A little something for you to see from Rush Limbaugh, I thought this was good. ~ Wild Thing
Rush on the hostages yesterday:
RUSH: Well, Winston Churchill is having a scotch in his grave right now asking the question: “How did 15 British sailors and Marines give up without firing a shot?” Churchill probably cannot believe this. You know, they pretty mothballed their navy. Great Britain, I’ll tell you, it’s gone PC in ways you wouldn’t believe. If you people haven’t heard, this I want you to sit down. This is from the UK Daily Mail: “Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils,” according to a government study. The study “found that some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity of the Holocaust for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial. There is also resistance to tackling the Eleventh Century crusades where Christians fought Muslim armies for control of Jerusalem because lessons often contradict what is taught in local mosques. The findings have prompted claims that some schools are using histories as a vehicle for promoting political correctness.”
Political correctness? It’s worse than that! The Brits are not teaching the Holocaust because there are Muslim students in there who are Holocaust deniers, and they don’t want them to be offended! They’re worried that they’re going to start blowing up the schools or something, I guess. (interruption) Yes, there is a “consensus” on the Holocaust, but the Brits are willing to say, “To hell with consensus.” The Holocaust is not “consensus.” It’s fact. Look, you wonder what’s happened to the Brits? It’s political correctness is running amok, and “conflict resolution.”
Does anybody think that 15 United States Marines would just sit there and allow themselves to be taken when they had not invaded Iranian waters and then in two days, start apologizing on Iranian TV? Do you think 15 United States Marines would do this?

TEHRAN, Iran – Fifteen British sailors and marines released by Iran arrived at Tehran’s airport early Thursday and were expected to board a commercial flight to London, according to an Associated Press reporter at the scene.
The 15, whose release from nearly two weeks in Iranian captivity was announced Wednesday by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, arrived in a convoy of sedans that drove directly to the presidential VIP section of the airport, the reporter said.
The convoy was escorted by several cars belonging to the elite Revolutionary Guards.
The British crew was expected to board a British Airways flight scheduled to leave the Mehrabad International Airport at 8 a.m. local time (12:30 a.m. EDT).
Wild Thing’s comment……
Just sayin! Cause I love OUR USA troops!
Regarding the 15 Brits, I am glad they are going to be released. I am glad they are alive and well.
Mixed emotions. I am glad the British hostages are free. I am disappointed they were captured so easily. They were armed. I don’t know if they just did not have the stomach to fight, or if the British Rules of Engagement denied them the ability to defend themselves. Either way, it appears the British may be as much a liability as an asset. I would also like to know all the trrms of their release – did England give away what is left of the lion-hearted soul to get these folks back?
America is essentially alone in this War on (islam)Terror, excepting the Aussies and a handful of others, Poles and Danes. We also have a large population of non- warsupporters here in America undermining our war effors, the Democrats and our growing immigrant population.
I admire President Bush’s stance on the war, although his administrations tacticle plans have been somewhat flawed and his personal leadership has been deplorable.
This should have been declared a war, a real war, and the country put on some degree of visible war footing. Instead we have a MSM and a political party wearing the country down with their support of the enemy and at the same time, we are letting potential enemy combatants immigrate into America.
Eventually the war will return to American soil and then Rules of Engagement will be out the window as everyday Americans will exercise their Second Amendment right.
The Quisling’ amongs us have a long history of this behavvior, which explains why they won’t let the United States win in the war of aggression toward it. Preferring to bleed American blood in battle then giving over the spoils of war unresolved to the Commmunists, ie. the U.N. or any Communist nation. We saw this starting with Yalta a long but worthwhile read, Korea, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Cuba, Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Sudan and now both Gulf wars. Look at Israel for examples of Islamic good will and their history of negotiated peace. Islam has a history of bloody oppression since it’s beginning. They had better wake up, these are not their Communist friends.
15 US Sailors would not just be taken either Crissy. It is interesting that of all of the smiling faces in the British group that the three standing on the far right seem very glum.
I was and am eternally grateful to all the US Marines before me who had called in artillery and napalm strikes on their own heads when they were being overrun by the enemy.
It does make the MF’ers pause and think.
Yup, the faces on some of those Brits don’t seem pleased at all. Their is obviously a message there.
British Rules of Engagement probably prevented them from fighting back. Think of our Soldiers and Marines when something happens and the ROE is in question. The MSM and Pentagon REMF’s come after them with ropes in hand.
Those three don’t seem none too pleased with how this was handled. Wouldn’t count out all the Brits just yet.
Tom, I too wish this was a declared war. When it all started I really misunderstood the night I heard Bush speak. I thought he was saying we were at war with the terrorists that they started this and we would finish it and go after them. I sure have learned a lot since how important that one word WAR is and making sure it is declared and not just “mentioned” afterward.
Jack, thank you and thank you for the link too.
All the counties that have begged for our help over the years so many, and we were there for all of them. Not very good friends when it comes to needing their support, there sure are a lot of weak leaders around this world. And the terrorists know it too.
Your so right about Israel too.
DE644, I agree, our sailors would have been champions!!!
You are right about the faces of three on the far right. I noticed that too and wondered about it.
OINK, our troops then and today are couragous, too bad these 15 Brits did not show that same courage…. imo.
But I still am glad they are OK, unharmed and released. It makes me even prouder of our own troops.
Bob, it is very possible like you said about the British ROE.
razOR that is what I was wondering….if those on the end of the photo were thinking and feeling that.
Is this a still shot from McHales Navy or Gilligans Island? Gomer Pyle? F-Troop? We had a Code of Conduct and knew what PROPAGANDA was all about in our SEAR Survival/POW training during The Cold War and these misfits have broken EVERY rule that was in our US military training guides. The MI6 and Brit SAS personnel must be embarrassed and sickened by these 15 Brits on the isle of misfit toys. And they ACCEPTED gifts and souveneer bags? Are you kidding me? The female sailor is almost as BIG as Toyko Rosie O’Donnell. So much for military appearance and weight standards, eh? GOD save the Queen with these bloaks!