Thank you and thank you to all our Troops and to all of you Veterans. And I would also like to thank those of you that have loved ones serving now, sons, daughters, husbands and wives. You are serving too in such a special way. You are all in my thoughts and prayers every single day.
Wild Thing

Happy Thanksgiving!
Short ‘n’ sweet for now
Hey, get off the computer. Go spend some time with friends or family instead. That’s what I’m doing.
Thanks to all of my readers and to the co-conspirators; I love y’all! Have a wonderful, bless…
Thanksgiving is very American, and my favorite holiday. I think it is what America and our wars, hot and cold, have been about. If our culture ever rejects Thanksgiving, the American experiment will be over.
Happy Thanksgiving!
God Bless America!
Yes, we have so much to be thankful for, individually as well as a nation, because of those who serve.
Happy Thanksgiving, Wild Thing!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all our men and women who serve, both abroad and at home. Knowing that so many are in harm’s way protecting our freedoms makes it hard to sit down and enjoy this uniquely American celebration and not feel like someone is missing, whether you have a family member in the services or not. They are all our sons and daughters, no matter who they are or where they’re from and they deserve a place at the table of every American family today, if only in thought. Don’t forget them.
Bless you all this day.
Tom, I agree I hope we never get rid of Thanksgiving.
From Thanksgiving Day till Christmas Day it is my favorite time of year.
Thank you Yankeemom and you too, Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for all you do.
Gregor, that was great and thank you for all you said.
We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Australia…but I do wish my American allies a very happy Thanksgiving Day. Try not to overdo it in the eating department guys….;)
hearts missing one-USCG (homeland) we have been small in history,but big at achievements.7-USN 17 USCG.War & peace-old Chief.
Lyn in Australia thank you so much.
Dan I am so proud of our Coast Guard. They sure have been big on achievements. I wish oh how I wish so much that they know how much they are appreciated by all of us. I got to meet some of those serving in the Coast Guard and it was such an honor for me to be able to thank them in person.