Here we see the Duncan Hunter 15′ fence, which is already being built along a few “showplace” miles of San Diego, mainly near the ports of entry, where panderng politicians can conveniently show it off to gullible reporters. As you can see, the rusty runway wall is seen at the left side, Mexico begins on the other side. In areas with the 15 foot fence, dope smugglers and illegals will have to cross the open sand (“the government road” as it is called) before starting to try to get over the 15 foot fence.
This new fence is extremely tough, and resists cutting. Attacking the fence would have to be done right out in the open, in full view of cameras. This type of fence, on the U.S. side of the government road, will give the USBP a barrier to patrol, instead of forcing them to chase illegals around 100,000 square miles of wide-open frontier land, which is a fool’s errand. Everywhere this modern multiple fence system has been built, crossings by illegals drop to almost nil.

This is how it’s being built in San Diego county, along the last 14 miles out to the ocean. The total cost of the entire fence from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific would be about 5 billion dollars, or what we spend medicating, hospitalizing, educating, and incarcerating illegal aliens just about every month. In other words, the fence would pay for itself immediately.

Unauthorised arrivals” have risen from less than 200,000 a year in the 1980s to more than 800,000 annually. More than half of illegal immigrants are Mexican; another fifth are from elsewhere in Latin America.
U.S. Constitution, Article 4 Section 4:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”
Invasion: \In*va”sion\, n. [L. invasio: cf. F. invasion. See Invade.] [1913 Webster]
1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.

Here is what the border looks like where the runway mat wall exists. Mexico begins on the other side of the ineffective rusty wall, which actually helps the smugglers, by hiding their movements until the occasional USBP vehicle has driven out of sight.

This is how “the game” is played. Smugglers hide on the other side of the wall with their dope and/or their illegals, out of sight of the USBP. They wait for the highly visible white BP vehicle to drive over the distant hills. Lookouts with cell phones and walkie-talkies report on the current locations of the BP units. They know with certainty that “the coast is clear” for an hour or two, and the smugglers and illegals hop the fence and run into the scrub only 50 yards away. From there, they are out of sight, and they walk 1-2 miles to holding houses. Then they wait for nightfall, and are picked up and driven in vans to LA or San Diego.

Also about the fence what about using a little “enhancement” like non-lethal electric fencing. And add trained German Shepherds and quarter horses and souped-up 4WDs available on request.
(betwwen those 2 fences it would be a great training run for dogs and training for US military & NG & Reserves)
Live alligators and sharks too for any “damp” areas!
Electrify the fence like a bug zapper!
One touch and bye-bye gringo!
“This is how “the game” is played. Smugglers hide on the other side of the wall with their dope and/or their illegals, out of sight of the USBP. They wait for the highly visible white BP vehicle to drive over the distant hills”.
Question? Anybody ever think as to why the USBP vehicles are white? I mean, they must look like a huge snowball against the brown backdrop of the desert? With the naked eye, they can be spotted miles away. Why would the government make the BP Agents use something like that?
You think maybe the government doesn’t want those crossing into the US to get caught? Other than have sirens and flashing lights blazing, what better way to warn them?
That reminds me of when we were flying into Roosevelt Roads NAS in Puerto Rico back in 1994. During descent we noticed flashing red and blue lights all over the island. At Base Operations we asked the officer on duty what that was all about. He said the local police are required to have their emergency lights flashing at night so as not to startle the drug dealers, thus resulting in a possible gun fight. Just like the USBP is required to do; warn them you’re on the way so they can make good their escape. It must be truly frustrating to be a dedicated BP Agent as you are hamstrung by your superiors as you try to do your job.
How come when I served my country in war & peace from 1976 – 1997, I swore to defend our Constitution and nation against all enemies foreign and domestic…so help me God, and Bush & Cheney haven’t? I was a Bushbacker since 1999 and now the Bushies have gone LOCO! I am sick to my stomach – bigtime. This is insane…..
Forget the non-lethal electric fence. Charge that baby with 480V. Make sure there is standing water around the fence. Won’t have to throw them back across the fence. The fence will do it all on its own. And they won’t get back up.
And in between the fences – claymores.
That should plug up any porous borders in a hurry.
Lynn that is a brillant idea.
Bob that is interesting, thank you so much for sharing about that.
At first I figured it was because of the hot weather like in Las Vegas so many government vehicles are white and they even told residents to buy white cars if possible to help with the tremendous summer heat.
But you are so right they do stand out like crazy and at night especially.
Darth, it is insane and I just don’t get it at all. They treat us like we are stupid and will fall for this, they have got to know deep down that we aren’t.
And you and all our Veterans and our troops today deserve better then this after all you all have done to keep us safe and free.
razOr thanks I didn’t know about that kind of thing.
Something like this happened at a company I used to work at. There was a water bottling section and the plant brings in a guy to check out some things. He doesn’t have the keys to open the locks to power down the gear. The guy with keys (nepotism sucks btw) shows up and says he turn it off and radio him. Big mistake. Never trust anyone to power something down for you. Guy is lucky he only lost three days worth of memories and third degree burns.