Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York reacts to seeing and old friend during a campaign stop at the National Education Association New Hampshire, in Concord, N.H.( AP)
Wild Thing’s comment……….
LMAO this is too funny, it says she is reacting to seeing and old friend. She looks more like she is angry then happy. I would hate to see that look coming at me from a friend I had not seen in a long time. Yikes!
Some suggestions for her photo………..
“You gave money to Obama!”
“He’s doing WHAT to all the female donors!???”
Chelsea’s backing John McCain?
How dare You !, He’s having lunch at the ‘Y’ as we … speak.
“What are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Vince”
He did what with Nancy?
I’ll tax you my pretty and your little dog, too!
What do you mean I’m not Queen of the Universe?
What do you mean Harry Reid has naked pictures of me on his website?
YOU noticed that left-handed bend* in Bill’s penis TOO?
(*supposedly true, based on Paula Jones’ testimony, OINK does NOT want to know!)
I rule the universe!!! Not Nancy!! I do!! I do!!
Though I have to say the wire hanger one is spot on.
LMAO you all are great, these are wonderful.
It is fun to do this sometimes when there is just that perfect photo out there that is begging for a caption. heh heh
Thank you so much for all your great ideas.
Barack and Chelsey did what!!!