Mermaid statue draped in Muslim dress
The Little Mermaid statue in Denmark’s capital was found draped in a Muslim dress and head scarf Sunday morning.
Police removed the clothing after a telephone caller reported it, spokesman Jorgen Thomsen said.
The statue sculpted in tribute to author Hans Christian Andersen draws about 1 million visitors a year and is targeted occasionally by vandals. On Tuesday, the statue’s face, left arm and lap were found doused with red paint.
The bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen has sat on a rock in Copenhagen harbor since 1913.
The actual statue of the Mermid that is so famous around the world.

Wild Thing’s comment………
I guess here in America on our Statue of LIberty it will be a choice between a burqa or a Mexican hat a Mexican sombrero, maybe all of it.
We still have family in the former West Germany and they’ll admit that they now live in the Europeon / Eurabian Union! After the Berlin Wall came down, the Muslim Burqa Brigades invaded the Fatherland from Turkey and the Middle East. “Ein Reich…Ein Volk… Ein Casbah!” Germany ist kaput, ja?
Oh Holy Mother of God!
What is wrong with everyone?
It’s a statue. It’s art.
What’ll they do next? Paint a veil on the Mona Lisa?
Give me a break! If you don’t like it, turn away from it.
Only simple minded, easily led pawns would do something like this.
Can’t anyone think for themselves anymore? Do they really need someone to do it for them?
And the march of islam continues. I hope, but doubt that Europe will rise up andstop this invasion. I fear that our own country will also be overwhelmed by the Third(Turd)World invasion of counter cultures.
I wonder if this is a locals way of telling everyone what’s happening to their country.
I think that this alteration of the statue is the infidels’ way of wryly showing the road down which Europe is heading.
Overall, the West doesn’t have a clue as to what would be forbidden should Muslims gain more of a hold over our culture.
Darth, that is just what they do, they invade, it sure feels like it here in America too. Like an invasion of Muslims and their demands and whines.
Thanks for sharing about how it is for some of your family over in as you as former West Germany. We are all in the same situation watching things happening that we can do nothing about. Like some horrible virus crossing the earth. augh!
Lynn, exactly. I truly hate it when people… anyone, not just whoever did this, do destruction of property. I will never understand how a person can do that and feel good. It is just so wrong.
Tom it seems that it will be, I pray it takes a long time before it truly comes to be in full force here. Like a 1000 years but that is not realistic I am sure.
Bob that could be too, the article was very short and not enough information as to who they think did it.
Always On Watch, I agree this whole thing is new to the the world we have lived in. And how to fight it too since they worship death and only want their Shia law and not ours makes it hard too.
According to Brigitte Gabriel (www.americancongressfortruth.com), the Moo Slimes are settling into Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nashville Tennessee and Virginia now in order to establish their Islamomaniac cells. And not too many of US care? With Islamaburg in New York – when will the NEXT 9-11 and Pearl Harbor type attacks occur?