When I see the colors of the flag, I think of how many lives were lost and how many people were injured so that I can say the pledge of allegiance to the flag today. I think of the wars where young men fought and where young men died. I have an American Flag on a flag pole outside my bedroom window. As the flag billows proudly in the wind, I can hear the sweet sound of freedom and liberty.
The history of Flag Day
The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America’s birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as ‘Flag Birthday’. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as ‘Flag Birthday’, or ‘Flag Day’.
And it is also………….

Since its birth on 14 June 1775—over a year before the Declaration of Independence—the United States Army has played a vital role in the growth and development of our Nation. Soldiers have fought more than 10 wars, from the American Revolution through the Cold War, the Gulf War, to the current War on Terrorism. This 232nd Birthday is a recognition of The Army’s history, traditions, and service to the Nation, a Call To Duty, 232 Years of Service to Our Nation.
“The U.S. Army is a brotherhood of warrior leaders dedicated to the cause of freedom. To me, celebrating the Army’s Birthday is celebrating my freedom and brotherhood,” said Capt. Chris Joyner, North Carolina National Guard public affairs officer.
Fort Bragg held a 11th Annual Army Birthday 10-miler.

Spc. Richard Rogers, a food service specialist in the 37th Engineer Battalion, was running the Army Birthday 10-Miler for his second year in a row, he said. “I placed third in last-year’s race,” said Rogers. “I want to get under an hour. I’ve been practicing.”
Staff Sgt. Marco Rodriguez, a shop foreman with C Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, said he ran an Army 10-miler in Afghanistan last year in 1:10:00. “This time I hope to finish in an hour,” said Rodriguez.
Sgt. German Sanchez, A Troop, 3rd Battalion, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, was just hours away from answering the call to duty in Iraq when he ran the 10-miler. “I figured I’d leave with a bang,” said Sanchez, “I think I ran it in about 112 minutes; I was shooting for 120 minutes.”
Afterward, participants were invited to help celebrate the Army’s 232nd birthday with the cutting of the birthday cake by Thornal. The Army’s official birthday is June 14.

Thanks to American Soldiers, freedom’s light shines as a beacon throughout the world. We will never be able to tell you enough how very proud we are of you. Thank you for your service, for your sacrifices, and for your abiding devotion to something greater than self. God bless each and every one of you and your families, God bless our magnificent Army, and God bless America.
Let freedom ring!
Thank you and God Bless ALL those in ALL services today. What a wonderful job they do. May they be blessed by God, for they are the leaders and the teachers of the world.
To my family, David, Beth and Jeffrey, Happy Army Birthday you crazy kids. I love ya!!!!
Carbon Neutral hits the foods you eat
Bon Appetit, a food services company, has gone “green”, serving only “low carbon” foods. That’s NOT low carbohydrates, that low CARBON. They won’t serve pineapple because it has to be shipped to the United States. I wonder if they serve
Thursday Morning News & Links
UN Staffer BASHES America. Once again. WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THE UN!!
Culture Sludge: Girls Gone Wild Creator is Sued. I suspect this to be the first of many more.
Boston: Health Care Costs To Skyrocket in next few yrs, due to aging citizens.
Thank you WT. Thank you to all members of the armed forces, present and past for making this the only free nation in the world, where you can say, think and do anything if you are ambitious enough to try. Happy Flag Day.
Happy 232th to the men and women of the finest land fighting force the world has ever seen.
She’s a Grand OlD Flag and a high flying flag…
There have been 27 different official American flags and star changes – the first on June 14, 1777 with 13 stars, and the 27th on July 4, 1960 with the 50th star for Hawaii! Some of us will be fortunate to be covered by Old Glory when we check out. What an honor it will be! Freedom isn’t free. Happy Flag Day and Birthday US Army!!
Happy Birthday to my favorite organization. And God Bless the stars and Stripes.
Flag Day and U.S. Army Established Today
Happy Birthday to the Army and a Happy Flag Day to us all. Hope some leftie heads exploded today over it.