Laura Ingrham and Lieutenant Ryan Fulwider – May 10, 2007
Strike Fighter Squadron 106
This photo has nothing to do with a audio clip, but I think it is wonderful that Laura went to see our troops in person to thank them. So I wanted to show it to you.
Laura Ingraham’ s call to arms. “Enforce The Law!”, Laura is screaming with America at the United States Senate and Bush Administration to stop the lying about amnesty.
Please CLICK THE LINK TO HEAR THE AUDIO. It is excellent!!! She is hot on this subject and I have been listening to her every morning on the radio.
Grrreat photo of our Top Guns! If Laura flies upside down she’ll have crack – up? Take the Rules of NON-Engagement off the table for one week and Baghdad will be… secured… one way or another!
Bush talked at the Law Enforcement institute about training people to do their job … he neglected to say, that when you do your job, i.e., enforcing the immigration laws, you wind up in jail and get the shit beat out of You by the same people you help send there, … Yet the media is worried about little Paris Hilton spending 3 weeks in the can for Drunk Driving, the system is nuts.
As Rush says, I am not carrying water for any of these pissants anymore, they are on their own.
McCain talked about the Illegals having to pay back taxes, once they get their Z-visas, that is not in the bill, imagine McCain’s surprise when he found that out, afterall he knows more about this that anyone in the Senate … after he said Expletive You, Senator Cornyn…
From Charles Krauthammer:
“The main provisions of the immigration-reform monster are well known. But how many knew, before reading last Saturday’s Washington Post, that if Einstein were trying to get a green card, he would have to get in line with Argentine plumbers and Taiwanese accountants to qualify under the new “point system” that gives credit for such things as English proficiency and reliable work history? Good thing Albert was a patent- office clerk, and that grooming isn’t part of the new point system.”
Bush has just destroyed his base and that base will be gone for a long time to come. Fred Thomson better get in and quick before Bush burns the conservative bridge at both ends, and literally sinks the republican party for good. He has always been a globalist, and his dealings with Canada and Mexico PM’s is proof positive of the coming NAU, North American Union, … Constitution ? will exist no more.
We who voted for Bush (me twice) elected a pure closet Socialists, if 9-11 had not happened, I doubt he would have been elected for a second term. Of course hindsight is 20/20, too.
I knew all those things about Bush when I voted for him. I’d vote for him again if the situation were the same; bad as he is, the alternative would have been much worse.
‘The alternative was much worse’… That kind of ‘Head in the sand’ attitude is what got us into trouble in the first place.
He sold the country, on sticking with his war policies, staying the course, National Security, but now he has even changed that. He got the new funding he wanted for this year, yet next year he has agreed to pull out half of the troops.
His primary responsibility is National Security, how can you have a secure nation with a revolving door border, and when ICE does do its job, they are treated like criminals and sent to jail. The Perps are given ‘Amnesty’ from prosecution and sent on their way.
Alternatives, there were some options, another candidate for one.
Now the President has trashed his own base as being too harsh on his Amnesty program for ILLEGALS.
The legal immigrants, who have followed the rules are now being sent to the back of the line, so Bush can give his compardres, first crack at being citizens.
He says there will be a background investigation, yet the Zamnesty Visas will be handed out in 48 hours, some back ground investigation.
If nothing else Bush has doomed the republican party to second rate status of being, the candidates of also rans and has beens.
We can not afford to support 40 million free-loaders,(there is an old saying, there is no free lunch … unless it is America) and that is exactly what we will be doing. More victim votes for the democrats.
Not to mention the loss of a culture that has taken 231 years to build. These Illegals don’t want to assimilate they just want jobs to send the money back to Mexico, which is what they have been doing, along with the Drug Gangs, the Child Molestors, Drunk Drivers, we as a nation may last 10 years but at this rate, that too is up for grabs.
Bush is a disaster. Yes, I voted for him. I did not want any more of the party of Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. I never voted for Bush in a primary, too much elitist background for me. It is a shame to have to vote for the lesser of two evils and have that lesser turn out to be closer to equal of two evils. Damn.
America may have to go through a painful wringing out political process of establishing a third or even fourth party to give the average person a true representative government. Another party that will answer to the basic beliefs of Red-State Middle America. A party that will bring America loving, optimistic Conservatives and Reagan Democrats back together again.
Laura Ingraham – Love her. I listen frequently. I just wish she would drop those silly sound effects from her show. I really wish she would run for President. My kind of Conservative and a sweet brave Lady.
Poor Tony Snow was out trying to sell George’s immigration amnesty to the national press on Fox yesterday and trying to convince the public that the warm liquid running down your leg was only rain. Tony is pushing an uncovincing lie and doing the devil’s bidding, I wish he had the nad’s to tell it like this lady has. Laura, for me at least has always spoken the truth as she sees it. We need more with her candor. Thanks WT.
The problem with our two party system is were usually regulated to the lesser of two evils. This country needs a third party. Maybe Fred Thompson should run as a third party candidate; a candidate with the values of Ronald Reagan.
Tip: Buy guns from private owners…no paper trail.
Darth, it would be an exciting week too.
Mark I too voted for Bush twice and worked hard to get him elected even knowing he was not a conservative. I won’t do that again, I won’t for vote for a Rhino again.
Trish I used to think like that too. But not anymore.
The lesser of two evils kind of thinking. The lesser of two evils is still evil. When I sell out my personal integrity to vote for a known Rhino it does something to me that I don’t like. Yes it would have been worse but only in regards to the war. Kerry would have done nothing probably.
But looking at the war and what Bush has done, he only has done it half way. He has not done his part by securing our borders leaving us open for terrorists to come in and also there has been way too much freedom for terrorists to come in as students etc. Bush has not been careful about any of this.
He is like a man sitting in his living room with a rifle in his hands but the doors are wide open to his home.
Our troops deserve better then to be putting their lives on the line and then having a Commander in Chief that does not make sure the homeland is secure while the troops are off fighting.
Catering to the illegals is not the first time he has shocked his base, this time he is attacking it personally and doing great damage to not only the Republican party but also to America’s future.
Tom I agree, America is going to be going through a tremendous change. I just pray it swings the Conservative way from all of this and not deeper into the abyss of the left.
Jack, I am proud of Laura too she is doing a great job.
Bob thanks, my Dad used to say that too. He always said you can buy as many guns as you like from a gun shop etc. but make sure to have one that is from a private owner.