Sorry about the fuzzie photo of this man, it is the only one the FBI had.
FBI looks for man who held Clinton, Boxer fundraisers
Pakistani immigrant is alleged to have supplied illegal contributions
Baltimore Sun
A Pakistani immigrant who hosted fundraisers for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is being sought by the FBI on allegations that he funneled illegal contributions to Clinton’s political action committee and to Sen. Barbara Boxer’s 2004 re-election campaign.
Authorities say Northridge, Calif., businessman Abdul Rehman Jinnah, 56, fled the country shortly after being indicted on charges of engineering more than $50,000 in illegal donations to the Democratic committees. A business associate charged as Jinnah’s co-conspirator has entered a guilty plea and is scheduled to be sentenced in Los Angeles next week.
…The case has transformed Jinnah from a political point man on Pakistani issues, a man often photographed next to foreign dignitaries and U.S. leaders, into a fugitive with his mug shot on the FBI’s most-wanted list.
Jinnah’s profile peaked in 2004 and 2005 as he wooed members of Congress to join a caucus advancing Pakistani concerns and brought Clinton to speak to prominent Pakistani-Americans, lauding their homeland’s contributions to the war on terrorism and calling relations with Pakistan beneficial to U.S. interests.
…Authorities say that from June 2004 to February 2005, Jinnah directly or indirectly solicited contributions from more than a dozen “conduits,” reimbursing them with funds from his company, All American Distributing, a seller of cell phone service and accessories.
The scheme allowed Jinnah to get around limits then in effect on individual donors of $5,000 per year to PACs and $2,000 per election to candidates, as well as the ban on using corporate money for political donations.
…The indictment, handed down last May without a press release, mentions only the initials of the committees that received the illegal donations, referring to them as “HP” and “FB.” However, the charging document filed against Jinnah’s co-conspirator, Stuart Schoenburg, identifies one of the committees as HILLPAC
By The FBI
Photograph taken in 2003
Alias: Ray Jinnah
Date of Birth Used: February 6, 1951 Hair: Black
Place of Birth: Pakistan Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’9″ Sex: Male
Weight: 168 pounds Race: White
(Central Asian)
NCIC: W150502690 Nationality: Pakistani
Occupation: Jinnah has owned several businesses, including ones that sell cellular phones and accessories, and frozen yogurt. Additionally, he is known to have an interest in purchasing real estate.
Scars and Marks: None known
Remarks: Jinnah has connections to Karachi, Pakistan, and Los Angeles, California, and is known to travel to London and United Arab Emirates. He may suffer from heart problems.
Abdul Rehman Jinnah is wanted for the alleged violation of United States federal election laws. Between June 2004 and February 2005, Jinnah allegedly solicited employees, family members, and business contacts to provide campaign contributions to several United States federal and state politicians. Jinnah then allegedly reimbursed the contributors with corporate monies from his own business. On May 18, 2006, a federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court, Central District of California, after Jinnah was charged with illegal campaign contributions and conspiracy.
TELEPHONE: (202) 324-3000
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Well this is not surprising, once again the name Clinton connected to something done illegally to obtain their goals of power. Hmmmm but which party is the one accused by the Democrats as the party of the “culture of corruption??!!
I can’t wait for the AP, the New York Times, and CNN to pick up on this! We have to rely on the Baltimore Sun to report this? Well, of course, our lousy Democrat lying liberal news media only reports Republican scandals.
Of course, the Clintons are involved!
They’ll do anything illegal to get votes.
Remember, Hitlery was the first first lady brought up on criminal charges (and she wants to be president?)
They are both a couple of sociopathic, pathetic liars who will stop at nothing to have complete control of everything. And Hillary Diane Rodham adds up to 18–666. Fear this woman. If they thought Ronnie (who was also a 666) was the antichrist, she’s worse.
She’s a powerhungry Queen Bee–probably had a very spoiled childhood (being the only daughter) and she reminds me a bit of Angelica from the Rugrats with one exception–at least Angelica learns her lessons–Hitlery doesn’t.
I thought initially this one was one of Bill Clinton’s 140 presidential pardons but he isn’t on the list. Hillary has a closet full of skeletons, from her Marxist Wellsian State Thesis through the death of Vince Foster. Keep her Achilles’ heel exposed!!! I don’t know who coined the phrase ‘Evil On The Hoof” but it fits this murderous beast perfectly.
A very short list for the Clintons would be, “Scandals We Were NOT Involved In”.
Surprise surprise, dirty money involved with the Clintons, I’d never would’ve thunk it.
It seems to me they have indicted the wrong person. I would think indictments should start at the top, he is just a small cog in the wheel of the Clinton corruption machine being greased by people Jinnah.
If one more person says to me, “But Bill Clinton was a good president” and Hillary should be next, I think I’ll start throwing rocks.
Yes, the majority here really believe that.
And it’s Bush who lied…heh!
Lynn, they sure are, your right they are both sociopathic.
Jack,that is a good one….” ‘Evil On The Hoof”…perfect for her.
Thank you for the link. Gosh I remember those pardons too, they even pardoned terrorists. sheesh
Tom how true, they sure have covered all the subjects for scandals.
Mark I agree so much, how come they don’t start with the people that got the money too.
Yankeemom, I will throw rocks with you! Yessss