ID cards for illegal immigrants approved by New Haven Board of Aldermen
(New Haven-WTNH) _ New Haven’s aldermen voted 25-1 in favor of a city issued identification card for illegal immigrants.
The card will provide all holders access to city services and would allow illegal immigrants to open bank accounts. The program is being touted as the first of its kind in the country.
Opponents of the card say it will encourage more illegal aliens to come to New Haven.
Wild Thing’s comment…………
A president and Attorney General committed to upholding the constitution and the law could end this sort of nonsense in no time. But Bush will probably ask Gonzales to get a copy of the New Haven policy so he can implement it nation wide.
If the highest laws in the land are just ignored, then we’re heading toward anarchy and lawlessness on a level we’ve never experienced in our lifetimes.
Well, let’s just hope New Haven gets whats coming to them.
They’ll be the first ones whining when something bad happens.
It happens every time.
Their city leaders just ruined their fair city.
How can a city allow them to circumvent Federal Law. Banking comes under Federal Law. Are the taxpayers (FDIC)going to have to insure the accounts of criminals?
New England is rapidly becoming New Hispania, New Mecca and New Africa in it’s wrong way highway to Utopia.
Lynn they will be, any place that caves in to these people will be whining big time later on.
Bob I don’t understand it either.
Tom, I was surprised, I always think of the southern States in the west, ( Calif. Arizona, New Mexico etc.) till I saw the maps.