Bush lobbies Senate on immigration
Washington Times
President Bush visited with Senate Republicans behind closed doors yesterday, promising that he will follow through on border security, pleading with them to give his immigration plans a second look and trying to overcome hard feelings that arose from his recent charge that opponents are guilty of trying to “frighten people.”
“We’ve got to convince the American people that this bill is the best way to enforce our border,” Mr. Bush said after an hourlong lunch with the senators. “I believe without the bill that it’s going to be harder to enforce the border.”
The bill is stalled for now, the victim of a collapse last week, and Democrats say Mr. Bush must prove that he can deliver 20 votes in support of the bill before they will put it back on the schedule. Mr. Bush is struggling to win those votes and has come under fire from Republicans who say he must first do more to prove he is serious about enforcement.
One idea that seemed to gain immediate traction among the Republicans was for Mr. Bush to send up a new emergency-spending bill to fund border security.
“If we’re really going to get support for this bill from the American people there’s got to be some restoration of trust,” said Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Republican, who sent a letter with fellow Georgia Republican Johnny Isakson proposing the spending bill. “There’s got to be some effort shown on the part of the administration before I think there’s going to be a sufficient number of folks deciding to move this bill forward.”
One key question is how to go forward even though several amendments have already cut at the grand bargain — including limiting the guest-worker program and making it easier to deport those who don’t qualify for legalization — and several other difficult amendments could pass before the bill is final.
One top opponent, Sen. Jeff Sessions, said Mr. Bush’s appearance yesterday helped smooth things over. He said it made it “very much less likely we’d have hard feelings or personal animosity.”
Mr. Bush didn’t escape unscathed, though. Addressing reporters after the lunch, he called the issue “highly emotional” — irking Mr. Sessions, Alabama Republican, who said that assessment sounded “as if people who don’t agree with me are irrational or emotional.”
Although the mood on the Senate side was collegial, House Republicans are gearing up for a battle with their party leader, with one saying Mr. Bush should just accept that he lost.
“The task of this administration needs to be to accept defeat of the Senate amnesty bill and get on with the task of stopping the bleeding on our southern border and applying all our resources to workplace enforcement,” said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the top Republican on the House Judiciary immigration subcommittee.
Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, Mississippi Republican, said those amendments will simply disappear when the House and Senate go to conference.
“No big deal — you pitch those before you get to the Rotunda,” he said.
But that is just what those who oppose the bill fear.
“I’m really disturbed Trent Lott would say: accept an amendment, he’ll pitch it in conference,” Mr. Sessions said. “Whose side is he on?”
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Trent Lott is a perfidious, weasely, backstabbing hack! Now they are more bolden claiming that they never intend to enforce the laws that they make and swear to uphold anyway, all they wish to do is to declare millions of illegals, murders, felons, rapists, forgers, violent criminals, gang bangers, drug runners, etc. LEGAL AMERICANS so they can continue to “do the jobs that ordinary Americans refuse to do….and, oh, yes,…. support their families.”
Get that guy out of there!!!!
If this bill ever makes it to conference the open borders crowd will get everything they want while Americans get the shaft. “Willing worker, willing employer” means massive displacement in every sector of the economy.
Again, we need to stop electing people who are only in in it for the paycheck.
If they aren’t doing the job, it’s time for fresh blood.
“We’ve got to convince the American people that this bill is the best way to enforce our border,” Mr. Bush
Oh really, so the best way to do that is by calling your base Racists, biggots and ‘shut-up the loud mouthes’.
What he is really saying is he knows better what is good for this country than a bunch of hay-seeds, who by the way voted his skinny ass into office twice, has carried his water for the past 6 years, defended his bassackwards policies toward Iraq and have flat out been more loyal than any base anytime in history.
This is how we are paid back, We are called Racists and biggots and because we don’t agree they tell us to shut-up. So they can kiss my, formerly drunken, Irish Ass. These arrogant sons of bitches, how dare they talk about how un-American we are, they are the ones selling out the country for 30 pieces of silver and the worst part of it is,,, IT IS NOT THEIR SILVER … IT OURS.
Senator Sessons, has a list of 20 loop-(j)oles … er… holes that say this bill is a total sham, there are no triggers for deportaion, no triggers for law enforcement, no triggers to stop illegal immigration at all, no fence and this piece of garbage favors the democrats and the Illegals at, of course, at the expense of the American Tax-payer.
Then they play the family card, about these poor displaced ( well who displaced them in the first place … duh )persons, who are just trying to feed their families, “Oh please”, Hey Cherktoff, I have a family to feed too, but because of your jackass bill I will inherit 12 new family members who are not even related to me.
Regarding so-called “immigration reform”…
I shop at my neighborhood Wal-Mart store at least once a week and have yet to join the liberal, anti-Wal-Mart chorus on issues such as labor practices and monopolistic business practices. Today, however, I must chime in with an observation: It appears the world’s largest retailer has adopted the federal government’s half-hearted approach to border security for use in its stores nationwide.
See my blog for my post on this
Bob of http://www.bobmccarty.wordpress.com/.
I had to edit your comment. The best way would have been just to make a comment, say what you wanted to say and then let others go to the link for your blog.
I am so sorry, but I can’t have a comment with so many links in it as yours was. You copied your whole post from your blog into your comment, which is a good post but much too big for a comment. Thank you for sharing and your post at your blog is excellent.
You would think the Republicans would have learned not to turn against their base supporters. If they think the elections of 2006 is bad, next round is going to be much worse.
I guess Trent Lott is upset because he did not get a full time gig on BET. He has been a big part of the Republicans grand slide from power.
Odd fact – both Trent Lott and George Bush were cheerleaders in college.
Lynn, I would love it if it were possible to really clean house in our government at every level.
Mark great comment, thank you so much.
Bob it sure is, it will be a lot worse.
Tom omg they were? LMAO yikes oh well too late now. hahahahahhaha
How funny is that though. I mean especially to imagine Trent Lott being a cheerleader that really struck me as funny.