The first Republican presidential primary debate for this next Presidential election will air tonight. This first debate for Republicans will be on MSNBC, and the next one on May 15th will be on Fox News Channel.
NBC’s Brian Williams and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews will moderate the debate. Nancy Reagan is supposed to be there.
The Ronald Reagan Library announced that Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Tommy Thompson are all confirmed to attend the Library’s debate on May 3rd.
The debate will take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, and will air live on MSNBC from 8:00 to 9:30 pm (ET)
Wild Thing’s comment………
I can’t stand Chris Matthews so I will be busy yelling at him I can promise you that. He is absolutely horrible.
Republican Debate Tonight
Matthews and Williams, it’s a stacked deck. There won’t be anything fair and balanced about the entire affair with that pair moderating it. First it’s MSNBC, Marxist Station Now Broadcasting Communism, with the play book is written by Pelosi and Company, it won’t be a debate it will be a debacle. The only draw for me is Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo, with a maybe for Mike Huckabee, I may need that glass of whiskey you reserved for me yesterday.
If you miss the debates (or find them too biased), you can always research the candidate positions here as well…
It just the youtube candidate videos, only organized by issue.
I am disappointed in Tom Tancredo. While he was the lone voice for border sanity for a long time, the first fact is that he isn’t ready for prime time, based upon some preliminary campaign statements he made, and the second fact is that Duncan Hunter would take up the cause of border sanity so much better, distinguised military record and all.
Is Tom Tancredo really about border sanity, or has Tom Tancredo become all about Tom Tancredo?
As disgusting as Puffball and Williams are, isn’t it refreshing that the Republicans are willing to go on PMSNBC? Remember when the Commiecrat candidates (and absent Lieberman, they ARE truly Commie candidates) wouldn’t go on Fox News, even though nobody from Fox News wasn’t even MODERATING the broadcast?
woops, grammar error above, ack.
So Republicans will go on MSNBC, but the Dems are too scared to go on Fox. Bunch of pansies on the left.
Duncan Hunter is looking better every day.
Nick Byram giggle you are just tying to make me feel better about all my typos. I do them a lot.
I agree with you, it speaks volumes about the Dems not going on Fox for a debate.
Jack help yourself. haha
Gary thank you for the link, I appreciate it.
razOr your right they sure are a bunch of pansies those slimy Dems.