Senators Hope to Revive Immigration Bill in Future
The lawmakers who failed Thursday to win a key vote on the immigration reform bill before the Senate said on Friday that they will continue to push the bill forward and believed they could still find a compromise that would pass.
“We are not giving up. We are not giving in,” Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., told reporters. He is the chief Democrat at the negotiating table for the immigration bill.
“When it is recognized by the American people that the Senate has not acted (on immigration), I believe there is going to be a wave of support for what we have been trying to do,” said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., who also is on the negotiating team.
The bill, which had been widely criticized, died on a procedural motion Thursday night. But Republican Sens. Specter, Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham and Mel Martinez were all upbeat after a vote to end debate failed 45-50, failing to reach the 60-vote threshold to move toward final passage.
Despite the fact that it was primarily Republicans who voted against the maneuver, all the GOP lawmakers who spoke with FOX News were upbeat that the legislation could be revived soon — even within a matter of weeks,
Graham said he talked extensively with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and is confident the bill will return for senators to take another crack at developing a comprehensive plan to legalize millions of foreigners living unlawfully in the United States.
“I know where the votes are for final passage. … We’re going to get this done,” Graham said, adding that the topic is not going to go away. “All I can say is, if you name a post office, you’re going to be talking about immigration.”
“There are ways we can do this,” Reid said later. “There can be an agreement on the number of amendments. Hopefully we can do that in the next several weeks. We’re very close.”
Kyl, the chief Republican negotiator, told reporters on Friday that he believed a list of about 10 amendments would satisfy the concerns primarily on his side of the aisle, and that those could be considered in no more than three days on the Senate floor.
Kyl, of Arizona, called on Senate leaders to give the time to the bill — which in the short-term might seem large, but in the long-run would seem small.
“Who will care whether it was an extra three days if we can achieve the result that we’re talking about?” Kyl asked.
Reid said support for the bill exists across the country despite repeated polls showing growing opposition to the thrust of the bill and many of its specifics — particularly on the issues of legalization for illegals here now, a guest worker program and chain migration.
“There are a lot of good things in this bill,” Reid said. “I’m a creature of the Senate. I understand we live by the rules that govern this body. I accept that. We’re going to do everything we can to pass this bill as soon as we can. When is that? I don’t know, but we’re going to work hard and try to put aside the hurt feelings that we have. The country needs and the Senate needs to do this.”
Upon leaving, both men shook bill sponsor Kyl’s hand and showered him with praise and encouragement, saying the bill would get done. Gutierrez promised, “We’re going to get there. No problem.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed that the Senate was close to passage of this bill. McConnell, R-Ky., said the bill failed because Democrats tried to rush it, not allowing Republicans to offer key amendments — like tougher border security measures and legalization process for illegal immigrants — that could win over opponents. All but seven Republicans voted against ending the debate.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“When it is recognized by the American people that the Senate has not acted (on immigration), I believe there is going to be a wave of support for what we have been trying to do,” said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., who also is on the negotiating team.
So says Arlen Specter from his alternate-universe in space. Uh, Arlen, the American people DID speak up. And you lost, you jerk.
in other words……..
The American People be damned!
It’s nice to know ol’ Arlen is still every bit as perceptive as he’s always been.
They just won’t be happy until they ruin America forever and then look at each other with wide eyed wonder about “How did this happen?”
And then turn about and blame the American people for letting it happen.
One word I learned from living through LBJ’s great society was duplicity, it’s as apparent now as ever, the best thing is that media credibility is in the toilet and we have the internet to source the truth. The rank and file silent majority are tired of the ruses and guises fomented by the liars and leftist sympathizers in the Whitehouse and Congress. Calling an illegal immigrant anything else is no less duplicitous than labeling a pedophile a child care worker to make them more acceptable in our society. Uphold the existing laws.
Trish isn’t he something else. I wish they could kick him out on his fanny asap. That would make my day. haha
Lynn, that is so well said, thank you. That is just what they are doing and will do in the end too. You are so right.
Jack your right, and thank God for the internet. I think my head would bust from all of this if I could not talk to you and everyone in this blog, yours and some others about this.
I can’t believe Toad Kennedy would even go near Jack Daniels, that would be too ‘down home’ for him.
But. ‘what the hell Whiskey is whiskey right Toad’ ?
It is disgusting that a Republican President would even go near this slimeball Kennedy, Teddy is definitely the runt of the litter, let along jump into bed with him on a bill that would do so much damage to his own country.
Oh Wild Thing, your reaction to Specter’s statement was also my first reaction! Ha, ha. These guys in Congress aren’t really aware.
I will just answer Specter’s statement with my overused statement. TERM LIMITS!!!
The thing with Spectre is, the local Republicans had a real conservative candidate running against him, in the primary, there was geniune excitement with this guy, where as with Spectre it was , Oh Ho hum, samie-same boring Arlen, and it was a statistical tie, Until GWB butted in and Spectre won by a very slim margin. As far as I am concerned Spectre is a first class, dirty, conniving, sneaky Politician, I’d as soon vote for a used car salesman as Arlen Spectre, at least you know up front the Used-Car Salesman is a crook.
Pat Toomey was his name and is still in consideration for next term
I was just looking at the picture of Harry Reid, sitting in the hallway of the Senate. Does he look like a picture of a cadaver all propped up and dressed and no place to go. If so the Mortician ought to be fired he did a lousy job on ole’ harry. You’d ‘ve thought the Mortician would at least have closed his eyes.
Come on and quit picking on Chappaquidick’s
designated driver Teddy ‘Doggypaddle’ Kennedy!
C H O W D E R R R R? Was he re-enacting his brother’s PT 109 exploits … with his CAR that night?
Mark hahahaha I guess I should have picked a different bottle for him.
I agree how the heck could any Republican want to cozy up to Kennedy. Well unless they lost their mind and maybe some of these Rep. have, it seems so.
Tom, yesssss ph dear God please help us get Term Limits for these fools and traitors.
Mark……..”cadaver all propped up and dressed and no place to go.”………..
ROTFL he does. oh he does.
Darth……”designated driver Teddy ‘Doggypaddle’ Kennedy! “….hahaha
He shouldn’t be able to drive a car……hmmm I wonder if he just has a driver so that past does not repeat itself.