Clothes made in Morocco, and presumably made by Muslims
Damascus, 19 April (AKI) – Besides saying it loudly and proudly, Muslims who treasure their religious heritage can also show it, and they will soon be able to do so by buying and wearing products bearing the “Made by a Muslim” label.
A group of Islamic businessmen meeting in Damascus, Syria have launched a initiative they say involves 7,500 companies around the world and which aims to encourage Muslims to boycott products made in countries hostile to Islam and to opt instead for those manufactured in Islamic nations.
“In light of the growing hostility faced by Islam and by Muslims in the Western world, after the events of September 11, a sentiment further amplified by the publication of offensive cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed,” the businessmen said in a statement, they had decided to set up a computerised international database that contains guidelines for the production, distribution and sale of products “that can represent an alternative to products from the West”.
The strategy involves labelling products so that counsumers will be able to know where they originate from and that they have been made by Muslims. For example: Made in Syria and Made by a Muslim.
The businessmen who have launched the initiative say the hope the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the body that groups together most Muslim nations, will support it and that will press governments of member states to promote the Muslim-made products.
Muslims made this…..

Wild Thing’s comment………
So kind of a jihadist FUBU? Just what the world needs!
The question is often asked, “Why can’t or don’t Muslims integrate with the societies they migrate to”? The answer is they don’t want to integrate. Their plan is to dominate.
This picture is reality WT! 19 Islamomaniacs killed 2,996 innocent Americans and foreigners (120) in three U.S. states in three hours on September 11, 2001…of which 1,100 human remains have yet to be found or identified. And Islam is a religion of peace? Try pieces! This picture of the WTC is worth a 1,000 words and how many pieces? ” …deliver us from evil…Are you ready? LET’S ROLL!” – Todd Beamer, UF 93, Shanksville Pennsylvania 10:15 a.m. on 9-11-01
WT – This infamous picture is worth 1,000 words, for of the 2,996 Americans and foreigners (120)
slaughtered on 9-11-01 by 19 Islamomaniacs…
over 1,000 victims have yet to be found or identified! Islam is a religion of peace or pieces?
So, “made by a muslim” is going to compete with “made in china”? Afraid not! Muslim industry will not make a blip on any stock market in the world. Muslim and industry should not even be in the same sentence.
Muslims only maufacture trouble well.
So are they trying to be “Remember look for the Muslim label when you are buying that shirt, dress or blouse?”
There was a time when Made in America meant something.
It’s just their way of getting us to wear burkhas and whatever else muslims have to wear. No thank you.
They are hell bent on world domination. Not on my block.
A British sage has this to say about islam. (Language warning)
And the truth shall set you free! :>)
Darth exactly that photo is what Islam has made, carried out by Muslims and they want more of it too.
Tom, I was laughing when I read about this. They stuff would be horrible. Then I got angry because what they already have are suicide vets and how they make them.
Good one about comparing them to China, no way could they compete.
Lynn, good one! Not on our block either.
Dan, that was great, thank you so much. I had never seen it before.