First thank you to all of you for your kindness and patience and prayers about my arm injury. I never even would have mentioned about it here at my blog except when I got the flu last week it was just too much to take to add that in to the situation. augh
Well here is why my arm hurts so much since I tripped and fell. The MRI was a bitch it have done, man oh man it hurt to get those images taken.
I have an impingement in my rotator cuff and bursa. They explained the impingement means the
tendons of the rotator cuff and the subacromial bursa are pinched in the narrow space beneath the acromion.
The impingement causes the tendons and bursa to become inflamed and swollen. ( baseball players and other athletes get this a lot or someone like me from an injury)
He said that because it was a traumatic injury it caused the impingement. It doesn’t happen right away when the injury occurs, it develops over time, like mine did since I actually fell last November and eventually the pain just becomes more severe and constant. And it sure as heck has. And now that is also why I have a frozen shoulder and left arm and can’t use it for anything, can’t reach, can’t even pull up a lightweight sheet in bed, can’t hold a phone up, or a soda can… nothing.
But they said they can give me a shot of something called a steroid cortisone injection they inject into the bursa. He said it is a very painful shot to get but once it is given after a few days there should be relief. So now I just wait for my appointment to have this done.
There could always be surgery if this does not work but they want to try this first because most of the time they can help with the shot instead of surgery.
I am taking one of my teddy bears with me when I get the shot. hahaha something to squeeze when the pain is there from the shot. Teddy bears don’t mind helping out like that.
The injection will be given by the Doctor, I just used the image of a nurse for you guys on here to enjoy. giggle
Thanks again
I had wondered how you were doing with your arm. If it is any comfort, my father had rotor cuff surgery. He’s broken just about every bone in his body and he was shot during WW2. He said the rotor cuff surgery was the worst thing he ever went through. Now for the comforting part. Some peolpe have impingements in their Berquas, be thankfull you’re not one of those !
Also, I’d milk it as long as possible. That’d be a million dollar wound for me. No cooking, no vacuuming, ya da, ya da, ya da. Speaking of million dollar wounds, did the fall happen on democrat party property???
LMAO… Billy…….no the fall happened at home. I was walking into our kitchen to get my husband a diet coke. hahahaha
My foot caught on a hutch at the entrance and I landed on our tile floor. Ker-plop
Fractured my left thumb, messed up my right knee and messed up my left shoulder.
Wow Billy that is really something about your Dad. He is a Hero!!
Ahhhh, you give up too easy. Was the tile or the hutch installed OR made by a democrat?
Wow, that is some Nurse with a neddle (?), they don’t look like that anymore.
A friend of mine recently went thru rotator cuff surgery. The worst part he thought was being resricted in arm use for a short while (he is an over hyper Type A). If just the shot works does the trick Chrissie, then you can be back at your routine immediately. We wish the very best for you in your treatment.
I’m so happy you are getting medical attention for this, I too have had two dislocations of the left shoulder, the last one tore the rotator cuff, I never had any treatment beyond pain killers and after 20 years it’s painful and is as loose as the ball joints on a ’39 chevy. About that bursa, you might have to get it drained, they usually get absorbed on their own but if not they can become inflamed, adding to your misery, been there too. About that injection, don’t worry, it will hurt but as soon as the pressure is off the joint the pain will be gone, the doctor will probably insert a catheter to drain the bursa before injecting the cortisone you might even get a local anesthetic shot prior to the cortisone injection to ease your misery. Best of wishes and I hope this does the trick for you.
We’re thinking of you, WT. That Chris Evert form might take some time, but you’ll do it.
Hey Kid,
Iv’e done both sides,sure it hurts for a little
while but it doesn’t last long.Try the shots but
if the don’t work Git-R-Done…
Hi, dear. I had a similar treatment on my lower back years ago. I was shuffling around like a zombie for months, couldn’t stand the pain in my leg any more and the choices were open surgery on my spine or trying the pain shot. It hurt like hell when it was happening, I even passed out, but after spending twenty four hours laying flat out, I was able to get up, walk and even do the stairs without even so much as a twinge. That was about fifteen or sixteen years ago, I guess and I’ve been fine ever since. Well, my back, anyway… it’s too bad they can’t shoot up my brain with that stuff, it might straighen me up!
Be not worried, all will be well.
You’ll be in my thoughts.
All the best,
Chrissy, if it works, it will be worth it!
Keep us informed!
Mark, giggle I thought you guys would like what they call eye candy instead of an icky doctor looking mean. hahaha
Tom thank you so much.
Thank you for telling me about your friend too.
Jack thank you so much. I wish you were not in pain,this is so difficult to handle after time it wears a person down. You are amazing how you can do all the things you do.WoW Jack! I wish I could get an extra shot given to me for you to make yours better. Whatever that would be called. Sympathy shots or something.
Rhod, hahahaha yes I wish I could play like she does. giggle
Thank you Rhod.
Tincan Sailor, I sure will. I can’t take this any longer so I will do whatever they tell me is the best thing to do.
Thanks again.
Gregor, oh wow how awful that must have been. I am so glad it helped you. Back pain has got to be the worst. I can function with this and sit at a computer but back pain would be too painful to even do that.
I am so glad your back has been ok since.
Thank you so much Gregor.
Melissa,thank you so much.