Here is some illegal-alien reading for you
Accused Vegas bomber guilty in ID case
Driver accused in crash (Illegal alien killed “Christmas Story” director)
Jury finds illegal immigrant guilty of Annaville rape (of elderly South Texas woman)
Gang member arrested after chase
SUV driver drags man (New York – Illegal Alien)
Family shares dream (their daughter was murdered by illegal alien)
Cops seek (illegal alien) drifter in girl’s rape/slaying
Driver in U.S. illegally, records say (killed American)
Drunk driving is suspected in crash that killed woman (illegal alien driver)
Bakersfield, CA: Illegal immigrant suspected in fatal crash had four DUIs (drunk,on drugs,killed father of five)
Officials say suspect in fatal car wreck is illegal immigrant (drunk driving; three Americans dead)
Wild Thing’s comment…….
All deaths and crimes that wouldnt have happened if our borders were properly secured and immigration properly enforced.
So much for swearing to protect our nation against all enemies foreign and domestic…so help me God! Pancho Villa and Viva Estados Unidos
Bonita Senora Chrissie & Muchacho Old Salt?
– Lonely Bull Sh*t 2007!
Illegal Aliens: Causing the Death and Injury Americans won’t.
I left my wife’s hometown because of Vietnam in ’68. Vietnam Veterans at the time weren’t socially welcomed back there, even to be buried,(many thanks John and Jane). They’ve mellowed or died off in the interim but after 20 years abroad and some 38 years later I never returned there after retirement because of the illegals, I sold the farm I owned there and now live over 200 miles away.
That small farming community was founded by legal immigrants who homesteaded, mostly by Dutch, German and European immigrants at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, their legacy to this nation is etched in marble and bronze at the local cemetary, and there are a lot of them, generations who gave it all to this country from the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam, some were legal Mexican decendants who served with honor, many were in my own unit, brothers in arms. Now that city is completely taken over by legal immigrants and illegal immigrants from Mexico, all in under 40 years. the population is in excess of 20,000, up from the 3100 when I left. 1987 was the year amnesty was first granted (thanks Ronny), you couldn’t get into or out of town for the lines of Mexicans signing up for their Social Security numbers, most waited until the very end of the amnesty to register, fearing deportation. These illegals all had family they finally brought over after the end of the amnesty. I was over for a visit last month, the gangs control the north side of town, you can’t leave your home unattended, to even go into town. While we were there the neighboring farm house 500 ft. away was burgled in broad daylight, cleaned out, they’ll not be caught because the local police are too PC and the force is infiltratd with ‘cousins’. That’s the scenario that I’ve seen encroaching in Eastern Washington for over 45 years. It will be accelerated and will come to your town too.
Yes Darth, so much for the oath of office and soverign integrity.
Darth, thanks, it really is disgusting how they do not make an effot, none at all within our country about the borders. sickening
Bob very true, it makes the crime worse when it is done by an illegal that did not need to be here. augh!
Jack thank you for sharing about that. It is so sad, so unnecessary and makes me so furious to see that kind of thing happening.
I became an independent frm. lifelong rep.so I could vote for the person not the party.the two (now one)party system is failing america.I SHALL NEVER VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN OR A DEMOCRAT AGAIN EVER.We need more independants.and third partys to rise up and be counted.there are better americans waiting to serve their country than are in office now.i was behind bush at 60% but as he wants the kennedy/kyle/mccain immigration bill I DO NOT AND WILL NOT SUPPORT BUSH ANY MORE.WHERE IS THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA WHEN YOU NEED THEM?AS A ARIZONAN I AM SORRY I VOTED FOR MCCAIN.I WISH WE COULD FILE SOME SORT OF CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT TO STOP THIS OR DELAY THE PASSAGE TILL THEY REALIZE MORE THAN 70% OF REAL(THOUGH FORGOTTEN)AMERICANS ARE AGAINST THIS BILL.WILL WE GIT A PASS OR GIT OUT OF JAIL FREE WHEN (IF)WE BREAK A FEDERAL LAW?HELL N0!!!!! IM TO PISSED TO CONTINUE.SO MAD I WOULD USE THE ALCU IF THEY WOULD HANDLE THE LAW SUIT.