Disney’s Piglet banned in Middle East!
Qatar Living
In Qatar there is only one decent bookshop (that happens to be a Saudi chain) that has a few shelves of English books. Shopping there is hit or miss – you don’t go there to look for a title. You go there in the hope of stumbling upon something interesting.
The kids selection is not bad though. The other night we saw Disney’s “My Very First Encyclopedia with Winnie the Pooh and friends”. We grabbed it and thought it was exactly what we needed for our daughter – not only does she love Winnie the Pooh but she’s also started taking a keen interest in nature.
We flipped it open and noticed that some of the pages had been vandalised with a black marker. We figured it must have been bought and returned after some kids had got there hands on it. Further inspection made us realise that this was actually systematic. Someone had deliberately “censored” out each and every picture of Piglet from hundreds of pages in the book with a black marker (my guess is that the book got caught by Saudi Censors enroute to Doha).

From the first page to the last page. Big and small. The black marker was hogging the limelight, so to speak.
Yes, the cuddly cute pink Piglet had disappeared. First, I have no idea who would buy a book that cost about $30 that was marked up like this. Secondly, what the hell were the censors thinking!?
Now as a Muslim, I can venture why they did this. But as a Muslim, I think it is totally ridiculous.
As in Judaism, there are laws governing what can and cannot be eaten. Muslims are forbidden from eating pork, as pigs are believed to be unclean. Now the point of this post isn’t to discuss this. The point is, what is wrong with a picture of Piglet in a kids book? I think absolutely nothing!
Wild Thing’s comment……
Poor sweet little Piglet is the great satan! We shouldn’t be living with them, we should be bombing the crap out of them all. I remember when the Saudi’s refused to allow President Bush 41 to Pray for the Troops before the Gulf War on Saudi soil but made him…..thru their extortion observe the Ceremony from a U.S. Carrier in the Persian Gulf.
The Saudi Royal Family are hypocrites.They party in private…booze,cigars…foods which they will not eat in public,
plus the nocturnal entertainment. They are enabled continualy….after they complain. Others fight and resolve problems for them they make Unbelievably large amounts of money in our lands. And Christianity is marginalized by them…..and thats what they want.
Look at these, many of them I have already posted about before….
From October 2005
England: Toy pigs (trinkets, calenders, Piglet, etc.)must go at council.
Novelty pig calendars and toys have been banned by bosses at Dudley Council in case Muslim staff are offended.
Workers in the council’s benefits department have been told to remove or cover up all pig products including toys, porcelain, calendars and even a tissue box featuring Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. It comes after a Muslim worker said they were offended by pig-shaped stress relievers delivered to the authority.
From last June 2006….Piglet banned from Turkey TV
The authorities in Turkey imposed censorship of the cartoon for Winnie the Pooh of the Walt Disney Studios because of the participation of the Piglet
Muslims Refuse to Wash Hands at UK Hospitals
December 2006
Because the anti-bacterial gel contains alcohol: Muslims ‘refuse anti-MRSA gel’. Some Muslims are undermining the battle to rid Britain’s hospitals of killer infections by refusing to wash their hands when visiting sick relatives.
Dispensers containing anti-bacterial gel have been placed outside wards at hospitals all over Britain in a bid to get rid of superbugs like MRSA and PVL. It prevents people bringing in more infections. But some Muslims refuse to use the hand cleansers on religious grounds because they contain alcohol.
February 2007
Muslim cabbies tell airport they won’t bend in alcohol dispute
According to airport officials, about 80 percent of their cabdrivers are Somali, who are commonly Muslim. Islam religious law strictly forbids the carrying of alcohol.
Last year, airport officials said alcohol-bearing passengers were being refused service an average of 77 times a month, though that dropped drastically after new travel safety rules prohibited liquids in carry-on luggage.
Very sad–they can’t even tolerate a children’s fictional character!
Let’s just push our views on everyone!
You are looking at Dhimmitude, much to the dismay of Neil from yesterdays post, I don’t ever recall of any Jews committing the atrocities the muzzies perpetrate, before, during or after WWII. But I’m not a Democrat out to rewrite history. We need a strong repulsion of the hord, King Charlemagne had a good method. It’s either we use it on them or they’ll use it on us.
WT’s comments about the Saudi Royal family are not news. The exploits of Arab sheiks have been portrayed in movies for decades. Don’t the common folk of the Arab States know this? Or is it easier to just pretend it is not so?? And these Saudi princes are the ones using their vast oil wealth to attack the West and teach young moslems in schools all over the world too hate the West.
And the bastards worry about pictures of pigs. We have a readily available family of weapons whenever we need to use them. I kinda like the pig heads that were rolled into a mosque in Maine a few months ago.
My wife was a second grade Teacher in California
when this mother came to her and said don’t
read the 3 little pigs…And you can guess why.
The Muslim who censored the objectionable pig imagery has a future on any American campus you choose, banning conservative thought.
You know, when a group of supposed adults take a marker and blot out a cartoon character – oh wait…but they have a problem with cartoons, don’t they?
And why are we being nicey nice with them?
Time to export Disney to sandland. Build a theme park right in the middle of Mecca and Medina. Be sure to have Piglet greet all the visitors as they enter.
Lynn it is so silly, a harmless piglet and they don’t seem to want to let this go either.
Jack,yes and we better learn this as fast as we can too. Giving in solves nothing and only makes them stronger. augh
Tom, me too, I think I will check on makin a
t-shit to wear with a pig on it. Just thinking here………hahahaha Have it say something they might not like too much. heh heh
Tincan Sailor, wow what a lot of nerve. Thanks for telling us about that.
Rhod your right, they would and do even now.
Yankeemom, I don’t trust any of them, not even a little. Your right they sure do hate any one else’s cartoons. But their own vile ones are ok with them.
razOr I love that idea.