Mexican truck stampede to hit U.S.!
WND ….for complete article
Despite congressional opposition, the Bush administration is fully committed to beginning within weeks a pilot test that will allow Mexican trucks to operate freely across the U.S.
A spokesman for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Ian Grossman, told WND the agency plans to grant the first authority for a Mexican trucking company to operate its long-haul rigs throughout the U.S. as early as the end of this month.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Why don’t they just use Grayhound Buses for all the illegals who no longer have to walk across the border?
On the news awhile back they showed showed Troopers that investigated American trucks and truck drivers and took them off the road for different violations, will they do the same with the mexican drivers and trucks or will they have aclu complain of violations against their civil rights as they go on our highways killing Americans?
Hunter is against this so he is sponsoring HR 1756 to include Mexican transport vehicles in the rules and regs domestic transport vehicles must abide by. Thus ensuring protection for American motorists and pedestrians, and less drug and illegal alien smuggling.
Contact your Congressmen and urge them to support HR 1756.
This is so wrong!
Will the Mexican government allow our
truckers down through their country?
What’s the matter with Bush? Is he so out of touch with the American People, even those in his own party leadership? Why is our President caving in to the demands of Mexico?
This is part of the socialist plan(New World Order-Bush 41?). They want the US and Mexico and Canada to be one big happy nation state. President Bush seems to agree with this and has signed several agreements with Mexico and Canada to implement open trading and open borders. To what extent the plan erases borders I don’t know, but I think it is similar to the European Union Plan where there will be common laws and currency. These socialists dream of sovereign nations morphing into larger units with happy people dancing to the music of large bureaucracies and gigantic multi-national coporations. All led probably by omni powerful CEOs.
Or, it is just Mexican truckers driving junk American truckers won’t drive!
Can you imagine how many Illegals they can pack into a big rig, those trailors are 53 feet long.
Hell they can have half the population of Mexico into the US of A in about a month.
The war on terror is about the only thing I support Bush on anymore.
From what I just heard funding for the troops starts to run out Sunday. So if the defeatocrats do nothing they have won.
The sad thing is, Bush had it all the House the Senate and the White House and he pee ed it all away. The bummer is now, the defeatocrats want open borders.
Are we ever going to win one for the ‘Gipper’?
Lynn, it is such a total double standard thing. We cave in to them and they have nothing but tons of rules for people coming from our country.
This is a very bad thing they are going to allow here in our country. Very bad.
Bob, I heard an interview awhile back where Bush was asked about those of all of us that are against his caving in to the illegals and actually said he did not know people were that much against it. I almost fell off my chair. How could he not know. That was an outright lie to say that. sheesh
Tom, your right, they want countries all blended together. augh!!
And it amazes me that they think we are supposed to obey all the rules and laws and yet not the illegals coming in. One day someone is going to fight back and not in a pretty way.
Mark, AMEN to what you said.
What an opportunity Bush had, he had it all and has blown it big time.