There were no photos available of the women prisoners so I thought you guys might like one of the Swedish Bikini Team
Female prisoners demand bikinis
Sweden’s News in English
Women at a prison outside Gothenburg have decided to fight for their right to a decent sun tan.
Sweden’s Justice Ombudsman has received a letter from the Prisoners’ Council at Sagsjön jail in which the women bemoan the fact that they are not permitted to wear bikinis.
“It’s a human right,” wrote the chairwoman of the council.
Since bikinis are not standard issue in jail, and inmates are not permitted to wear their civilian clothes, the prisoners consider themselves victims of discrimination, Aftonbladet reports.
“How are we supposed to be able to sunbathe at all? They answer we have got is that we can sunbathe in shorts and sports tops.
“In other words, we are treated differently because we are in an institution and we are disriminated against because of our gender,” the women wrote.
“We want to be able to enjoy the sun just like everybody else in Sweden, whether they are in an institution or on the outside.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
“It’s a human right,” wrote the chairwoman of the council.
Sounds like a job for the U.N. Hahahaha
Actually, if they are a convict, it’s a privledge not a right and convicts give up some privleges enjoyed by others when they committed a crime, were convicted, sentenced and sent to the prison. imo
Since when do the Swedes WEAR bikinis? I miss Katie Wholestrom of ‘The Farmer’s Daughter’!
You can send the Swedish Bikini Team to compete in my neck of the woods any time.
No bikinis for prisoners.
By the looks of that bikini “team” I have only one comment…
…send me in coach!
Are they hiring ?
Darth, haha good one.
Jack, LOL, I just had a thought after your comment. Can you just see the prisoners if they saw this post and how the Bikini teams photo is there. heh heh
Lynn, I agree, they do not deserve the favors they ask for. They broke the law and should not enjoy their prison time.
Sierrahome, hahaha cute.
Mark, hahahahahaha I wonder if the USA has one of those teams. I never heard of it before. giggle