Kerry decides against 2008 presidential run
“As someone who made the mistake of voting for the resolution that gave the president the authority to go to war, I feel the weight of personal responsibility to act to devote time and energy to the national dialogue and an effort to limit this war and bring our participation to a conclusion,” he said in a speech on the Senate floor.
Kerry voted for the congressional resolution authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but later turned against the war and was mocked as a “flip-flopper” during his 2004 challenge to President Bush
“I intend to devote all my efforts and energies over the coming two years not to another race for the presidency for myself, but to doing whatever I can to ensure that the next president can take the oath with a reasonable prospect of success for him or her — for the United States,” he said
Wild Thing’s comment……
Hillary has his “real” Navy discharge papers in her files.
I think traitor Hanoi Kerry knows that he has no chance to even win the nomination.
As a friend of mine wrote me in an email today:
“I guess the lying, traitorous POS realized those of us who REMEMBER Vietnam and the lies he told about us — haven’t all died yet..
Plus — he realizes that souls whose names are on that black wall on the Mall he has accused of war crimes, haven’t forgotten either..
Plus — he STILL hasn’t and won’t sign his SF-180, releasing his military and medical records which would PROVE he’s a phony lying sonuvabitch..
Semper Fi”
“doing whatever I can do to ensure that the next president can take the oath with a reasonable prospect for success for him or HER”…..!!!!!Why do I smell a Clinton/Kerry ticket in 08. John Kerry has never done anything out of a clear sense of conscience up to and including his marriage into money. This egocentric asshole ‘bowing out’ now because “it’s not the time”, simply means his miguided joke about the troops is still too fresh in people’s minds.
No, if Kerry were to enter the race now, then the Clinton henchmen would have to destroy what’s left of his political career. Better to wait in the wings until the dust settles after the infighting over power in the democratic party, play the saint card behind the scenes and emerge in a year to assume the number two spot on the ticket. He’s too power hungry to walk away. His meal ticket would divorce him or reduce him to cabana boy unless he can start showing her some results. What a wimp.
Billy, I have the same apprehension. Kerry has repeatedly waffled on almost every decision except his preference for the Communist Party. He’s Hillary’s perfect puppet and the type of slap in the face to all real Americans that both would like to deliver. Too bad they both don’t take the same aircraft on the same flight path that John Kennedy Jr. took. That is my positive thought for the day, meanwhile I’m off to frighten a fish.
That’s a good point WT, Hillary might very well have a copy of kerry’s real, DD-214.
He was still active duty Navy when he went to Paris to meet with the enemy, and that is a violation of the Logan Act.
I believe kerry got at least a BCD, which Carter subsequently revoked in 1978, when he pardoned all those dirt bags that went to Canda, kerry got one too.
In 2004 I remember reading his papers, of what he released, and his discharge date was 1978, which didn’t make any sense, since he went in, in 1964, his discharge said, 1978 thats 10 years at the rank of an 03 or Leutenant in the Navy, to be an 03 for that long a time, you really got to be a shit-bird or,… something else. And if you are such a shit-bird and get passed over for promotion more than 3x you are automatically out.
He and the democrats tried to blame the Swift-Boat Vets but they knew the truth about Hanoi John from the get go.
The thing is the democrats tried to fool the American People, once you receive medals and ribbons nobody can take them away from you, EXCEPT for a minimum of a Bad Conduct Discharge or a DD, now since they were re-issued in 1978, this I believe is what happened.
In the 78 campaign Kennedy made a deal with Carter, Kennedy backed out of the race and let Carter have the nomination, and I think the pardon was part of that deal. These people are lowest forms of life on the planet.
I remember thinking (in 2004) how could the Navy let him get away with something like this, the truth is they did not.
The Clintons, as despicable as they are, it would not be beneath them to release Kerry’s real discharge, in fact it would be worth it to see how that weasel could get out of the soup from that one.
Billy, I don’t see it. Kerry is poison to the Donks, a weight so dead and cadaverous that quicklime couldn’t disolve him in ten years.
Can you imagine this droning dolt shuffling along beside the jiggling midget Hillary, sparkling up her prose and explaining her banalities to the public? That’s Bill’s job, He’d tolerate Kerry as a hat rack, but not much more.
She’ll dig somebody like Chris Cuomo out from under a pile of mirrors. A posing, self-important non-entity with a lefty pedigree and a slavish thirst for face time. All other things equal, all of it would be fun to watch.
Billy, it could be as you say.
My guess though is he has had people tell him to stay out of it. The hate is so strong from the left that they cannot take a breath without wanting to get one of their own in the White House. Maybe I see too many films, but I would take a guess that Kerry had a call or a visit in the dark of night telling him to stay out of it. I heard Harry Reid say ” I love John Kerry” and then Reid went on with his BS.
One thing for sure this election is going to have all the sideshows and the hate and slander as others but this one will be worse then ever I think.
Jack have a great time!! See you when you get back.
Mark they sure are the lowest forms on the planet like you said.
Rhod it will be a circus among other things. I plan on enjoying the wild and crazy high points of all their antics and I know I will get furious at other things they do and say. haahaha
I got rid of the extra comment. I have done that many times it is easy to have it happen. 🙂