07 Jun

Hey Moslem Did You Wash Your Hands er ah Feet?

Controversy At U Of M Dearborn
University of Michigan Dearborn announced on Tuesday plans to renovate two bathrooms with foot baths.
School officials said the project is estimated to cost $25,000.
The renovation will accommodate the school’s Muslim students Muslims ritually wash their hands, hair, and feet five times a day before prayer.
But some are opposed to the school’s decision, saying it’s too much money to spend for one group.
University officials said Metro Detroit is home to more than 200,000 Muslims, and must accommodate its students’ religion.
Plans for the renovation are scheduled to begin later this year in August.

Lynn says:

Oh Lord, here we go again to coddle them.
How ’bout someone coddling us Americans for once?

Hey Moslem Did You Wash Your Hands er ah Feet?

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Lynne, you mean “Oh my Allah here we go
again?” You should see what they use to
gargle with! – Michigan University Sheiks?
Gerald Ford is turning over now patriots!

Steve Gaston says:

Give me a break!!!! Education costs are too high now. If these Camel Fleas want to scrub up, have them go to McDonald’s or Burger King.
If these people are so clean (…wash their hands, hair, and feet five times a day…) why do they ALWAYS look so skuzzey?
Do the University Deans know how to spell “placate”?
– SSgt Steve, USMC

Tincan Sailor says:

Wha Dat Smell???You know its hard not to get
friggen tired of the nasty SOB’s…I love what
Dennis Miller said,”the last 10 taxi rides he
had in New York it wasn’t just their feet that
had a bad smell..I know I know soap scares the
shit out of them…

TomR says:

One of those man-dressed turds walked past me in a store several months ago. His body odor lingered for several minutes. You know they will wash their damn feet in a public sink. They should wash them in the toilet, it sits lower.
It looks like they will soon control the big cities in Michigan and Minnesota. And our government(GWB) continues to let them in.

yankeemom says:

I figured they would cave when I first read about this nonsense. Can we give Michigan and Minnesota to Canada if they keep this up?

BobF says:

I wonder if they’re going to build confessionals for Catholics and bapisterites for Protestants at taxpayer expense?
Detroit is home to the largest Arab population outside of the Middle East. The government will bend over backwards to cater to them.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, yessss, I would go for that.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, hahha good one! “allah” is how it would be. heh heh Thank God allah is not my god, our God is the one true God.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve, exactly!!! Camel fleas, hahaha I like that good name for them.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, Dennis Miller is right. haha The last time I had to take a cab…whew. it did smell and I had to open the window.

Wild Thing says:

Tom……LOL that is an excellent idea.

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, it is such a shock for me, I am from the midwest originally (Illinois) and we used to go to Michigan and Minn. a lot. To see those States cave in to the demands of the Muslims just makes me sick.

Wild Thing says:

Bob that is why I guess, beause of the high population of them there. But still that is no excuse to keep giving in to them. One day we will be more Muslim then anything if this keeps up. I pray that does not happen but it is the goal of Islam.