Blair sees peace with ‘sensible’ Hamas members
JERUSALEM – “Sensible” members of Hamas can be counted on as partners for progress toward peace in the Middle East, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said today.
Speaking to the British Parliament prior to a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Blair said, “I think there are possibilities for progress and I hope that in the coming weeks a framework to take this forward becomes a bit clearer.”
“It’s far easier to deal with the situation in Palestine if there is a national unity government. … I hope we can make progress, including even with the more sensible elements of Hamas.”
Blair was referring to a national unity deal forged in Mecca earlier this month between Abbas’ Fatah party and the Hamas terror group. The agreement, which aimed to end months of Palestinian infighting, does not call for the new Palestinian unity government to recognize Israel and does not commit Hamas to abide by previous peace deals with Israel, only to “respect” the previous peace deals.
Manuel Hassassian, the Palestinian emissary to London, hailed Blair’s remarks and urged the British prime minister to persuade the U.S. to negotiate with Hamas.
“President Abbas wants Prime Minister Blair to persuade the Americans that the Mecca deal is the only way out,” Hassassian said.
“If there is any European country that can influence the Americans it’s going to be the UK, given the fact that Blair is a personal friend of President Bush.”
Blair’s comments come two months after WND reported Hamas said it held meetings with high-ranking European officials and American figures, including members of the Democratic Party.
A Hamas source claimed Britain and France held meetings with the terror group in which discussions addressed the possibility of breaking an international financial embargo imposed on the PA since Hamas won parliamentary elections.
The source claimed Britain and France are “coming to terms” with the Hamas position of mediating the so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a long-term cease-fire instead of final status negotiations in which the PA would agree to peace with Israel in exchange for a Palestinian state. The source said the two countries asked Hamas for a position paper outlining ideas for a long-term truce with Israel.
According to the Palestinian Maannews agency, Hamas sources claimed their meetings with European representatives “broke the ice” and facilitated alleged talks with Democrat officials.
Ahmed Yousuf, chief political advisor to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, confirmed in December claims Hamas officials met with Democratic officials. He said Hamas also met with European leaders, including members of the British parliament.
Yousuf did not say when the meetings took place or which members of the Democratic Party the terror group allegedly held dialogue with, but he stated the meetings were fruitful in introducing the Hamas political vision.
A top Hamas source had claimed the alleged meeting with the Democrats took place in a European country.
The source claimed the Democrats expressed an understanding with the Hamas principal of not recognizing Israel and applauded Hamas’ willingness to accept a long-term cease-fire with the Jewish state in exchange for an Israeli withdrawal to what is known as the pre-1967 borders – meaning an evacuation of the Gaza Strip, West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem.
In December, just prior to U.S. midterm elections, WND conducted a series of well-circulated exclusive interviews in which prominent Middle East terrorist leaders said they hoped Americans would sweep the Democrats into power because of the party’s position on withdrawing from Iraq – a move, the terrorists explained, that would ensure victory for the worldwide Islamic resistance.
The terrorists told WND an electoral win for the Democrats would prove to them Americans are “tired.” They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to continue fighting until America is destroyed.
They said a withdrawal would also embolden their own terror groups to enhance “resistance” against Israel.
“Of course Americans should vote Democrat,” Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity, told WND in November.
Wild Thing’s comment……
I don’t like words like alleged and sources, as you know I seldom use WND as much as I use other sources this is one of the reasons. BUT on the other hand it does have an actual quote from Blair that I think crosses the line and is VERY concerning to say the least. So that is why I am posting this.
I would not be surprised if it was true that some of the Democrats met with the Hamas, nope not surprised at all.
Now about Blair, what the heck? Is he nuts? Is he weakening after all this time of having to be strong about the war against Islam. Because this is the most sickening news I’ve read all week. “Sensible” members of Hamas”…….there is no such animal.
Of course they want us to vote democrat.
Dummycrats are weak minded and easily led to
the slaughter.
Here’s a better idea–let’s just roll over and play dead and let these immoral bastards take us over, enforce their laws on us and just give everything away–no more elections, no more kids playing in the streets, no more sports, women can’t work–sound like a fun place to live? Not to me!
We have the greatest country that God ever created because of all the hard work our ancestors did for us–let’s not embarass them by giving it away. We earned all the wonderful things we have. Do you want to lose them now? Get real, join us and fight back!
It is scary as we make concessions, as prominent Westerners state that we can work with “group x”, as we back off of embargos.
It is double scary to think about our future from any negotiations involving France or Democrats.
With statements like that coming from the leaders of countries who should know better, makes one wonder what the heck is going on behind the scenes. Or what’s in the water these people drink…
I prefer Victory myself.
Respect the deals??? Palis don’t respect each other. Countdown to escalation in …. 3, 2, 1.
Lynn, I agree with you, not for me either!!
Tom, your right, we better not make concessions, not ever, it will only bite us later. Blair will regret what he said because it shows weakness.
Yankeemom, I can’t imagine let’s say Churchill saying what Blair said.
I agree with you, I prefer Victory and staying strong.
razOr, exactly, I can’t even imagine making any deals with the Hamas or any of them.