Paris riots follow Sarkozy victory
Riot police fired tear gas at stone-throwing protesters gathered in central Paris today to demonstrate against the presidential election victory of right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy, an AFP journalist said.
The clashes took place on the Place de la Bastille where about 5,000 supporters of the defeated Socialist candidate Segolene Royal had gone to await the election results.
Up to 300 rioters, some of whom were masked, made running attacks on riot police who took up positions at the entrance to boulevards leading onto the square.
Earlier a small crowd of protesters, brandishing black and red anarchist flags, set fire to an effigy of Sarkozy in the square before tearing it limb from limb and then stamping on it.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Typical socialist liberal reaction. Don’t like the vote, riot. Don’t like the law, ignore it. Don’t like the speech, ban it.
What a news !
I think that French people are very divided now, becaue their new President did not have that much distance to his opponent.
Thank you for sharing this story with me !
Where’s Inspector Jacques Clousseau when you need him? Kato… Katoooo… Katoooooooo! – Pink Panther Power?
Changing presidents in France is a lot like changing a baby’s diaper, just put on another dirty diaper to replace the old one, now is the time for Sarkozy to crack down on the dissident anarchists as he promised. Time will tell if Chirac’s replacement is a better leader but I doubt he will be anything but just another spineless Socialist lackey with the same goals and attitude. I hope that I’m wrong. Still it would be a joy to see his government deport the Islamist agitators along with their families who riot and burn as undesireables.
You can compare our socialist to your ACLU , they are stupid and just talk about democracy when you vote like theme ,if you don’t they riots , worst Sarkozy shake Bush’s hand and in France its a political suicide but 53 % of French vote for him and i m proud . Sarkozy is nt Bush , but he like him . Chirac was a shame , and i hope Sarkozy will continu to make us proud . For this moment i m realy happy
Vive la France!
It’s a step in the right direction. Let’s hope for the best.
Here’s hoping the French make a big right turn. I would love to see them save their country and culture. I would love to see France become an ally of America. They have to act soon, but it can be done.
Good Luck France!
Lena, this man is supposed to be less of a liberal then the women that ran against him.. That is why so many are rioting that wanted a strong liberal to win.
To some this man will be a friend to America, we will see. There are some things about him I do not think are so “friend” to America type things. But I will hope, I just know how the French feel about America and the war on Iraq.
Darth, Hahahahaha how could I ever forget Katooo with Inspector Jacques Clousseau. That was always so hilarious.
Jack I agree, they say he is not as liberal, but he is against the war in Iraq so what the heck is that? Being a liberal if you ask me.
Thanks Jack.
RWC, I understand, I hope and pray too that this man will make it better for our relations with France. I have heard good things about him and a few things that concern me.
Good to see you RWC.
razOr yes I am hoping for the best. I hope when he meets with Bush sometime he can see how important this war is and why too.
Tom I agree so much, I loved it when I got to visit France, it has some fabulous things about it. It is like here where the liberals wreck it for others here with their hate and anti this and that and PC for so many things, the same in France with their liberals. Thank God there is no more Chirac, he was awful.