Mohamed Muse, 20, was hired six months ago at the St. Louis Park Target, where he works in the produce section so he doesn’t have to handle pork products.
Target Is Transferring Cashiers Who Avoid Pork
Star Tribune
In the wake of community criticism, Target Corp. is reassigning its Muslim cashiers who refuse to ring up pork products for religious reasons to other jobs at the stores. Target received a wave of criticism earlier this week after the Star Tribune reported in a front-page article that some Muslim cashiers at Target declined to scan bacon and other pork products. They would call over another cashier to ring up the products, or in some cases, ask customers to do it themselves.
Some customers called and wrote Target to complain about the practice; a few called for a general boycott of Target on the Star Tribune’s community blog, buzz.mn.
After the story appeared, Target asked Muslim cashiers who refuse to handle pork to wear gloves or transfer to other areas of the stores. In some cases, Muslim cashiers will be given the option of transferring to other stores.
“We are confident that this is a reasonable solution for our guests and team members,” Target spokeswoman Paula Thornton-Greear said in a statement. It remains unclear whether wages would be affected by any job transfers; cashiers are generally entry-level positions at Target.
Each Target store appears to have some leeway in implementing the new policy. At the downtown Minneapolis Target, employees were called into one-on-one meetings Thursday and asked whether they were opposed to handling pork for religious reasons. Those who said yes were told they could no longer work as cashiers during the store’s busiest hours, 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., according to an employee at the store who requested anonymity.
At the SuperTarget off Hwy. 7 in St. Louis Park, which has a full grocery section, Muslim cashiers who said they refuse to handle pork were transferred Thursday to the sales floor to stock shelves or fold clothes. It remained unclear whether that change is permanent. The store manager declined to be interviewed, and Thornton-Greear said the company wouldn’t discuss the situation at specific stores.
Suhara Robla, a 20-year-old employee at the store, said more than a dozen Muslim cashiers were asked Thursday to do other jobs. “They told all of us who don’t touch pork to go to the sales floor,” she said. “They really didn’t say why. They just said it was a new policy.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
They should be transferred out the back door. There is absolutely no reason to accomodate these lunatics.
Islam is a disease trying to destroy us from within.
They learned the value of the “protest” from the left. They want to destroy us bit by bit; protest by protest.
Bit by bit, little by little, they demand WE change to accomodate them. This is a war, a cultural war. Our elected leadership fails to recognize or acknowledge this war. In some places, average Americans fight the Cultural War against islam and immigration.
Unless there is another attack like 9/11, the Bush Administration is going to do nothing except aid and abet the enemy in this Cultural War for another two years. Our best hope lies ahead in the elections of ’08. Perhaps there will be candidates like Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter and others(maybe John Bolton?) who will step forward and actually lead the country in this war on established American culture.
Funny–they’ve already taken Europe–Europe has NO culture left for the future–we PREEMPTIVELY give them what they want.
If I asked to be transferred because of my religion, I’d be out the door under the guise that I was a racist.
We are on the verge of losing our culture–where I work, I see a lot of reverse discrimination and that is wrong too. Management doesn’t want to be thought of as racist, oh no. They think there is a law that makes them have to do this or that and there isn’t. There are guidelines only. And the companies are afraid of being sued.
Affirmative action doesn’t work anymore. It’s feeding fuel to the fire. Minorities and now the middle easterners are using it against us. I’m not surprised people are falling for it. We just bury our heads in the sand and pretend it isn’t happening here.
I haven’t shopped Target in years! Not since they stopped letting the Bell ringers at Christmas time. Liberal, expensive weenie butts!
If you can’t do the job they should be shown the door. If they were hired to handle pork and refuse, isn’t that refusing to do the job they were hired for ?
We haven’t shopped at Target since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, due to their disrespect for veterans. The Salvation Army bell ringers was just the icing on the cake. Now, I make it a point to make sure I give Sally’s something to their bucket.
Again the American People had better start voting with their heads instead of with their Ass.
The sad fact is Americans have it to F*@#ING
easy.We make damn good money,drive nice car(S)
Lots of time off.So we get fat and lazy…I would say 65%have forgoten 9/11 and 89% don’t
belive we are fighting for the life of this
Country as we know it.Sorry to say that we haven’t been hurt bad enough for it to sink in and till we do nothing is going to change
Tincan Sailor…PREACH IT BROTHER!!!. You’re absolutely right when you said Americans have forgotten 9/11 and believe were in a fight for our survival.
This idea is not original with me — you recall how during the Dark Ages, monks in Monasteries kept ancient learning alive? Perhaps the Marine Corps is performing the same task in the current Dark Ages?
Tincan Sailor and Mark are both spot on, as both a former employee and employer I’d expect to get fired for not doing my job if I had alienated a customer, as an employer I’d have sacked this miserable bastard for the same reasons. Those are service jobs. Is it no wonder they can’t hold a job in Europe. Target can KMA I never shop there, nor do I patronize any known Muzzy establishment.
Who shops at Target? Shouldn’t we be shopping at eveeel Wal-Mart?
Tom, I agree, our hope has to be in the next election. It may be a thin hope right now, but I am praying something will happen that we get a conservative elected. I just can’t give up, not yet.
Lynn, I know exactly what you mean about the work place.
I haven’t been to a Target either, not for a long time for the same reason as you said.
Mark, Amen to that. Too many not even caring or thinking about their vote.
Tincan Sailor, yep exactly!!
Oink, God bless our Marine Corp.
Jack, ditto and a big Amen.
razOr, hahah well now the Muzzie can have target all to themselves.
About 10 years ago my Daughter went ot work for
Targayyyy…They promised 40 hrs a week and they
did for the first week “THEN” it was down to 20
and 15 if you were lucky,smart on their part no
sick pay or vacation and 401-k if less than 40 hrs per week…You bet they are all heart…