I wonder if when he was handcuffed, and asked for a comment he replied “Allah Fubar, kiss my magnetized rear end, you zionist dogs!”
HERE is the VIDEO showing Maliki, the man being discussed.
Wired Iraqi man triggers scare at L.A. airport
An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum triggered a security scare at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday but officials said he posed no apparent threat.
The man, identified by law enforcement officials as Fadhel al-Maliki, 35, set off an alarm during passenger screening at the airport early on Tuesday morning.
A police bomb squad was called to examine what was deemed a suspicious item found during a body cavity search of the man. Local media reports said a magnet was found in his rectum.
“He was secreting these items in a body cavity and that was a great concern because there were also some electric wires associated with that body cavity,” Larry Fetters, security director for the Transportation Security Administration at the airport, told reporters.
Maliki, 35, who lives in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was preparing to board a US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.
The flight left without Maliki but with his luggage aboard. It made an unscheduled landing in Las Vegas, where the plane was thoroughly searched but nothing was found, officials said.
Passengers were not evacuated and no flights were disrupted by the incident at Terminal One at Los Angeles airport.
“There never was a threat,” Fetter said.
He said police and the FBI were called in from “an abundance of caution” because Maliki was “so bizarre in his behavior.”
Maliki, who had a U.S. green card, was being questioned by immigration officials about his immigration status.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum…
Wow, talk about a “What did I just read?” moment. Oh my gosh!
First I have to mention this because all of us here have seen a person comment that has used the named Maliki. LOL I wonder if it is the same person. Probably not, maybe that is a common name amoung Iraqi men. But ole Maliki that has commented on here has been a perfect example of hate for the USA, and our troops among other things.
OK, now to the Maliki in the story, was he just testing the system? I wonder why his baggage was left aboard? Only Muslims would walk around with wires and a magnet in their butts. LOL
An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum triggered a security scare at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday but officials said he posed no apparent threat.”
If he posed no threat then why’d they call the FBI? Yes that is absolutely ridiculous. They guy had a potential bomb up his ***, or was testing to see how much of one he could pass thru the detection system. And they caught that ‘one’ and its not a threat?
Now here is something odd….this story says TWO men not just one……weird. Why can’t they get trhe story straight or did they have TWO and not want everyone to know about it. And it is from China about this incident.
China View
A “suspicious item” caused alarm at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on Tuesday, prompting investigation by a bomb squad.
Security authorities said they had sent the bomb squad to Terminal One at LAX to examine the “suspicious item”.
The incident began shortly before 6:00 a.m. (local time), said Marshall Lowe of Los Angeles World Airports, the Los Angeles city agency that operates LAX.
“About 5:40 a.m., a suspicious item was found during passenger screening,” Lowe said. The item was seized and a Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad was sent to examine it, Lowe said.
Securities officials reported that two men with electrical cords “either wrapped around or coming out of their bodies” were being questioned. The men also were in possession of “magnets,” Los Angeles TV Channel 5 reported.
China must have lied, because here is the report from The Aviation Nation that states it was one man.
Thank God nothing happened to injure the passengers, but it is funny nonetheless. I’m telling you, there are some proctologist jokes in this.
Probably just another example of superior Arab medical science, or a method of keeping you in your seat in case of a foward collision. Or maybe even alternative medicine from some California hothouse. A cure for….what?
Either way, you couldn’t pay me enough to do this kind of screening. It would have to be done behind glass.
I am off topic here, but I just got a heads-up the lefist-Anti-American Whacko’s are planning to bring Spray-paint to there demonstration March 17, and plan to trash the Wall. I will be taking my cane with the lead insde, they are not going to touch that wall.
I think you’re right in that they’re testing the system. This is just a dry run to see how far they can get with devices inserted into their bodies. If they would have made it on board, you can bet it would have tried again and again until one of these times the magnet will be another device, an explosive device.
Maybe they were just “Two Wild And Crazy Guys” that someone told to do that to be ‘chick magnets for Hot American Foxes’.
Really, this doesn’t, if I may cliche the obvious,”pass the smell test”. It is widely known that one of the terrorists plans for bringing down airliners are to smuggle ‘innocuous ingredients’ aboard indivdually to be assembled once they are on the flight. To say that this, or these people didn’t represent a threat is a blatant lie designed to reassure the traveling public. It’s not like this guy accidentally swallowed a refridgerator magnet for Christ sake.
If this method of terrorism catches on though, it may actually be easier to screen passengers. Strategically placed magnets could be placed at security areas and one could simply watch for those passing through the line that are mysteriously ‘pushed away’ by an unseen force or collect the ones who display their opposite pole and are captured by it like a terrorist fly strip.
Rhod, good one, and a big ewe I would hate that job too of having to do that exam on those vile people. YUK
I do feel this was a test to see what would happen and how far along they could get with this kind of thing. I just don’t trust these creeps for anything.
Mark, oh nooo, this is awful. Thank you for the heads up.
Damn them all I am so angry.
Bob, I always wonder about the attemps we do not hear about. This is all very concerning and the lefties could care less.
Short the wires and you get Strange Vibrations.
Test run.
EXTRA! EXTRA! AIRPORT SECURITY SHORT CIRCUITS TERRORIST ASSHOLE. Police and security officials detained an Iraqi man trying to board an airplane in LA bound for Philadelphia. A spokesperson stated the man raised concern when his carry on items didn’t pass the smell test.
I agree. It was a test run.
They wanted to see what they could get away with.
Here are your screeners.🙂 Now lock that Muzzy up for good.
They should have taken him in the backroom
and cliped on some 240 V. leads and see what
came up!!!
Jack, that was hillarious!!!
Tincan Sailor, haha yes it sure would be like that.
Billy hahahahaha sure enough. Gosh I would hate tr be the screener. ewe!
Kristopher I agree a test run for sure.
Jack, LMAO that was great!!!
All joke’s aside some son of the Sand could with
a little work fit about 5-7 lbs of C-4 up the
old poop shute.More than enough to bring down
various size aircraft…