now. They have no other answer for the SS dilemma because they sat on their fat asses committing crimes and doing all kinds of unseemly things instead of doing their job of building America and protecting her citizens. 2007 is the year the baby boom generation starts turning 62.
They have let this fester for the last 20 years and now they have run out of time.
Even racist geraldo wants the illegals to be taken advantage of with this abomination!
Taken off of Hot Air:
“One, Geraldo is only right about illegals committing crime at the same rate or less than legals, if you discount immigration law. If you keep immigration law in the equation, and you should, all illegal immigrants are by definition criminals — they have committed at least one crime, and they continue to commit that crime every day that they stay here illegally. So they would rack up quite a record of law-breaking, if we merely enforced the laws that are on the books.”
“Two, Geraldo likes to play up twin angles that are mutually contradictory. On the one hand, he wants compassion for illegals. On the other hand, he argues that they’re a net plus by paying Social Security taxes that they’ll never get back, and that will go to citizens and legal residents. Well, is it compassionate to rake off billions in taxes from illegals, knowing that they’ll never see that money again? That sounds an awful lot like legalized theft to me.”
Just shows how disingenuous the leftards truly are!
I watched Geraldo debate Michelle Milkin on the O’Rilley factor last night. Michelle tore him up as he couldn’t say anything to substantiate his argument for open borders.
One thing after watching Geraldo; you come away with sense that he wants to be the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson of the Hispanic folks.
You have Got to be KIDDING me!!!!
It just goes to prove the Senate is full of crap anyway
Bob….”They entered on a lie and they stay on a lie.”…..that is exactly what the left and rino’s don’t want to face. One of the many things anyway.
Mark that is exactly what it should be called.
“Comprehensive Immigration
Travesty bill.”
Dan thanks for the information. It gets me too about how they do so much of this behind closed doors. Like some kind of dictator would do.
Bob I bet your right about Geraldo.
If I was hispanic like Geraldo I would be angry at the illegals, not defending them like Geraldo does.
Lynn it sure is. The nerve it is taking to speak the way we hear them speak about this is nothing less then shocking.
W is a Baptist, Laura is a Methodist, Bush #41 is Anglican I think, and Jeb & his Mexican senora are Catholics? How many MORE religion cards are there left to play Dubya? Do illegals know about the Commandment “Thou shalt not lie?”
NO sympathy here W for you have FAILED to protect US against ALL enemies foreign and domestic, before 9-11-01 and AFTER 9-11-01!!!
– Captains are supposed to down with their stricken ships