Reid – Undocumented Americans?
First they were illegal aliens, then illegal immigrants then undocumented immigrants…Now they are UNDOCUMENTED AMERICANS!!?? WTF? ….Thank you Mark for the headsup on this.
I see the Deacon beacon from Searchlight has shone his brilliance once more. let’s see, which oath of office did he swear allegiance to? The Senate of the 50 United States or the Senate of the 31 Mexican states. Normally I wouldn’t question or be be concerned about religious affilliation but Reid is a converted member of The_Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is married to Landra Gould, a Mormon convert from Judaism. Most Mormons I know are strict patriots and I have served in a combat zone with them and will trust my life in their hands, not Harry Reid’s hands. I still don’t trust Mitt Romney, not because he’s a Mormon.
Off topic, has anyone seen this Turkey?
I just got another E-mail from the Republican National Committee asking for Money.
I told them to use some of that 2.5 Trillion they were planning to spend on all the Illegals and see if they can get re-elected with that. Because they damn sure weren’t going to get one red cent from me.
Also, I added that Bush thinks that I am too stupid to understand what is good for me, so… ok try running a campaign without us from the grassroots. I will not support any Republican taht supports this piece of crap immigration bill.
I don’t think they will write me again.
Also, I just heard Senator Kyl wanted an amendment added to the POS immigration bill that would deport Illegals who were felons. … The amendment was voted down.
Is there any sanity left in Washington or are they all involved with William Jefferson (D) La.
The political way, just change terminology to make something sour seem sweet, but; Illegals are not Americans. Bush may be compassionate, but he is not conservative. Amnesty is not merely immigration reform.
Mark – did you mean Sen Cornyn instead of Kyl?
I will check it but I’m sure it said, Kyl the Rino,
Ok I checked it, It was on a conversation he had with a D-day veteran.
…RUSH: Well, here’s the question that I asked, and I want to go back and put it in the context I asked it, because I had just read a story of an amendment to the immigration bill in the Senate that had been defeated. It was amendment offered by Senator Kyl. Senator Kyl’s amount would have not permitted felons to become legal citizens, and it would have deported illegals who are felons now, and that was defeated. The effort to get rid of illegal immigrants who are felons was defeated. I casually knowing this as 63rd anniversary, I threw it out there. “Gee, if anybody that served in the D-Day invasion, what must you be thinking?” That’s what made you call. What are you thinking of this?
The whole idea of these whacko senators going off by themseves and making this in private, with Lobby groups like LaRaza having veto power over amendments is nuts.
We better do something, because we are losing control of our country. This whole scenario is 1984-esque, and big brother has made a bid for take over. I don’t like the way this is going.
Unless Soros is out there making ‘clones’ of the bums we threw out last time and we get a clone replacement, who does the same thing as the jerk we threw out the last time did.
I was going to say it is getting curiousser, but no, scary is the right word.
on the one hand Hillary is promoting Marx and these Clowns we elected are saying the same thing, that we know what is best for you… I say, no you don’t either, you don’t speak for me.
God help us.
Jack I feel the same way about Reid and also Mitt Romney too. I don’t trust either one of them.
What has really been bugging me about Romney is his constant reference to Reagan. Mitt could not shine Reagan’s shoes and he keeps trying to do the Presidential by association thing with Reagan’s name and that does not fly with me at all. I resent it a lot.
Thanks for the link about Turkey.
Always On Watch, yes your right. There should be an outrage across America at what Reid said, but the media won’t care at all and that adds to the outrage.
I see the Deacon beacon from Searchlight has shone his brilliance once more. let’s see, which oath of office did he swear allegiance to? The Senate of the 50 United States or the Senate of the 31 Mexican states. Normally I wouldn’t question or be be concerned about religious affilliation but Reid is a converted member of The_Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is married to Landra Gould, a Mormon convert from Judaism. Most Mormons I know are strict patriots and I have served in a combat zone with them and will trust my life in their hands, not Harry Reid’s hands. I still don’t trust Mitt Romney, not because he’s a Mormon.
Off topic, has anyone seen this Turkey?
Harry Reid is a Bozo!
A little Fredian slip revealing exactly how the far left wing thinks!
Typo! Make that “Freudian.”
I just got another E-mail from the Republican National Committee asking for Money.
I told them to use some of that 2.5 Trillion they were planning to spend on all the Illegals and see if they can get re-elected with that. Because they damn sure weren’t going to get one red cent from me.
Also, I added that Bush thinks that I am too stupid to understand what is good for me, so… ok try running a campaign without us from the grassroots. I will not support any Republican taht supports this piece of crap immigration bill.
I don’t think they will write me again.
Also, I just heard Senator Kyl wanted an amendment added to the POS immigration bill that would deport Illegals who were felons. … The amendment was voted down.
Is there any sanity left in Washington or are they all involved with William Jefferson (D) La.
The political way, just change terminology to make something sour seem sweet, but; Illegals are not Americans. Bush may be compassionate, but he is not conservative. Amnesty is not merely immigration reform.
Mark – did you mean Sen Cornyn instead of Kyl?
Dingy Harry is an effeminate jerk.
I will check it but I’m sure it said, Kyl the Rino,
Ok I checked it, It was on a conversation he had with a D-day veteran.
…RUSH: Well, here’s the question that I asked, and I want to go back and put it in the context I asked it, because I had just read a story of an amendment to the immigration bill in the Senate that had been defeated. It was amendment offered by Senator Kyl. Senator Kyl’s amount would have not permitted felons to become legal citizens, and it would have deported illegals who are felons now, and that was defeated. The effort to get rid of illegal immigrants who are felons was defeated. I casually knowing this as 63rd anniversary, I threw it out there. “Gee, if anybody that served in the D-Day invasion, what must you be thinking?” That’s what made you call. What are you thinking of this?
The whole idea of these whacko senators going off by themseves and making this in private, with Lobby groups like LaRaza having veto power over amendments is nuts.
We better do something, because we are losing control of our country. This whole scenario is 1984-esque, and big brother has made a bid for take over. I don’t like the way this is going.
Unless Soros is out there making ‘clones’ of the bums we threw out last time and we get a clone replacement, who does the same thing as the jerk we threw out the last time did.
I was going to say it is getting curiousser, but no, scary is the right word.
on the one hand Hillary is promoting Marx and these Clowns we elected are saying the same thing, that we know what is best for you… I say, no you don’t either, you don’t speak for me.
God help us.
‘ILLEGAL’ is ILLEGAL! ‘Trespassing’ is Trespassing… ‘WRONG’ is WRONG – comprende Estados Unidos?
Jack I feel the same way about Reid and also Mitt Romney too. I don’t trust either one of them.
What has really been bugging me about Romney is his constant reference to Reagan. Mitt could not shine Reagan’s shoes and he keeps trying to do the Presidential by association thing with Reagan’s name and that does not fly with me at all. I resent it a lot.
Thanks for the link about Turkey.
Lynn, yes and a dangerous one.
Always On Watch, yes your right. There should be an outrage across America at what Reid said, but the media won’t care at all and that adds to the outrage.
Mark that is great what you told them.
Mark, that is a perfect way to put it. This is so insane what they are doing.
Tom, exactly Bush may be compassionate but only towards those breaking the law.
Bob, I am so shocked that he said this, it speaks volumes about how he feels.
Mark thank you so much for that from Rush. I missed some of his show today ( Wednesday).
Darth! Amen!!!
Weekend Specials 6/09-6/10
Weekend Specials for June 9th & 10th, 2007 from Jo’s Cafe