This post will stay at the top till Christmas
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Thank you, Wild Thing

Theodore’s World blog would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas.
Here are a couple of Christmas songs I am playing for each of you.
Click on the Holly to hear White Christmas
Click on the Holly to hear the Christmas Song

For those that could not be at the Bob Hope Christmas Show and served during the Vietnam War. A present for you from that time. This is for our troops today and all Veterans that have served our country.
Please CLICK the picture below to hear the song for you.
Click on the Holly to hear Silent Night
Wild Thing’s comment…………..
Christmas is a hard time to be away from home. Whether it’s on a ship at sea, an airbase in Saudi, a foxhole in Kuwait. A soldier’s memory is of home, a room glowing from the fireplace and candles aroma filling the air. The scent from the kitchen, warm from the oven and food in preparation making ones tummy even hungrier. But the memories are also of lost buddies that will never go home again and never see another Christmas. A loss that can never be explained unless you have been there and your life and his depend on each other. The wonderful songs of Christmas exchanged for the sounds of mortar rounds exploding in front and behind their positions. IED’s becoming as important to look for and be aware of as MRE’s are to survival.
The sacrifices the soldier makes not just weekly but every day so that we back home can be safe and secure. To stop radical dictators from meeting our shores, or terrorists feeling they can take us out in one of their deadly so called martyrdoms. The soldier, air men, sailor and all who serve knowing that they are making a difference in the world but still at this time of year the strong pull ….stronger then ever to be in the arms of a loved one, laughing with friends and family is almost too intense.
This time of year is the hardest of all and for the loved ones at home as well. Those that wish—- oh they wish so much to just touch the one they love. To hold each other close through the night and know when morning comes all will be well. Their hearts are filled with loneliness but also a hope that comes from deep within and sent with continued prayer that this will be the last Christmas away from each other. And next year, oh yes next year they will spend Christmas together.
As we celebrate Christmas and are so thankful for so many things. As we think of how our lives have been and think of how this coming year we will be better at this or that. Let us never forget those that make it possible for us to have a Christmas, to live in a free land and feel safe when we sleep at night. Let us never forget those that will never have another Christmas, those that gave their all.
Say a prayer for our Troops and thank them every chance you get. If you meet a Veteran walk right up to that person and thank them. Thank them with all your heart because they are all the reason we live in the greatest country in the world. Those in the Military serving now and our Veterans from every branch are the REAL reason we are free.
I sincerely wish the yuletide spirit of Christmas of love to abide in your heart, hearth and home throughout this festive season and throughout the year.
Wild Thing
And a very Merry and Blessed Christmas to you, too!
Hope all goes well for you and yours and that the coming year brings happiness and good health.
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much. What a wonderful Christmas post.
There’s old Bob, doing what he did best, I missed two of his shows and I’m sure you were there too Chrissie bringing a tiny bit of home to those of us who couldn’t be there.
I’ve spent many Christmases away from home but Christmas of ’68 was memorable, the company cooks knocked themselves out to make a wonderful dinner out of whatever they could scrounge, most of us were living off C-rations at the time, it was just another day at work for us but it was special, we made a run to the orphanage to share the joy, then that evening rank was put aside and Christmas carols were sung. The Chaplain, a Catholic from our home town who was serving with the 1’st Infantry Div. dropped in for a blessing and prayer with the home boys after which we broke out some cheer and celebrated life.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Thanks Chrissie, I will enjoy your Christmas post for the next 4 days.
I spent 6 Christmas’s in the Army, two of them in Vietnam, one at home. Every one was special because there were exceptional people who went out of their way.
There were the commanding officers and First Sgts/Sgt Majs who made sure Christmas Day was celebrated as best as possible by the troops. There were the Army cooks who worked hard to make sure we had a traditional Christmas dinner, with all the fixn’s. Even in Vietnam, the local Vietnamese, both Catholic and Buddhist, brought gifts, food and entertainment to our advisory team. Those two Christmas events will always remind me of a war we should have won and a people we could have saved.
One Christmas was spent by three of us who were invited to a civilian home in Pacific Grove California. This wonderful civilian family just wanted to invite some GIs to share Christmas with them during the Vietnam War.
And the one Christmas I actually got home and our small family spent Christmas in Monterrey Mexico just to do something unique and memorable.
My Christmas experiences in the Army were always of great people going an extra step to ensure a Christmas for GIs that was in the holy spirit of the birth of Jesus. This is one of many reasons I was so glad to serve America.
Lynn, thank you so much.
This is my favorite time of year, I love all the lights and decorations and music.
Merry Christmas Lynn and the best of all things for you and your loved ones.
Jack that is such a wonderful story about the orphanage. Thank you so much.
Tom I love hearing about the experiences at Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing about some of the ones you had. That is so neat about the civilian family too.
The 7 adults each put their name in the hat, along with a suggestion or two for what present they’d like.
Each person draws a name & buys a present for that person, and THAT PERSON ONLY. We all feel a tremendous sense of relief & an improved enjoyment of The Season.
(kids are excepted from this one-present rule, obviously)
Bob stopped at Cu Chi in ’66. He brought Delores Hope, Anita Bryant, the Ink Spots, Joey Heatherton…hmmm…and maybe Jerry Cologna (he died shortly thereafter. Lance Rentzel wasn’t there, as I recall. That all happened later.
Merry Christmas Everybody.
Thank you for the music, I hope that you and family have a Merry christmas,injoy getting to know you and will keep you in my thoughts and prays. You have giving you time and part of you life for men and weman of the services, they need to give you a medal for what you have giving to the world,God Bless You for beening there for me and all of my shipmate. we love you!
Edward Lee Mc Intosh
Thankyou crissie, spent 24 yrs in the service,got home twice in that time.Always took the duty so someone else could go and be with family.Just another day now.Enjoy the lights & god bless our troops that all we really have left.
Merry Christmas to you Chrissie and your family. God bless you and yours.
Chrissie, I was at the show at Cu Chi in 66. Had a seat so far back I could hardly see, but just the idea of Mr Hope and you guys playing for us was something very special. It is a true honor to have you as a friend all these years later. Terry and I send our love and best wishes to you and Nick and wanting to be politically incorrect….MERRY CHRISTMAS
Hi OINK, that sounds like a good way to do it.
Rhod that is great. That is funny what you said about Lance Rentzel heh heh.
Hi Mac, nice to see you. Hugs to you and your wife and a Merry Christmas.
Dan thank you for stopping by. And thank you for all you have done for my living in a safe and land of freedom.
razOr have a wonderful Christmas and thank you.
cuchieddie, giggle oh yes we have to be politically correct…heh heh..
Merry Christmas and all the best to you and Terry.
I am so glad you were at the Cu Chi in 66′.
Eddie was back in the rowdy section.
Yeah, we were the guys with the pipes smokin the local ganga
That was you? It was really noisy and smokey back there. I remember when Weyand got up on stage, and everybody “yelled” a bit…hard to tell who was saying what. Hope said, “C’mon guys. This is your General!”
Merry Christmas Chrissy, we are all blessed to know you. Peace be with you, your hubby and your family every day of the year.
Have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and New Year, Chrissie! Know that you are LOVED!
I tagged you with a Christmas meme (sorry!)–I hope that doesn’t get me coal and sticks in my stocking!
A very Merry Christmas to Chrissie, Nick, and each of you who comment on here.
Both my father (WW2) Pacific & I (ChuLai65-66)let other servicemen enjoy Bob Hope in our stead. We admired his contribution to the troops, but neither of us would walk acroos the street to hear his act.
BUT the skimpily clad babes were great!
Sierrahome, thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
Beth oh my gosh, ok I will do it. (((giggle))) How funny.
And you have a fabulous Christmas Beth. Love you too my friend.
Bob, lots of Merry Christmas wishes for you and your loved ones. Thank you.
God bless you and yours may you have a wonderful Christmas. You are an example of kindness and decency and a fantastic example of what womanhood should be.
Merry Christmas to all who visit here and a special Merry Christmas to all those who have served or are currently serving to ensure our freedom.
Thank you Chrissie for your unrelenting support for those who protect us throughout the year. I hope this holiday season brings you and yours all you wish for and may the coming New Year be filled with good fortune and happiness.
Back in the late seventies I lived and worked in LA as a carpenter. One job I secured was to do remodeling on a home up on Mulhulland for a woman by the name of Gloria Loring. Gloria’s claim to fame back then was a part on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. Also, she was currently going through a divorce from the then relatively obscure Alan Thicke. While working on her guest house one late afternoon, Gloria and a friend sat at a piano in the guest house and while her friend played the piano, Gloria sang. Her voice was almost angelic. I complemented her on her abilities and thanked her for the ‘exclusive’ performance.
The next day, Gloria invited me into the main house and showed me an entire wall of pictures from USO tours she had done with Bob Hope in Viet Nam. She was as proud to have been a part of that as I was impressed.
God bless all of you that have brought joy to our troops overseas throughout the years.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Wild Thing – this is lovely!! You made this ol’ tough Yankee tear all up ~
I miss Bob Hope…My Mom and I never missed his USO shows.
Bless you for all you do and a Merry Christmas full of love and giggles to you.
(Thanks for the meme tag – heh!)
Mery Christmas Chrissie and all of you who
post here and here is a little something from
Merry Christmas Sheepdogs
Posted By Blackfive
Russ Vaughn, milblogger poet laureate, sends this poem (also at American Thinker) to wish all you Sheepdogs a very Merry Christmas:
To Our Sheepdogs
It’s so easy to forget them there,
As we warm beside the fire,
Those spread so far out everywhere,
Those sent to man the wire.
Patrolling on the front line,
As peacefully here we bask,
Protecting what is yours and mine,
That’s their hard, dreary task.
Like sheep we are protected,
From the far off wolves of war,
And our Sheepdogs as expected,
Never waver from their chore.
In peace we sheep ignore their kind,
Wary of their violent trends;
But when the wolves attack we find,
These Sheepdogs are our friends.
Forever this has been the way,
Since time for us began,
Sheep fearing that the Sheepdogs may
Disrupt our placid plan.
Yet time again Dogs surely prove,
When comes a wolfine danger,
The Sheepdogs will most swiftly move
To guard the lambs, the manger.
So here’s to Sheepdogs everywhere
At this Christmas time of year;
Just know the flock is with you there,
And we wish you Christmas cheer.
We wish we could advance the clock,
Cause truth is, Dogs, we miss you,
To the day that you’ll rejoin the flock,
When we’ll sheepishly then kiss you.
Russ Vaughn
To more fully understand the “Sheepdogs” reference, the reader should go here:
and here:
As you know, Russ says “the sheep think the wolf will never come; the sheepdog lives for that day”.
Thank you, Chrissy and a very Merry Christmas to you and your’s, as well. Bless you.
Chrissie, we love you so much. Merry Christmas to you and that salty ol’ dawg of yours.
Jack H. you are so kind, thank you so much and thank you for your friendship.
Billy what a great story thank you so much. Before Nick and I lived in Malibu, Ca. we lived up around Mulhulland Drive off of Laurel Canyon. I know exactly the place you are talking about.
Merry Christmas and thank you Billy.
Yankeemom,that is great, thank you for sharing about your Mom. He truly loved our troops.
Tincan Sailor, wow that is awesome, thank you so much!
Merry Christmas Tincan Sailor!
Gregor, thank you. A very Merry Christmas to you too.
Vinnie, giggle thank you. I love you too. And my old salty dog (Nick) says hi.