McCain speaks during a town hall meeting, Friday, June 8, 2007, in Pella, Iowa. (AP Photo)
Time short for immigration bill
Republican presidential hopeful John McCain (news, bio, voting record) said Saturday that time is running out on overhauling immigration policy.
“We’ve got other things to do in the Senate,” McCain told reporters. “Hopefully we can come to an agreement, but in all candor — a little straight talk — time is not on our side.”
McCain also challenged opponents of the plan to step up.
“The status quo is de facto amnesty — fact,” the Arizona senator said. “So for us to do nothing and celebrate the fact that we stopped this legislation, well then those who have a better idea can give it to us. We can consider it and move forward.”
A comprehensive plan supported by McCain, President Bush and a group of bipartisan senators fell 15 votes short of the 60 needed on Thursday in a critical test to limit debate and allow a vote on the measure itself. As a result, many in Washington have declared major immigration changes are dead for now.
McCain, though, said it was possible to pass a bill.
He spoke after a town hall event in Newton, where immigration dominated discussion and McCain spent much time defending the stalled proposal.
Opponents of the legislation, he said, are not listening to the public.
“People want us to resolve this issue. The majority of Americans support a comprehensive approach to it,” McCain said.
Immigration is a frequent topic at McCain’s campaign events in Iowa, where precinct caucuses are expected to launch the presidential nominating calendar in January.
“This is a burning issue,” he said. “Every town hall meeting I have there is this kind of deep concern. But there’s also a desire to see us do something. They wonder, ‘Why won’t you fix it?’ That’s why they send us to Washington. To fix things.”
Wild Thing’s comment…………
What is so hard about enforcing the laws already on the books? We fine employers who hire illegals. We have excellent information gathering at our disposal. We find illegals, we send them back home. We build a fence, and we monitor that fence to keep them out. This should be the plan. Dry up their sources of income and they will have to go home. Are they that thick-headed?
“This is a burning issue,” he said. “Every town hall meeting I have there is this kind of deep concern. But there’s also a desire to see us do something. They wonder, ‘Why won’t you fix it?’ That’s why they send us to Washington. To fix things.”
We didn’t mean for you to make it worse dumba$$.
“The status quo is de facto amnesty — fact,” the Arizona senator said
Only because people like you, Senator, refuse to uphold the laws…even thought you raised your right hand and swore to do so. Table this treacherous monstrosity and enforce the existing Laws that you have intentionally ignored!!!
Our government either won’t fine them or they’ll look the other way when those who hire illegals don’t pay the fine.
It’s cheap labor and to them, it’s actually helping the economy. Whose economy? Certainly not mine.
I have to work twice as hard to get a raise than some gringo or gringette to get anywhere at my job.
It’s held down wages for far too long.
And now with grocery prices going up, I wonder if the farmers are just lining their pockets on the backs of those who are willing slaves.
Slavery is still here. But instead of the whip, they are threatened with the INS if they complain.
The more McCain opens his mouth the more I dislike him, the Manchurian Candidate title really fits Mr. Lets Make A Deal. Go back to playing leapfrog with Teddy boy, John!!!
I wonder if McCain would be so intense about this bill if it did not have his name on it. Another terrible bill passed with his name on it was the Mccain Fiengold Campaign Reform bill.
McCain was one of the Keating Five senators. He is good at selling out America. His wife’s beer baron family money bought him his seat. He cheated his way through the Naval Academy. This man should have no office of government at all.
Got to take issue with part of your post, Berele, McCain was never a cheat, nor did he cheat at the Naval Academy. He was fifth in his class from the bottom, he was alway getting demerits, but he was no cheat, and he did graduate.
After getting out of the hospital after the Forrestal fire, he volunteered for duty on the USS Oriskany, they were part of the new campaign ‘Rolling Thunder’, the casualties taken by the Orsikany were high, and they were looking for volunteers to fill empty billets. A cheat is a self-serving son of a bitch, and a cheat would not put himself at that kind of a risk. McCain did.
But it was the events that followed his Academy performance that made him a top flight Naval Officer. His service in Vietnam was beyond reproach, as a POW he suffered what no one on earth should have to go through.
This is not the issue the issue as far as I am concerned is his stance on political issue that I have a problem with.
From where I stand the man is not the problem it is his politics, and I won’t vote for him because of his politics.
You want to talk about money to by an office that crook Joe Kennedy, made his money by smuggling illegal booze, now there’s an upstanding position, and bought JFK the Presidency, and so on . Talk about selling out America, Toad Kennedy has been doing that since 1965 thats 42 years of selling out this country, to the socialist elites. Then in 1973 Toad Kennedy sold out our troops to the North Vietnamese. And the Pol Pot like slaughter, Dick Durbin was trying hang on our troops, came to fruition because of the actions of one Ted Kennedy (dumnbass) Mass.
You ought to look at both sides of the coin.
Lynn your right the gorcery prices are going up. You pointed out some good things.
Jack,your right, McCain makes very bad choices and stands up for the wrong things, plus his bad temper. There is no way he could ever be President. It just amazes me that there still are people that would vote for him.
Tom, good point, when his name is on it there is that ownersihp thing and also not want to fail at something even if the voices of NO are loud.
Berle,just a few things I need to say.
McCain is not a John Kerry. McCain is a war hero.
Also I honestly don’t care if a wife’s money helps pay the way for a husband to enter politics. He still has to prove himself once he gets there. And that is where John McCain has failed miserably. He has made some horrible choices in his political career. The POW/MIA issue, the Mccain Fiengold Campaign Reform bill, and several other things.
It is the politics of McCain I am angry about and disrespect him for…… not his service to our country.
Mark thank you, you said it better then I did I think.