There are excellent Autostrada, excellent Autobahns, and the Interstate highways in the USA, then there’s this Russian highway.
This is the Russian Federal highway, Moscow city to Yakutsk City.
The road doesn’t have asphalt surface, though it is a vital Federal highway.
Everytime it rains, the traffic flow gets paralized; these shots were made a few days before the traffic jam of 600 cars got stuck there. Hunger and lack of the fuel followed, according to the witnesses. One woman gave birth to a child right in the public bus she was riding on.
Construction teams were afraid to appear on site because during their previous visit they were beaten by people who were stuck for a few days. People were breaking the locks on the trucks, in search of food and warm clothes.
Fuel, food, firearms and steel tow-line are the things that are needed most these days on this Federal highway.
More photo’s HERE
Mud highway is here showing strength of Russian auto and Russian driver. Many babies born here. Abortion doctor far away, so Russian population bigger. Highway Authority makes no problem or mistake without reason from Putin and glorious Russian purpose. American highway too easy. Bad for people. American auto no good.
A Happy Russian
Highway money went to develop new anti aircraft missle defense systems. The missles are then sold to Third World nations like Iran. Putin takes the money from those sales and builds a new summer home in the mountains and flies there on a weekend by rickety Russian helicopter, thus avoiding the russian Federal highway system.
The United States meanwhile spends the same weekend developing electronic countermeasures to defeat the Russian made defense system. The next weekend the Chinese steal the American missle counter measures.
This is perfect, here is the place for all those leftist to be, this is the height of Socialism at its best, this is the result of the state running everything. The whole system has run amok. And nothing is ever accomplished. But it is their good intentions, well good intentions aint gonna get those people out of the mud.
Ahmish country in Ohio is just up the road from me and they have dirt roads, in their little community but they maintain them and even their roads are 10 times better than these.
This is what the Leftists want to foist on the American people, if this is the best they can do for a highway how bad can they screw up Health Care ?
Now that is scary.
That brought back memories of my first trip to Alaska up the ALCAN highway, I’ve been stuck just like those poor souls several times, there is still a one mile stretch of the Glenn highway that even though paved still breaks up that way every spring, permafrost isn’t the best thing to build on.
This is a prime example of Russian technology and why their first oil pipeline failed. It takes proper engineering, when you strip off the vegetation the permafrost melts, 5′ of gravel is recommended to insulate the earth before paving, money for proper engineering, gravel and paving is being spent in Communistic world domination.
This is Putin’s legacy in living color.:)
Those people have got to be idiots for even attempting a road like that. If they’re that foolish to drive attempt that road, then they deserve to get stuck.
When I’m driving my Mustang GT, I’ll go 20 miles out of my way to avoid a gravel road.
The only time I’ve ever driven on “roads” like that, I was headed deep into the woods to go hawg huntin’.
Rhod…..hahaha yes a happy Russian.
Tom, it sure is a mess isn’t it. Amazing.
Mark, that says a lot. Thanks for telling about the Ahmish country in Ohio. That is great.
Jack, “This is Putin’s legacy in living color”….is sure is. Good way to put it.
Bob,when I was growing up in Illinois, we had gravel roads out in the country where I lived. But we also knew how to keep them up so this kind of thing did not happen. I remember my Dad having tons of extra gravel brought down the road to our home every fall, because it needed to be packed well before winter set in. And we never had a problem ever with our road.
razOr, giggle.