McCain Challenges Rivals On Immigration
Sen. John McCain has a message for other Republican presidential candidates: Opposing an immigration bill for political gain will only worsen the problems of undocumented immigrants and an unsecured border.
McCain plans to talk about the bill at an event here Monday, and excerpts of his prepared remarks take aim at other Republicans in the race.
“I would hope they wouldn’t play politics for their own interests if the cost of their ambition was to make this problem even harder to solve,” McCain said in the prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press.
He is delivering his remarks in the Miami area, which has large Hispanic and Haitian populations considered sympathetic to immigrants.
McCain is alone among major Republicans seeking the presidency in pushing for a compromise bill that would provide border security while allowing a path to legalization for many of the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants.
Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani — McCain’s chief rivals — oppose the measure to varying degrees, even though they have made statements in the past in which they appeared to support a similar measure the Senate previously considered.
“I make one pledge to you that I will keep no matter what. I will never conduct my campaign in such a way that it makes our country’s most difficult challenges harder to solve. I hope you will hold all candidates to that same standard. Pandering for votes on this issue, while offering no solution to the problem, amounts to doing nothing,” McCain said. “And doing nothing is silent amnesty.”
President Bush supports the bill, as does Florida Sen. Mel Martinez, who also serves as general chairman of the Republican National Committee. The issue has divided Republicans, many of whom criticize the bipartisan bill as rewarding illegal behavior.
McCain stresses, however, that undocumented immigrants who declare themselves have to pass a criminal background check, pay fines and taxes, learn English and meet other requirements before eventually being offered the possibility of citizenship.
“Critics of the bill attack this as amnesty and a special path to citizenship that is denied to lawful immigrants. Both charges are false,” McCain said.
Wild Thing’s comment…………
If this isn’t the most convoluted, twisted BS that I’ve ever read on the subject, then I don’t know what is.
Sure Senator McCain. Those of us are against Amnesty purely for ‘policial gain’. But you Senator McCain are really brave making these remarks in MIAMI FLORIDA. Aren’t you the one pandering for political gain Senator?
It is hard to keep track of the insults hurled at opponents of amnesty – has McCain called us racists yet, said that we don’t want to do what is right for America and are lying to scare people, or implied that the only thing that would appease us is the execution of all illegal aliens?? If not, he better get a move on – the other faux conservatives are beating him at his own game.
McCain is deluded if he thinks there’s a majority interested in making things easier for illegal aliens to stay here.
And McCain’s pushing for giving the OK to illegals is not new………. There was this………..March 2006
McCain Challenges Rivals On Immigration
I believe Sheriff Joe Arpaio and NOT the McCainiacs – who haven’t done anything to secure their Arizona border! McCain also swore in the Navy & Senate ” to protect US from all enemies foreign & domestic.” His words are like his wife’s Budweiser brews…. B A D !
I just read on drudge, that the backers of this bill believe, resistance to the massive immigration bill is fading. And the conservatives who are against this bill are in the Minority.
Roughly, translated from what I can gather is this crap is going to be force fed to us whether we want it or not.
This is the whole problem, when a bill as bad as this one is publicised the public gets outraged, and then the anger is spent., this I think is what the left and Bush are planning on.
The Mexican protestors are now keeping a low public profile,( of course by design) and they, The McCains, Kyls and Kennedys, are letting this die down so they can ram it through the Senate like the boondoggle they forced last year.
The whole problem with elites like McCain Kennedy and Specter is the good ones like George Allen and Rick Santorum get the shaft and we lose really good conservative Senators , and election after election, the scum floats back to the top in the form of McCain, Kyl and Arlen Spector.
If they think for one minute that the conservatives have forgotten about this wait for the 08 election, the Republicans will not even have a minor minority in either house. Except for the nominal for press purposes the dems will let the McCains join in a “Bi-partisan” showing.
Then like Canada we too will be a dual language country with a new sub standard poor class that everyone will be working to support.
Like Quisling in WWII, the RINOs are destroying the soul of Red State America. The Big Three front runners of the Stupid Party are all Immigration Bill supporters(irregardless of what 2 of them say). However, they are front runners because the media and the RNC have put them there with phony and loaded surveys. I think when the primaries are over we will not see one of these three. I think we will see Thompson or Hunter or maybe even a surprise.
Senator McCain challenges critics of the immigration bill to offer one of their own. OK! Start with a one page bill that simply states that “border” and “anchor” babies of illegal aliens will no longer be granted automatic U.S. citizenship.
Also, Senator McCain and his colleagues in both houses of Congress should explain in section by section detail to the American public why they can’t enforce the current immigration bill before enacting another sham on the citizens of the country.
Darth, I agree, McCain cannot be trusted.
Mark I think so too. They know outrage with many will lessen and they count on that. I honestly believe they think when it is time for the election to come around people will just think oh well nothing we can do about it so vote for another Rhino and keep throwing America away.
I can’t do that, but there are a lot of people that will. waaaaaa
Tom, I hope so, I saw where the jerk Rudy is not doing as well as he was. Thank God and McCain too. So maybe like you said by the time the elections are here, the top three will be gone.
Les I would love for these bounds and determined to destroy America, all of them including Bush to tell us why they want to disobey the laws we have now. They owe us that!!
They won’t, they are cowards every one of them.
Thanks Les.