President Ford relaxes with his dog Liberty while working on a Sunday afternoon in the Oval Office. February 2, 1975

Navigation Officer Gerald R. Ford takes a sextant reading aboard the USS Monterey. 1944
Gerald R. Ford, has died, his wife, Betty, said Tuesday. He was 93.
A statement from Betty Ford said: “My family joins me in sharing the difficult news that Gerald Ford, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, has passed away at 93 years of age.”
Ford had battled pneumonia in January 2006 and underwent two heart treatments, including an angioplasty in August at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
He was the longest living president, followed by Ronald Reagan, who also died at 93. Ford had been living at his desert home in Rancho Mirage, Calif.
President Ford was born in Omaha, Nebraska.
Gerald Ford quote:
“A government big enough to give you everything you want is also a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
A CNN commentator says President Ford will be buried at the Ford library and museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan after funeral/memorial services in California, D.C., and lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda.
Laura and I are greatly saddened by the passing of former President Gerald R. Ford.
President Ford was a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country. On August 9, 1974, after a long career in the House of Representatives and service as Vice President, he assumed the Presidency in an hour of national turmoil and division. With his quiet integrity, common sense, and kind instincts, President Ford helped heal our land and restore public confidence in the Presidency.
The American people will always admire Gerald Ford’s devotion to duty, his personal character, and the honorable conduct of his administration. We mourn the loss of such a leader, and our 38th President will always have a special place in our Nation’s memory. On behalf of all Americans, Laura and I offer our deepest sympathies to Betty Ford and all of President Ford’s family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with them in the hours and days ahead.
More at these other Blogs:
* Flopping Aces
* Riehl World View
* Darleen’s Place
* Not Exactly Rocket Science ( CalTechGirl) She has a video of a SNL skit on Mr. Ford.
* Blue Star Chronicles
Godspeed, good shepherd–Welcome home.
A commentator on FOX said something interesting this morning. He said that when Ford RAN for President against Carter he lost the election by a swing of 2000 votes in two states. (Though I remember it being close, I can’t confirm those numbers) He went on to say that after he lost, Ford did not ask for a recount, nor were there any accusations of rigging the election, Ford simply moved on with his life.
I do remember the campaign. I remember it as being the most underhanded, vile, vicious attack campaings that I had seen up to that point by the democratic party. Ford on the other hand let the attacks roll off his back and carried on his quest for re-election as the gentleman he always was.
We lost a little more of our decency last night with the passing of Gerald Ford.
I can’t help but think how the Iran crisis would have transpired if he were at the helm instead of Carter.
I wish he’d have stuck around just a few more days so that he may be able to see his Michigan Wolverines clobber USC in the Rose Bowl.
Rest in Peace Gerry.
GO BLUE !!!!!!
Very nice pics, WT. (and thank you for the link..yes my trackbacks are wonky and I haven’t had time to hunt through my code yet)
I remember the Ford/Carter debates and that’s where I knew that “humble farmer” persona that Carter was working was a sham.
I was born and raised a Southern democrat and voted for Eisenhower and every Republican since. My parents died in the ’90s still Southern democrats and they had worked for Carter’s campaign. They were people like Gerald Ford-not Jimmah Carter. They would be totally disgusted with Carter now were they here.
Ford, the Navy Officer, helps make up for the likes of Carter and Kerry, who both disgraced the uniform and their office.
Ford had the misfortune of being the target of the Donk bloodlust released by Watergate. It combined with the malevolent, toxic snobbery that was already there, thanks to JFK. To them, Ford wasn’t smart or polished enough to walk them.
Everything we see today in them and their progeny is just a thirty years more rotten, and they air it out daily with Bush and others.
Ford was from another age, and he was unprepared to deal with the outhouse stink coming off Carter. Ford lost to Carter, but didn’t lose his soul, and he’ll be remembered fondly for a long time. Carter, on the other hand, will be remembered as a POS by everyone.
Correction: “…to walk among them”.
I take it back. Carter will be remember fondly by murderers and despots.
President Gerald Ford – Rest In Peace
President Gerald Ford has died at the age of 93: Gerald R. Ford, who picked up the pieces of Richard Nixon’s scandal-shattered White House as the 38th president and the only one never elected to nationwide office, has died, his…
I’ll sure miss him, the wrong one was called back but he’s in a better place now. An honorable president, who was placed in an uncomfortable position twice, first as the appointed successor of Spiro Agnew then as Nixon’s replacement, he unfalteringly took the reins of government both times.
We still have Jimmy Carter-Castro the Putz out there spreading the word of Communism and interferring with the executive brance of government under the hypocrisy of his religion, something Gerald Ford never aspired to. I have many apprehensions and concerns about the three remaining ex-presidents and their motives.
We hear in the media about the devisiveness of the two parties, it has been there since the beginning, what isn’t mentioned enough is the fact that the Republicans no longer set back and take the abuse heaped on them by their pro-Communist counterparts.
For a short two years, President Ford tried to bring dignity back to the job. He himself was dignified, but he fought an uphill battle against a Democrat Congress that was of the vicious LBJ mode.
President Ford also tried to reestablish integrity in a cesspool of crooks in Wash DC.
Finally, President Ford lived the quiet, out of political sight life that ex-Presidents should live. A model I wish extended to two living ex-presidents we hear all too often.
Thank you all, for your comments and contributions.
God bless and keep President Gerald Ford.